AOC BTFO'S Jow Forums

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Poker user checking in. I've said forever that facebook boomers lead normies directly to Jow Forums. Based and redpilled.

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Why is it when whites commit mass murder the response is 'Get after them!' but when Muslims do it the response is 'Leave them alone!'

>implying were white nationalists
90% of this board isn't even white.

Yeah it's definitely a satirical comedic board of peace that is radicalizing people.

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Yet, the Dayton shooter praised AOC and followed her...

Somehow "blame whitey" is all they know. Stupid monkey.

She was the one asking these questions in traits lately?. AOC are you there. She loves us feals good man.

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Because muslim community disavows that when it happens, where as the (NPC) white nationalist community does nothing but run "left bad, white identity is under attack by Jews and brown people, so mass shooting are inevitable" scripts.

I'll admit it, i got here through r/redpill but quickly abandoned plebbit due to the sheer cancer of it.

>a trail of breadcrumbs
i wonder why it sticks out like a trail.
it's almost like truth shines

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Never -ever- do they disavow shit.

you're a fucking idiot. Who's going to disavow WN? I thought white people don't have a culture and white people in its self doesn't exist? fuck off back to fucking plebbit faggot

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it's all part and parcel when non-whites commit terror acts.

I love "journalism" in 2019

She defending us?
Gibs milky mummy

No, they're not radicalized online. They're radiation alized through reality.

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The lying mainstream meteor is the most potent radicalizing force of our times.

Actually, if you had any reading comprehension, you would see she defended it? I'm honestly surprised a boomer like her almost gets it. Nobody is ending up here by accident and then getting brainwashed. Individuals have more agency than that. Whatever appears here is the reflection of society, not the shaper of it.

Of course she defends John 4 Chan. John 4 Chan loves AOC despite her retardation. Unconditional love at its most beautiful.

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It's a shitpost stupid leaf.

what can i say except "good luck deradicalizing us" ? lol
so far all they do is talk
you ban Jow Forums or whatever it won't do anything, if they want a serious deradicalization program for young white men that works they'll have to do major changes and some serious self-criticism, which is not gonna happen
i don't even mind them trying
like let's be honest what are they gonna do ? send you to a one-week diversity training that won't change anybody ? as long as they don't seriously revise their positions and consider the causes of all this they can't do a thing about all this

when's the most recent time you got kicked out of somewhere?

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pretty sure the Dayton shooter was a raging antifa liberal

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FEMA camps

Nice of her to have the nuance to only blame certain parts of Jow Forums, vs the entire site as tech-illiterate boomers are wont to do

The FBI? Bunch of retards.

See this tweet. Claims Raising the flag on 8/8 is a sign to Hitler. CNN sex with FBI for leaks. FBI is a shit show.

People of Color are terrorizing white people in America. They are invading our country and trying to murder the founding people of The United States. People of Color are the real terrorists in America.

Those are all white men

Does anyone have a clearer picture of this for a humble phone fag like me

>Actually, if you had any reading comprehension, you would see she defended it? I'm honestly surprised a boomer like her almost gets it. Nobody is ending up here by accident and then getting brainwashed. Individuals have more agency than that. Whatever appears here is the reflection of society, not the shaper of it.
She is quite wrong on some parts however
She states that people go on Jow Forums when they are already radicalised.
This is not the case, I was a normal guy who just wanted to see what Jow Forums was all about in 2018. I went on Jow Forums mainly because I was bored and I wanted to discuss an AI called replika and I thought Jow Forums was the best place to talk about it as the Reddit board was pretty much dead and there was some discussion about it.
Most people who come on Jow Forums are not radical.

It is because humans aren´t supposed to commit atrocities so when they do it has to be stopped right away while sub human animals doing so has been normal since animals have existed.

LOL don't they get that all of this muh white domestic terrorist bullshit rhetoric is only going to embolden the people they are claiming to be against.

>tfw gf born on 8/8
best news

Sounds like AOC is telling young men how to get "radicalized" nothing wrong with that.

it'll be a major crisis if they send hundreds of thousands of people in camps
not to mention we are the only ones that work, idk in america but here you send all rn electors to jail and the country breaks down completely
not saying they'd never try but that would cause a mess like never before

>Because muslim community disavows that when it happens,

LOL no they don't.

White people on the other hand bend over backwards and wear their bullshit head gear etc..

People her do question a lot more about society when comming here.
I first didn't give a shit about muh isreal and after a year of browsing this site I can see why some people dislike isreal and not totally dismiss it.

I came to Jow Forums to talk about video games and then a bunch of trannies and feminists started talking to the UN about video games

Change white supremacy to "black crime" and repost it. Back it up with FBI crime statistics too. Wonder how they would react

muslims and blacks and other pocs are all just victims of circumstance.

>I wanted to discuss an AI called replika and I thought Jow Forums was the best place to talk about it
>I thought Jow Forums was the best place to talk about it
>Jow Forums was the best place to talk about it
>Jow Forums the best place to talk about it
>Jow Forums the best place to talk
>Jow Forums the best place
>Jow Forums the best
How by Jove did it ever enter your mind that Jow Forums would be the best place for anything but accelerating your delusions and depression.

