NYT stock tanking


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duckduckgo.com/?q=new york times change headline

Good. Fuck that shithole terrorist organization.



>jews losing money

Looks like the uptick was a bounce, downtrending again

This just proves that (((they))) don't care about money and the narrative is more important.

Why tho

duckduckgo.com/?q=new york times change headline

Imagine paying for a news subscription and then telling them what to put in the news

They project decreasing revenue, around the same time as a big selloff

NYT is pure rent seeking at this point. Solely using the name and the idea that they're a serious journalism organization. It should collapse as soon as people care about the truth.

>duckduckgo.com/?q=new york times change headline
Ah, didn't even see that
So they are also being not good enough goys

They reported the news straight by accident and leftists went nuts

>Solely using the name and the idea that they're a serious journalism organization.
It's been that way for more than a century.

I predict that yesterday's complication is the reason for the big selloff and projected decrease in revenue
Leftists were threatening to boycott NYT with some shitty hashtag or something, and after they changed the headline all the moderates and right-wingers were pissed at them
tl;dr they pissed everybody off yesterday

Yeah, the time lineup is pretty strong circumstantial evidence that the narrative is controlled using cash flow

Got a feeling a lot of their money comes from boomers paying $40/month or whatever. It was a tradition for my parents to read the paper every morning, longer on the weekends. It was part of my dad's morning shitting ritual.

Now we understand why the first headline was fair and balanced. They need to recapture the moderate and independent readers. But they have already gone too far in cultivating radical leftist ideology (along with others) to where their remaining readers rebel if they do not toe the leftist line . So they are fucked.


this is really embarrassing, dude
it is 'toe the line'

All "journalism" is rent seeking. It is no longer a business. It's an expensive weapons platform.

opinions are a diamond dozen, bro

They cucked and changed a factual headline to appease radical Democrats and also weren't meeting sales. That's a one two knockout blow.

The only good news I've heard today.