Gilette record loss after they start about toxic masculinity

>gilette with a record loss
>blame it on "beards" trend
>mysteriously forget about their whole "toxic masculinity" shit that made me personally and dozens of others avoid their products

Only way to serve justice, stop buying these retards' products.

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And the CEO said he doesn't care. That it was worth it.

Gilette (P&G) could lose 8 billion a day and would go out of business in about 80 years.

I know, but a little victory is still a good thing. Tiny step by tiny step.

You think the world was taken over by the jews in a day?

I more or less exclusively bought Gillette razors for 20 years. After the toxic masculinity adds, I quietly switched to an old school razor. I didn’t make a fuss about it. I just decided not to give them anymore money. I suspect I may not be the only guy to do this.

I mean here in Bulgaria we didn't really get that ad much, wasn't placed on youtube or anything. It made the news on a slow day.

Since then I've noticed gilette razors are sitting there and nobody is buying them, while wilkinson and bic ones are being weirdly sold out (nobody used to buy them). We're also huge believers in brands and rarely boycott stuff in a very cucked way, so yeh. I suspect a LOT of people followed this.

What I really loved about this commercial was that all the stereotypes of toxic masculinity were white males.

As if a nigger can afford $30 razor refills.

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Fuck happy to never buy these shit again.

True it could scare some company to do this kind of advertising

Jews don’t even money, the CEO literally said fuck money lol. They will give you the razors for free if it means you will swallow their propaganda.

Dunno I do it with a friend in France, I wonder if this really followed hear this did not make the new.

And that's why I only use Bic razors now.

I think shorting "get woke go broke" style companies before earnings would probably be a pretty good strategy. Too bad P&G is huge enough to absorb any losses from gillette.

Great job, guys. You just showed how toxic masculinity really is by boycotting their products.

That's funny I just got a free razor from them in the mail randomly

Will probably use it til the cartridge is dead then go back to what I used before

>I switched to an old style razor

Nobody gives a fuck. What, you want praises for being retro? I'm the owner of a working 1920's phone, where are the people to congratulate me?

Haha i love thé fact that they are not at all speaking of the désastrous publicity in the article. What hypocrite I am sure if Gillette had been successful they would have push everywhere that that was tanks to their add against white man.

It also lowers the exposure. If you stop buying this shit, you give it less attention, it has less power to influence, then the CEO might not care because she wanted to influence people anyway, but she didnt get the influence.

The less products are bought the less propaganda is swallowed in the end. The more the name of gilette dies the less the propaganda works.

Did anyone expect them to say "yeah man I know we fucked up, we're done with this SJW shit and we're just gonna go back to making razors"?

In a real word and with not Jewish infected subject they would have do exactly what you said.

For fucks sake. No one gives a shit. Gillette had a stadium named after them full of niggers getting paid millions. If we wanted to really fuck shit up, we'd find a good way to tear down the NFL. But it cant be done, people love their bread and circus.

>For fucks sake. No one gives a shit
>suggests impossible, vague alternative
Sounds like jew talk to me, Schlomo

Bought a safety razor and haven't looked back.
Even get to indulge the inner weeb by buying Japanese feather blades, the steel folded over a thousand times.
He cares.

I give and you should. The fact that they succeeded to infiltrate our society was tanks to people like you who did not care.

Maybe they don't have your number.

Not strictly true as demonstrated by the Guardian Group newspapers who sat pretty on a giant trust fund that "could never run out" as they subverted the UK with their socialist propaganda until one day the board got greedy and voted to cash-in the nest egg. They blew the lot in less than five years, and are now reduced to e-begging at the foot of every article instead, their reach and indeed rhetoric now significantly reduced as they flounder and financially fail.

$8bn is a ~15% drop in profits directly related to that one utterly insane, utterly racist, utterly sexist commercial that may not even have shown on television in the end. That's a huge vulnerability, and proof that boycotts at the individual level really do work. That P&C still cannot admit they fucked up is glorious. All they'd ever have to do is apologise and admit wrongdoing, introducing a fresh set of suits to redirect the company out of this self-inflicted dead end. Luckily they are too hubristic to even contemplate it. Disney are the same way, here's hoping they don't wise up before the release of Star Wars Nein.

