New Danish minister of Defense

>imagine working out for years to get in great shape
>imagine clawing through hellish tryouts
>imagine busting your ass to get to be the among the absolute elite forces
>imagine putting your life on the line
>only to be ruled by a 38 year old blonde whose only experience comes from working in a whole foods store

The irony of this world is absolutely suicide inducing

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Post body pics. She's kinda-MILFy.

thats all around modern politicians in a nutshell, its nothing new

technocracy when?

Are you sexist or something? That is quite problematic

>38 year old
Jesus fucking christ, she looks 50

She should join the photo-OP with the other pozzed countries

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She’s a yes woman, not there for skill or experience, but merely to go along with any new policies without speaking up.

This might seem like a bad thing, but thing of it a different way, the military will now be weakened, and taking over the country would be much easier if a group were so inclined.

well... check out the new german one.
>pic related

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It doesn't really matter because NATO Orders come from SAUCER (America), so she will be an obedient lap dog and send healthy, fit Danish sons to die where we tell her to send them.

The only reason they do it is literally to spite white men.

*think of it

Perhaps those Danes should turn their weapons towards their ‘leaders’ instead.

I neither confirm nor deny my agreement with your reasoning.

o you Danes!

she looks pretty hot for a 38yr old


technocracy is the lie aristocracy ALWAYS tells itself. the current aristocratic 'elites' sincerely believe they are the superior, natural choice to rule. OPs idiot, without doubt, sincerely believes her university degrees and personal social connections prove it.

based big tiddy dane

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Kek, beat me to it

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Someone should tell her about sunscreen

kek, didnt notice that

That;s only because Denmark's military is a meme and it doesn't have any external enemies or threats to defend itself from. And any invasion of Denmark would be an immediate surrender anyways so they might as well not even have a military.

Anybody going to point out that her helmet says nutcase?

Would eat her pasties.

>Minister of Defense
God I hate our politicians.

Dunno why you people pull these things out as evidence of cuckedness, the point of a minister of defense is civil control of the army, to avoid the situation of the US where it becomes its own monster.

Theoretically and realistically the perfect minister of defense is as far away from the military as possible.

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I mean I would just have sex with her. but go ahead and be a fatty and eat more junk food ameritard

>to avoid the situation of the US where it becomes its own monster
do you think in the US it's the Generals who decide the budget?

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She’s 38? Looks more like 68.

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Well your countrys millitary is mostly ceremonial joke anyways. Denmark hasnt fought a real war in over a century.

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defense minister has little influence of what goes on with the armed forces. you might as well say the queen rules them.

this is the guy that actually rules.

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Not as bad as the first pic.

38 is around 68 in girl years

58 more like, but holy fuck.

>be a fatty and eat more junk food ameritard
I'm underweight.
>tfw gym 5 days a week and 2,600 calories a day and have only gained 5 pounds in a year.

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Has Danmark ever been to war anyway?

being the minister of military in Danmark is like being the minister of Sea in Austria

nah they do it to undermine the entire architecture of europe by installing plants who are merely figureheads immune to criticism

If she has a strategic mind, that's all that matters.
And she managed to get into a position of great power in your nation, which means that she's much smarter then you, at the very least.
And before you rage at me, one of my grandfathers was in 1canpara, the folks tasked with capturing key areas in Denmark so we could give it back to you, instead of letting the Soviets seize it, so it's literally in my blood to be more helpful towards the well being of your nation then your bloodline is.
I'm telling you, she rose to prominence despite looking like one of the California raisins got attacked by a vampire, it will probably be ok.
If she was pretty, then it might be time to worry, but she obviously didn't sleep her way into that position.

>Has Danmark ever been to war anyway?
They beat the Estonians once and stole their flag.

And that's part of my point, there's low civilian control of the army so the army - jews thing is free to reign supreme.

what are you, a dwarf? gotta eat, bro

Women suck at war. I know there has been a few exceptions over the centuries but come on.


if politicians would need to have qualification, any qualification, the west wouldn't be in this sorry state

it would've been easier to say "yes I'm a retarded euromutt"

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Nah fuck that, id rather have qualified ministers with a military background than your hypotheticals.

What sort of crack are they smoking in Bulgaria these days?

If you want a house built, you hire a builder.
If you want a map devised, you hire a cartographer.
If you want an army organized, you hire a general.

What will you tell me next?
That tennis coaches make the best administrators?
Or that Jews are a suitable base ingredient for a soap industry?
Okay, that last one is true, but only tangentially.

