Is CNN right?

Is CNN right?

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Tuck the KEK

wow, what a bunch of crazy conspiracy theories

talking about a group of white men oppressing the whole world

Yea that was kind of a silly argument from Tucker

God, I wish America had a White Supremacy "problem." Unfortunately, that's just a conspiracy theory.

the jewish supremacy problem is what we see most evidence of


Yeah what kind of idiots would seriously believe some impossible conspiracy that one ethnic group is controlling the world from behind the scenes

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Who says the left can't meme? Those two words "White supremacy" are a brilliant leftist meme.

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>Is CNN right?

CNN is pretty fair and balanced so I would say yes, they are right

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Jewish supremacy might be real though, how else have they managed to keep winning all these years?
You do realise the reason Ashkenazi Jews have a higher mean IQ is because all of the ones who were not smart enough to keep up the scam were killed by those they cheated, thus the lower IQ Ashkenazis were weeded out from the gene pool.

I watch nothing but CNN every second. Tucker R bad. Trunp r bad. Diverty is our strunt.

Leave the dog alone, you sick fuck!

Yep, luckily Netflix is redpilling people on this sinister ethno-religious cabal in their new documentary series

>trump the kike cries about white supremacy
>tuck says its not an issue

lmao. get fucked cheeto kike in chief

[Citation needed]

ZOGnald is passing red flag laws that will turn America into a East German style snitch culture where people can rat out their neighbours for wrongthink and call the police to have their guns confiscated.
Enjoy being accused of having a mental illness by Jewish psychologists.

>white supremacy a hoax
No, they got it right this time. Whites are superior .... in the ways that matter anyway. Go ahead and keep your bbc and sport pics. These are not the most important things. The white man is envied and hated because he has evolved such that he focuses on the improvement of mankind, not wasteful retardation. The proof, you ask? It is only everywhere you look: scholastic records, business, philosophy .... the rest of the world trying to invade our society and calling us racists for resisting. Our generosity and philanthropy is the result of being able to realize that helping our fellow man is best. This has, however, been recently used against us to allow the lower orders into our world with the premise that they will also rise out of the mud. It has been proven that they cannot succeed and are a detriment to modern society and must be 'released back into the wild' where the order of nature will dispense proper justice. This recent (((globalist)))-caused problem is a thorn on the rose of progression .... but we will move past it. Carry on.

"White supremacy" is literally propagated by leftists and "People of Color".

Think about it; there's "people of color" (modern day "colored people",) and "white people". Only white people are capable of "racism", because "racism" is "privilege plus power", which only "white people" have.

i appreciate you taking the time to tell me a thing i already know, but i already knew this so it was entirely a waste

Man the kike media is seriously terrified of white nationalism. They saw that after the last shooting everyday whites didn't give a shit and didn't mae culpa as usual, though the Republicunts did. This horrifies the schlomo.

>the gay sex news network is always right


>the rest of the world
White man Bush white man Clinton white man 0bama white man Soros etc

Almost as good as "Fake News."

Kek again


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Fine writing that one

There’s no problem with white supremacy in America.
Although it would be a good solution

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>Is CNN right?

Name one instance!

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