Nobody who relies on sales in too big to fail. Their bullshit claim that razor sales are down because of millenials (another thing to add to that collage of boomers blaming kids for the end of the world) isn't reflected in sales of their competitors at all. Fuck 'em, let them fail into free-fall, it's not like anyone needs Gillette razors, or shitty scifi movies, or shitty scifi television shows, or any of these "luxury" products, something the marketing crew forgot when they used research into food retail as their guide. You can insult the customer night and day as a food retailer as long as you keep prices low; this clearly doesn't ring true with luxury purchases.

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> the owner


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The CEO said he didnt give a shit that you got a retro razor. Way to stick it to him. You're really teaching that billionaire a lesson.

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Did exactly the same, didn't even see many adds, but got tired of the stupid prices and changed to a safety razor

>doubling down by changing the subject
Ok Schlomo, credibility lost, so long

their beards and circle-k's

Just steal their products off shelves and throw them in the trash outside of the store if you really want to hurt them. Five finger discount. Just don't get caught, goy. :^)

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How do you find the time to shitpost here in between changing the world with your retro razor? Did you make your quota of billionaires taken down today?

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I ain’t no chink, but then numbers don’t seem to calculate fren

Fake news
Men just don't shave as much as they did in the past (including s0iboys and hipsters)

I sold PG after this commercial at around 96/share. PG is now at 115. Not sure this write down as affected them much.

These corporations have more money than they could spend, of course they don't care. At this point for them its about power and social engineering, not money.


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They print the money at the federal reserve, they'll just devalue are money by printing more. I know what we should be personcotting. -Honk


That does not hurt them, you imbecile. How do you think retailing works? The store buys the product from Gillette. They've already been paid. The only people you're hurting are the store owners.

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Wouldn’t that just hurt the store? After which they would order more products from Gillette.

Except that the store isn't going to keep buying stuff they can't sell.

Did the same.

He left the thread already. He had to run off and take down the CEO of big tobacco for hitting a cat with his car last night. God speed user.

Why you guys shill for retro razors? There are so many brands of modern razors that aren’t Gillette.

Honestly I'm just lazy so my 5DSC membership just autorenews and I have razors sent to me every month. No reason to shut it off, sorry Gizzlette

woolworths also

I unironically bought a safety razor and 100pack of disposable blades due to this.
Spent the first month cutting the fuck out of my face twice a week, but now ive got the technique down and every shave is super smooth. Downside is needing to use aftershave more regularly. Ive always used barbasol foam, the gel stuff doesnt feel right.
I do appreciate the memes the vid created.

Unilever thanks you. Actually, they just barely tolerate you.

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this is what illegal stock manipulations / covert hostile takeovers look like

It's working! Here is a picture I took at my local Meijer. It's the same at Wally World, too! Gillette products have been on a fire sale lately! This isn't new, either! Pic #1.

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In protest I now wax my ballsac. That'll show em.


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But science supports the message...

bought their razors/blades my entire life without even thinking about it. but since they decided to destroy the strong mental association of gillette=razors and replace it with gillette=faggots there is absolutely no risk i'll ever buy their stuff again

>go commit crimes, I'm not glowing at all

Science agreed in the past that nigger were subhuman.
Scientific have agenda even more social scientist.


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Wow 12 razors for just 45.00$?? Thats why I stopped buying them not any of their jew shit ads.

Gillette really is in a pickle with this. They bet everything on the current anti-white/male climate in the hope of getting some heightened exposure through outrage. Now that it’s backfired, there is no way they can renege on that. They aren’t getting their old customer base back, no matter what they do. If they apologise and say that white men aren’t toxically masculine, the SJW crowd will be at their throats too. They dug their own grave. I’m sure that years from now this campaign is going to be used in case studies at advertising schools as an example of what not to do.

That shit is just sitting on the shelf! This is what I shaved with today. None of my money is going to Gillette!

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NFL is way down something like 20%

If the shareholders are ok with this than they are all Jews


I never thought of it in this way. The craziness of today will have a lot of lessons to be learned for future generations. Not just in advertising but overall.

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But stolen products will be restocked at the shop's expense.

How many shaves you get out of each of those razors? How much are they and where do you get them?

I stopped buying their shit after those ads. Never buying a Gilette product again as long as I live. They need to realize that basically nothing about their products is different from any other brand aside from minor cosmetic discrepancies. Nobody has loyalty to a fucking shaving brand. So once you screw up, people will ditch you without hesitation.