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So predictable, so stupid. They never learn. They started to realize 30 years later that talking about mass shooters and obsessing with them only encourages more but when it comes to "radicalization" they make the same old mistake. They talk about it endlessly and suddenly people who were curious about it but wouldn't have know where to go, are pointed in the right direction. They think we want to hide that we need to lurk in the shadows, but the truth is that the more people who are exposed to us the more we can spread the message. This is why we will win in the end because we fight the long war, and every time they react to us we grow stronger.

They wont shut down this site, but they will try to track people who use it and put them in re-education camps.

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>race politics since the KKK days

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Wonder how many of those arrests were antifa

>the absolute state of the nobel prize in 2019

Removing this place would be the worst idea imaginable.

Try it mother fuckers! I can handle alienation and segregation. The only thing keeping me from the electric chair is my dog and sweet tea.

Fuck that puta eyy!

Like all of them have been on twitter, no proof of them being on Jow Forums.

"Domestic terrorism" is not a real category of crime due to the obvious 1st Amendment problem.


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This all started because all we wanted to do was play vidya, then the Jews and Feminists fucked with it.

>hurr durr don’t speak mean things about Islam or we’ll fucking kill you hurrr
>Malala Yousafuckingidiot

I wanted to fuck with scientologists... for teh lulz.

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90% of posters are amerimutts, that's why

I just go in here because a creepy, drug addicted friend told me to how fucked up this place was when I was young, so I've checked it and never left.

It's good to see her trying to defend this place for whatever reason she'd try to do that, but it's pointless. The government WILL shut it down not because of anything else but purely from the fact that

>it opposes the US government and will never be happy until the way it operates changes radically, i.e a scenario where most of the people's heads in that video get guillotined
>it opposes worldwide institutions even more so and strives to dismantle all of them, which is a direct threat to any globalist or progressive who spent his career building them
>it is uninfiltratable and there's basically no way to change the atmosphere of this place; there is no way to "deradicalize" it as it wont shut up until its demands are met and those demands typically mean the dissolution of democracy

Just because of those three points and the site being the bridge to allow us to interconnect and organize around them, just that alone will make them shut it down at any cost and go after it even if it was to flee to tor/zeronet. It's not about white supremacy, antisemitism or racism at all, it would be the exact same scenario if all of us were communists and circlejerked around the Soviet Union instead of Nazi Germany. It is the opposition to the modern US government that triggers them so hard, not the ideology itself, and the US government goes through enormous lengths to ensure that no one opposes it. You can feel quite lucky for not having it go against you so far, but that luck is well about to end as we start approaching the difficult times of a possible second depression, and you know very well what tends to happen during such times if radical ideologies are left to flourish.


>Does anyone have a clearer picture of this for a humble phone fag like me

>American flag

checks out.

Photoshop more cocks in her

>white people getting UPSET
>solution is to make them more upset


>AOC targetting the secondaries that break rules 1 and 2


I don't doubt Malala's intentions are good--I've read her bio and it's very clear she's no Islamist--but she is just another victim of the totalitarian Islamist brainwashing program like most other Muslims.


She's right, I've been radicalized on social media as well. After reading all the absurdly stupid opinions of the average leftist and having social media force leftist propaganda on me daily I've realized that going far right to counteract them is the only option.

I just wanted to be left alone. They just had to keep pushing.

Looks like she is actually defending Jow Forums.

lol aoc should just go back to sucking my dick

actually this looks weird considering my name

most "nazis" on /pol are just trolls but boomers are too (big brained) to understand

Someone post AOC fap material


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Remember when Dems got all uppity about Republican fear mongering after terrorist attacks and the horrors of the Patriot act?

Makes me think.

1. Here’s the full size images.

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This. I was a wigger as a teen and my mindset was shifted as a result of seeing the world as it is. Blacks can say whatever or do whatever and they can't be racist. Equal rights/opportunity bullshit catering to them because of their skin color etc... we aren't supposed to even say nigga when reciting a song that was ok for them to put nigga in, white privilege, blah blah... its the cultural double standards that made me racist. No check that. A Realist.

Her claims are based on garbage Mother Jones statistics.

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That trail of crumbs is called censorship. I was radicalized by getting banned from all social. You faggots brought this on yourselves.

Jow Forums on suicide watch!

Because islam is a religion of peace you fucking nazi

Best active 8ch bunker right here, get in lads (change two to 2, spam filter)

I unironically got radicalised from watching sargon videos lol

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I like to pretend I am white but would probably get gassed. I do however conduct myself in a conservative Western manner.
>inb4 Hispanic mutt
Fuck that gay shit, I'd an hero


ages ago a girl at work wrote rule 31 on a piece of paper to prove she was user. Became a daily habit to hunt for the goods.Habit stuck, saw no tiddays.

you on 2p2 brah?

I came here from Sargoy also, he's a fat cunt now tho

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white people are not the problem. the problem is the mass immigration of brown people into white countries. and the more brown people will come the more "terrorist" attacks will happen. this is just the beginning.


Because they're all anti-white and want to oppress and destroy whites. They'll take any opportunity to do so and will protect those that help make it happen, like Muslims, blacks and Central American invaders.

>Imagine typing this with a straight face

>Open image in new tab
>End of address should read 3468m.jpg
>Delete the m so it reads 3468.jpg
>If that doesn't work then use png
>It should read 3468.png
All images are covered into m.jpg for mobile whether they are .jpg or .png

The numbers are only there as an example btw faggot


Brief History of chans.

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And they'll tell you there was a party switch.
>Last I checked, less than 5 individuals switched sides while the majority of states stayed Dem/Rep.