Technocracy is the only way forward

This, ministers of defense in Europe are nothing else than token posts.

You sure, buddy?

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Defense minister isn't meant to carry out war in any way.

Defense minister isn't meant to carry out war in any way. Organizing the army is a different matter and as another user posted above they have an actual general doing that.

she looks kidna downy

then again all danes do

What about the new PM Mette Frederiksen? Is this her doing? I heard she flipped on all of her proposals for restricting immigration. How the fuck did she get elected.

I dont think you know what technocracy implies it has nothing to do with technology

I tried 3,200 calories but it physically made me sick to eat that much.


I'm actually Sami, with the svelte frame that comes with the genetics.

>Westward Ho!
Kek. Those Scandinavian women age terribly. She looks like she's been on a North Atlantic fishing trawler for 20 years, fuck.

You failed him, Denmark.
Now enjoy the niggers flooding your country.

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How SD always get power by lying and then refusing to ever speak about it again

The actual brainlets are their voters. I just dont understand how you can be so naive.

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Was feminism worth it? Like is a few generations of femanism worth the price of extermination of all Caucasians?

do you guys even really have a military? if so your budget must be $5mil a year

Welcome to the cuckshed brüder.

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>*kisses you on the cheek*

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Then what is this person for and why do they even have a job.

You have only cast doubt on her very position itself.

If the head of state can only interface with their generals through some part-time service industry worker, what right do they have to call themselves a leader of men?

Should we not simply sail over there and rape them of everything they have, for the crime of their weakness?

honk honk


I'd totally fuck her puckered downie hole.


kek that's more of a fetal alcohol look

I learned a new word thanks fren.
Yeah some pictures differ a lot from eachother

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Thankfully our defense minister is a former general.At least one minister in this government has proper qualifications for his position

Then do something about it you colossal faggot

Zuckerberg and Bezos will give you your technocracy. Hope you like poos.

Defense minister? Yes, it's a fairly useless position. They mostly administer the support staff that ties the state to the army.

>If the head of state can only interface with their generals through some part-time service industry worker
Most heads of state can interface with the generals directly, including ours and I suspect the Danish king

>Should we not simply sail over there and rape them of everything they have, for the crime of their weakness
Pakistan to Denmark is faster by plane, but you do you, Ahmed.

That's a terrible choice for a defense minister.

At least tell me he was a former general less than 25 years ago.

It's likely just a career move, getting into a ministry probably increases your chances of getting into another, better, one down the line. Besides becoming minister for a certain time increases the pension.

Was about to say that she's a cute granny but
Da fuk is wrong with wh*Toid """people"""? No sane human being looks like that at 38

Don't worry it's not like she will be defending against anything.

This now a Tulsi Gabbard thread...

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He was forcibly retired in 2000 after signing some public letter with some other people that were commanders during the war

She's supposed to avoid war, not wage it. There's no real victory conditions between industrialized nations in this day and age, anybody even capable of engaging in a war is capable of making war too expensive to bother with.
A few millions of dollars and a few labs is all it would take to decimate a nation, direct conflict is pointless, guaranteed loss for all participants. Her job is one of diplomacy and bureaucracy, and she has enough guile to become a public figure despite looking like an orange on the dashboard of a car that's been abandoned for 7 years.

>just take the pill anonette, you won't have to deal with shitty periods any more and you'll be able to feel jamal's penis fully!
>side effects? nope haven't heard of it

She needs to be stopped, she will open the flood gates irreversibly.

She is a traitor

Two world wars and Holger Danske is still sitting down..

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>Her job is one of diplomacy and bureaucracy
Only the latter, most defense ministers nowadays simply head the bureacracy. Diplomacy is left for heads of state.

Would defend that rack

holy shit the shirt is exploding, I need to use my hands to contain it

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dumb fucks don't think sunscreen in necessary and love sun bathing and tanning so they don't look pale

and they're right, who doesn't want to look like leather bag at 35

Now those are some warheads I wouldn't mind Denmark launching at me.

The Nordic warhead proliferation is strong.

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she looks like a pornstar

This has happened to the retarded generation of women that thought getting a tan is the shit and went on sun vacations every year. They look +20 years their age at 30.

It serves you write.
He believed in feminism.

But Denmark will not have to fight in the following decade, so...

Fuck me I had a good laugh. Cheers.


That scandinavian chinn though.

What's the point of being white if you have a mutant freak chin like that?

Digusting. 3/10 would only fuck if drunk.

Europe deserves to burn

Based Poland.
What's wrong with fucking Norway?

Is brushing your teeth illegal in Denmark?

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