Mexico Thread

Why do you hate Mexicans, Jow Forums?

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August 3rd brought us our very first Mexican Genocide in the city of El Paso. We DEMAND reparations. Thank you.

Sigh.. being invaded and taken over by shit people, why do you hate them?

do leftists exist in mexico? i mean one would assume that you people are hard core because of all the public killings by cartels etc.

i mean average citizen in mexico lives his life knowing that cartels and beheadings exist in his very own country/town

I don't. They are certainly whiter than amerimutts.


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Sadistic fucking bastards. I've seen what these assholes do to dogs.

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The media says they come here to work, that's bullshit. They come here for gibs and to mooch off the white man.

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They're rapists and have jew level chutzpah.

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IF they're so good for the US, why don't they fix up Mexico? They're not good for the US, that's a fucking bald faced lie.

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Based cartellian, fuck whiteboi scum

I love Mexico, I love Mexican food, I love Mexican culture. I’d probably run away to Mexico if it weren’t for the crime - so I just got myself a Mexican man instead

Mexicans think that having to live with Mexicans is a punishment.
You ask Americans why they think Mexicans are bad. Well, Ask the fucking Mexicans why they want to live with white people.

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>I love Mexican culture.

Corruption, bribery, 10 year old children, spooky skeletons, bags of chips covered with liquids and various bullshit?

You like that "culture"?

That should read 10 year old mothers.

Mexicans hate Mexicans even more than we do, because Mexicans have to live with fucking Mexicans.

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most Mexicans are catholic and share similar values. I would rather live in a primarily Hispanic neighborhood than a black one.

Ignorant retard

Totis, yummmmmm

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>muh invading

I'm very patriotic of America and I learn to assimilate. kys ignorant faggot.


Yeah, why, pol? You're not wacis are you?

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I don't, they're not as bad as some of their centraca friends

Something that doesn't belong to you can't be invaded, faggot

I dont hate Mexicans, especially if they are in Mexico. I hate illegal immigrants from any country. Since i dont know which shithole south of the border they come from, Mexico just gets the blame.

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How about we just deduct it from your tax bill.

No, you're not.

Leave spic.

Post Mexican qt’s

>move across country from Southern California to get away from Mexicans and be near whites
>The Cockroaches are spreading so fast
>they're literally everywhere now
>here too
>outnumber actual cockroaches by huge margin
>goblin families roll 20 deep
>gestation for goblins must be no more than 3 weeks
>little goblinos take their first job landscaping 2 weeks after that
>QT Latinas trying to trick me into goblin vag daily
>witness the horrors of the castizo mutant abominations living 15 to a 3 bedroom home
>don't pay attention to goblin house for a while
>there are ten more I've never seen before
>also castizos everywhere upsetting my stomach at their sight
>Losing weight as a result
>getting weaker
>Spanish coming out of every restaurant and construction site
>no escape
>que mierda hacer?

>most Mexicans are catholic and share similar values.
No, they're fucking satanic worshipper of some Aztec goddess of death.
That's not Catholic.
And it's go to the knife fight friday night, fornicate all night until saturday, Confess on sunday and think it's all good.

That’s Argentina

Go shoot up a school after watching nascar dumb inbred

lol it really is like this. Tennessee here, and my god, I've never seen so many worthless mindless brown shits with food stamp cards

Dont hate the mexicans in Mexico. But honestly mexicans are far better than thug nig life Americans.

>he STILL thinks Mexico is paying for the wall


>Jow Forums is one person

hey i’m wh*te and going to mexico on friday. how fucked am I? rosarito

Most Mexicans are leftists in the way they want government and social programs to be run but are conservatives in their religious and social beliefs.

It doesn't make any sense.

I don't have any reason to hate them and we won the fifa world cup 86 in México...


You'll be fine. Seen american expats here my whole life and they seem to be doing ok.

>Maradona's hand


And it's because they're brown, user. Don't you watch the news?

I don't hate Mexicans amigo, I hate niggers. You still don't get to hop the border and shit up my country though.

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>The current year +4
>People still mad about "muh maradona hand"

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you're like muslims and niggers - individually there are some of you that are worth it but when we consider your behavior as a group, the only sensible conclusion is that you should all get ebola and die from s slow and painful anal hemorrhage

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I don't hate Mexicans. I've been to Mexico many times. I just don't want my State to become Oaxaca.

they were cannibals just few hundreds years ago

better than Mc Donalds and NASCAR imo

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Welcome to Neo-Liberalism.

That´s not Mexico.

>become Oaxaca

Muh state can become Oaxaca - if we get the whorehouses too....

Mexicans don't like niggers either.

Mexicans think like peasants.

I hate them because I can't get away from them

There are mexican whites... just dont let them hear your accent.

dude, mexican whores are little mayan/aztec trolls.

>>he STILL thinks Mexico is paying for the wallLMAO

Whyte wahmen need competition to get their ass in gear. So bring a bunch of goblinas in.

Maybe, just maybe wahmen will grow up.

I don’t hate Mexico, I hate leeches wherever they may be from. Also, if you fly a flag from another country over our own then I have a problem. I don’t expect that I would last very long in Mexico or any other county raising my flag over theirs as I spit on their people verbally.

I dont care who pays for the wall as long as it gets built. net benefits will be immediate.

No you're not. You are a traitor to Mexico and have no loyalty to the United States.

Because when they’re in the US, even if they’re citizens, they call themselves Mexicans and can barely understand English.

Look, I get that the few who aren’t being trafficked are legit wanting a batter life. If that’s the case, at least have the grace to learn the language and encourage your children to buy into the host society socially rather than creating these ghettos for yourselves that turn into run down micro versions of Mexico.

The Germans, Irish, Italians, poles, heck even the Koreans and to a lesser extent the Indians all seem capable of doing this. But not Mexicans.

Why don’t you want to be American?

yes wall. Tax white liberals to pay for wall since they want all the illegals in.

>they call themselves Mexicans and can barely understand English.

If that were true - where is all the pussy? Shouldn't we have the same problems as central American countries by now?

Where are my prostitutes?

He's right. Corruption and bribery are part of Mexican culture you dumb shit.

Bags of chips?

This, they're low IQ sadists that torture animals all the time.

I don't

>Why do you hate Mexicans, Jow Forums?
Because even when, or especially when you've been here for multiple generations, you shit up neighborhoods everywhere you're a majority or even a sizable minority. This remains true even if the families have good jobs and money.
>don't keep up your property
>steal shit, everything from shoplifting to burglary
>no empathy for anyone not a friend or relative
>inconsiderate of neighbors
>take every penny of govt. benefits you can get
The list goes on and on. Still better than niggers, but only marginally.

My gf lives in TJ so Im always there. When she lived in bad neighborhood it was alittle sketchy but I was fine. Unlike niggers, mexicans are predictable. The cartel memebers only fuck with you if you are looking for trouble. Muggers have the same look to them and usually hang out in certain areas. Majority of people just try to live there life and stay away from trouble. I felt way more unsafe in New Orleans than TJ

It does belong to us you spic puke fuck.


Even inbred nascar clowns are better than spic fuck puke maggots.

>fair play

pick one

>It doesn't make any sense.

Of course it does not make sense, they are a low end shit child like "people".

I hate Mexicans because they are fucking retarded and refuse to assimilate.

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True. One you go pass La Zona, you have to watch your back.

Those being trafficked aren’t mostly prostitutes. They’re working class people who have to pay extortion money to their handlers or their family back in Mexico gets hurt or they get exposed to law enforcement and deported.

They’re trafficking manuel labor to the US in droves to take a cut of the labor.

No one takes aztecboos seriously

>manuel labor