#PEDOGATE: Gabe Hoffman is the Jew Pedophile mafia's gatekeeper

He is really chimping out over the Stranahan/(((Posobiec))) thing

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I can't think of anything more schizophrenic then this "global vampire pedophile cult" conspiracy. It's fucking absurd, I'd be inclined to believe you faggots if you could produce a single piece of evidence, but of course that's against what you believe in.

By all means, keep screaming "shill" at all the skeptics, because we all know you win support through manic hostility and paranoia

Seriously though, getting real sick of having to share a website with you actual inbred retards, I came here for conservative debate and free speech not stormfaggery.

Somebody wake me up when this board's IQ is over 70.

>Seriously though, getting real sick of having to share a website with you actual inbred retards,
then don't, faggot

Mere coincidence, Posobiec and Cernovich are stand up guys.

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They would never secretly help Epstein's pedophile friends smear victims or anything.

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what a stand up goy!

If you hear anyone implying otherwise or read actual court filings claiming this then be a true patriot and just ignore it, fake news.

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Explain the warrant on the Queen of England.

Also Jack Posobiec never had anything to do with starting Qanon or JTFMAGA, fake news goys.

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It's such an honor for you grace us with your presence.

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why would he do that after a (((first post threadshit))) while on the topic of an organized Jewish pedophile mafia ?

true, he also ranted about pizzagate being fake

Anyone claiming Cernovich secretly helps pedophiles is just chemically salty about his successful lifestyle living off of the money he leeched from his wealthy ex-wife.

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you must be the real kike for posting this

pop urself gabe

you're obviously jealous of the youngest gay jew to ever manage a hedgefund via nepotism

I just can't stand to see true friends and defenders of Israel be slandered.

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wait a minute, didn't Epstein also "manage a hedge fund?"

Woah woah let's not stereotype here user.

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>Dershowitz sued The Boston Globe in 1990 over a remark reporter Mike Barnicle attributed to him, in which Dershowitz allegedly said he preferred Asian women because they are deferential to men. Dershowitz reportedly received a $75,000 out-of-court settlement, and the newspaper's ombudsman questioned Barnicle's credibility, according to The Boston Phoenix.

Oy vey

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>"global vampire pedophile cult" conspiracy. It's fucking absurd,
Have you ever heard of the Elite satanic pedo cult in Belgium from the 80s? It was big news where royals and politicians were raping and murdering kids, it's amazing about how the world forgot about something like that.

Who finances Gabe Hoffman? He always seemed slimy to me and I read once that he actually threatened some of the victims of the pedo he made his documentary about.


>media telling you to punch NAZI'S
>digging in to some MAGA tards twitter to find fed posting


Found the article in case anyone was interested in reading it, Hoffman seems suspect to me.


Shit, bad link.

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I saw all of the alt lite blue checkmarks absolutely chimping at Stranahan yesterday

That smug condescension.
The estrogen and reddit oozing out of the screen.
This is the leafiest of posts

Hoffman is a fat flaggot kike that tries to shut anyone down for just saying Jew. I wouldn’t doubt that he is some pedophile
