UK: Teenager’s hand ‘chopped off by moped rider'

It's true. Getting your hands chopped off really is just part and parcel of living in the UK. Hopefully the assailant will get the mental health care he needs and access to some community grants. Marginalised communities suffer the worst effects of poverty and hatred.
It's time we compensate, not castigate them.

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He was a good boy who dindu nuffin' and just wanted a hand.

>Every Western country is under globohomo cucks
>This shit is only going to get more prevalent
Holy fuck when are one of us going to stop this shit? Will it start in Australia? It's gotta start in Australia. They still haven't repealed the race discrimination act in the constitution, come on

how will he ever clap again?

You have one of the best conditions to do it. Isolated, not bad economic base, strong sense of identity… sure Australia is not as populated as Canada or England but this is like the Emu war all over again, you gotta win some time

he probably used it to write evil nazi things on the internet, so the dindu needs to get a house or something

has the teenager been arrested yet by authorities for islamochopophobia?

Niggers. Not even once.

Jeez, are you joking?
Imagine if a brit chopped the hand off a migrant, the fucking shitstorm that would ensue, yet when it's the opposite, not half a fuck is given...

part and parcel

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I got mugged by a moped rider, AMA.

Once again the white man is forced to give a hand to a person of color

That's part and parcel of 2019, nothing to worry about. What's more important is that he isn't speaking German.

Why did you not fight them?

Because the leftist elite are are the real white supremacists who believe that any other race other than white people are too animalistic and primitive to handle real world societal punishment.

There were like 4 of them and all armed with huge machetes. I was quite young at the time and a coward back then, good thing I've hit the gym and gone boxing because I'm so much stronger now.

wanna see london today
just keep scrolling and scrolling and scrolling

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In Australia, I don't think so, they took all their weapons.

No. You don't help criminals. You fuck their records up so they can't get a job.

Just start a hashtag trend, that'll stop the violence.

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we've still got attack emus

Man, the Isis theme song clicked into my head as soon as I read Allah akbar.

>laugh in ching chong
We willl eat yorr giantt flielesss big bird

Jazz hand

They're investigating.
If they can prove that the teenager was against having his hand chopped off before it got chopped off, then he may be in legal jeopardy

Mutts aren't noble people, and they will resort to tribal violence to gratify themselves.

>import arabs into London

>People's hands are getting chopped off like in fucking Aladdin

We tried to warn you

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Isn't it odd how primarily the English speaking world seems unable to defend itself from invasion?

I wonder why that is...

Don't worry.
mental health care sounds cushy, but it's worse than prison, because thhey often just zonk you if you're a nuisance, and there's about the same chance of getting bummed.
Also prison inmates frankly have less of their dignity robbed of them.
Yeah, you might get stripped naked and cavity searched, beaten and humiliated in various ways, but "Psychiatric care" at that level basically amounts to a slipshod chemical and rhetorical attack on your personality and worldview.
Which never actually makes anybody saner, anybody who tells you so is a liar and, god willing, soon to be a dead man, but boy how do they suffer.

I'm going to chop your dick off you fucking fuck for replying to everyone for no reason. Kill yourself. Never post here again.

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If I were that victim I'd hunt that mfer down and murder him in an ambush. Take my hand I take your gd life, buddy.

>17 year old (((((((((((((((((((((((((boy)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Din du nuffin just was a tiny kid tryin to go to skool an shit.