I switched to Dorco™ for razors and Nivea™ for shaving gel immediately after the ad. I know Dorco™ is a gook company, but it turns out to work exactly the same and is cheaper. The Nivea™ shaving gel is like $1 more per can but turns out to be a far superior product.
I'm glad they made me reevaluate my choices because I was just buying them from inertia.

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I get at least two good shaves out of each blade. They're really smooth. You can pick up a 200 pack for under $11. Of course, you mileage may vary (YMMV). Get used to hearing that from the wet shaving community.

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So, how's Steamed Ham King?

Outrage advertising has its place. Take the Benetton ads from the 90s. They were highly controversial and probably quite distasteful. The people that were offended were probably unlikely to buy an overpriced sweater from them anyway and the type of person that buys from Benetton probably doesn’t give a fuck either way.
Gillette decided to offend their main customer base: men who shave. Who exactly are the customers they are pandering to? Blue haired feminists, trannies, minorities and their allies? None of those are exactly a potential untapped market for overpriced razors. If they wanted to make men behave better (as I suppose they wanted to), there would’ve been a million ways to do that without demonising their core users. I honestly don’t know how the ad company pitched this idea without anyone thinking it’s nothing but retarded.

I was wondering the same thing. I don't think these guys like old razors because they work better, they just use it as an affectation.

Not only was the ad stupid from the standpoint of it attacking its customers, but it didn't say anything about the product. No "we've added this feature nobody else has" or "rated #1 in customer trials" or anything like that. They didn't make a single sales pitch, they just rested on the idea that they're a huge company, they're on the shelf in every major retail outlet, and so you don't have any choice but to buy their product. So, while you're buying our product, realize you're a rapist too.

Smaller companies at the very least, those who cannot afford to virtue signal.

who cares? A company thats brave enough to shoulder record loss to tell the truth is valuable. Toxic masculinity and white supremacy is a thing, DICKHEAD

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there is a simple, easy and non violent way to address this issue. Stop feeding them. Destroy every crop you see before it can be harvested. Focus mainly on the big 4 Corn, Grains such as wheat and rye, Rice, and Basedbeans. When the crops turn brown- burn them to the ground. Prepare in advance for this. 36 months of this will lead to a permanent resolution. The ones who are destroying the world will find out how much their money is worth to starving people

Breddy good! I'm trying to sell a vegetarian Whopper with NONE of the favor and 500% of the markup! Bid'ness be boomin', nigga!

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I did the same, avoid their logo like the plague. Don't tell anyone. Just buy other shit.

GIDF in full force today

I quit Old Spice. I'd used the same deodorant for about 20 years and switched to a non P&G brand. I've switched almost all my PG products out but I really do prefer Crest toothpaste. Anyone got a good alternative I'll stop buying it too.

I'm sure plenty of people thought the ad was retarded but were too scared to speak up for fear of being depersoned

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“...And if you try to fire me, that means you endorse toxic masculinity!”

not a single word in-article about their disastrous pandering

Gillette inadvertently created a whole cottage industry of small companies who are now producing men’s razors. I switched to one of them and I’m glad I did. I’ll never go back to Gillette.

typical judenjutsu

Money is the only thing that matters to corporations which is why it was pretty damn rich of them to be virtue signalling morality at us!
And if we want to talk morality... Proctor and Gamble have only recently stopped using child labor! They are responsible for mass environmental destruction/deforestation and endangerment of numerous species in the sourcing of palm oil in countries not-native to their own! all while privatizing the profits and socializing the risk.
They also continue to place a “pink tax” on female centric products. “pink tax” is when you slap an additional fee on female specific “essentials” with the knowledge that they’ll continue to sell. This is an inherently SEXIST price tactic to use, so for Gillette to be lecturing us on sexism is MIND BOOGLING!!! They’ve been pushing “toxic masculinity” for 70 plus years!!!! lol

But a good old straight razor, learn how to sharpen it, use locally sourced shaving soap, disregard this bullshit entirely.

How did this culture permeate into the corporate world? I get that this happens on university campuses and school boards and that it had inevitably permeated into the real world. What’s next? Are they going to get PETA to direct an ad for Burger King to promote the meat extreme XXL Whopper with graphic images of cows being slaughtered interspersed with homoerotic cum shots?

>I have an old style phone

Nobody gives a fuck. What, you want praises for being retro? I'm the owner of a working 1920's dragon dildo collection, where are the people to congratulate me?

>jew backing his words in subversion agenda

shut up nigger