And if they don't "choose" correctly, they'll get them censored too.
>8 chan moves to epik
>Epik accepts them and doesn't bow to pressure
>Progressives target Voxility instead, which Epik relies on
>Voxility drops Epik
>Epik then drops 8 chan
Funny that progressives going on about the first amendment not applying to private companies forget the first amendment also gives companies the choice to continue hosting whatever content they like (minus the limited exceptions).
Article giving a summary of all this:
Epiks' statement:
"Companies can choose to censor whoever they like"
Other urls found in this thread:
Racists will start getting their utilities cut off soon. Enjoy your McLife.
If they're American? No.
Pfft like I care.
Estonia is essentially nigger land anyway.
>mental capacity of hillary clinton, an MKULTRA programmed whore for the jewish deep state
I would much prefer civil discussion and debate between political opponents in online forums. But if they prefer, we can shoot leftists instead.
The writing was on the wall for this.
Anons were warned this would happen. This is a marker event. Shit's hitting some fan now.
And thats when you will really fear me.
Yeah, getting banned off the big three (Twitter, YouTube and Facebook) isn't the central problem (although this should count as political interference when the reach potential of these platforms dwarfs all others), it's the roads of the internet (hosts, registrars, CNDs, payment processors etc) banning people that's the biggest concern. If regulation was ever to come into play, it should target these roads first to ensure they remain open.
That and the data siloing needs to end.
Keep radicalizing the incels, the blood is in your hands. :^D
At least I get something to read and laugh at.
There's a federal law in place to prevent this.
propably cant happen, but what can happen (and is) is that they will push the far right out of any living space
why can't they just find a new hosting service? How fucking difficult is it
find one that isn't controlled by deep state lackeys.
>jim watkins
>we bear no animosity, they can chose to drop us, they are a private company
>4shill retard
>let's twist this so we can undermine the rights of small time companies instead
Or one that doesn't rely on services provided by deep state lackeys. Visa and MasterCard, for instance, cut off services to Wikileaks back in 2010.
Let's not forget that Epik literally got strong-armed into dropping 8ch from upstream.
So either way, this is going to supernova into something waay bigger than 8ch, now.
Now everyone sees how the ''real'' censorship is done.
The twatter/goggle/fagbook crap was child's play.
free market is a bitch huh littel commie shit head brainded monkey. fuck liberals.