The Holohoax

Merely criticizing or being skeptical towards the official narrative of the Holocaust is considered taboo in most Western countries.
Open debate is considered 'hate' and would never be allowed on Mainstream media.
Dissidents are censured, persecuted, attacked even jailed while kids are being indoctrinated at school usually with the usage of shocking photographs of mass-graves and emaciated bodies.

Most importantly is the fact that still to this day Jews and Jewish organisations receive millions if not billions and are able to demand and extort more money from organisations for the crime of existing during World War II in German-occupied Europe.

It's not just our right to question this scam, this hoax. It is our duty.

>Jewish gas chamber hoax
>Holocaust, Hate Speech & Were the Germans so Stupid?
>The Lies and Deceptions of Deborah Lipstadt—Part 1
>David Cole in Auschwitz—David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper, Director, Auschwitz State Museum
>The Chemistry of Auschwitz—Buna Rubber, Zyklon B, Prussian Blue and the Gas Chambers
>The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax


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Other urls found in this thread:

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Believe this or go to jail.

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Bump for truth

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Go post this on /his/tory and get laughed out of existence.

One question I've been asking boomers to get them to start questioning is this: since the "greatest generation" went all the way to Europe and liberated so many Jews, why don't the Jews build museums thanking the WWII vets? That probably only works on American boomers and even then, only about 25% of them give it any consideration. The rest just spew some nonsense about the troops or first responders or Israel. They do this even though my little brother is a vet and we're pretty close.

Oh you want to laugh?

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Boomers are hopeless, they might question the 6 million but not much else.

40-50 years of conditioning can do that.

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Coward. Go post this on /his/.

Go take a ride in the Holo-coaster.

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My dad is one that gets downright pissed. He's also in the AA cult of sobriety so his mind is very susceptible to conditioning.

How about you go post it on /his/, see what they say, and get back to us.

Don't even bother focus on Gen-Z and Millenials they will understand if they are shown enough arguments/evidence.

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Needs more AAAYYY TONY

Three posts 0 arguments made. Bravo.

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That's been my main focus. Surprisingly, all it took for my good old grandmother was showing her some quotes about Jesus from the Talmud. She fired right up and said, "that's just ugly for them to talk about my savior like that". BOOM, instant redpilled grandma.

I already know. They destroy these conspiracies, and that's why you're afraid to discuss them anywhere else.

Lol that was me challenging him to do so. I agree with you.

Believing in the Holocaust is taking the Soviets at their word.
Believing in the Holocaust is assuming that the Soviets had no incentive to defame the Nazis.
All of the "hard evidence" for the Holocaust story comes from the Soviet-controlled regions.
To this day, no graves have been discovered. A single scientific geologic study was ever conducted by a Jewish team from a Polish university, at Belzec. There exist hand-drawn diagrams of the supposed dimension of the graves. The core samples were "studied on site" and then put back into the ground. The site was then covered in rocks and concrete.

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I discuss them with real people IRL. Most people aren't on the chans at all so what good is spreading the message to other boards?

Yeah or you could ask
-Germar Rudolf (German chemist)
-Fred Leuchter (American execution hardware expert)
-Walter Luftl (Austrian engineer)
-Wilhelm Staglich (German Judge)

Or other revisionists such as: Paul Rassinier, David Cole, Robert Faurisson, Ursula Haverbeck, Jurgen Graf, Carlo Mattogno, David Irving etc.

Problem is, open debates between expert revisionists and expert exterminationists aren't allowed.
I wonder why.

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itt brainlets w schizophrenia

6 million jews over the course of 6 years comes out to just under 3,000 jews a day. Of course, exterminations weren't being carried out for the entire six years, nor was Germany active for the full 6. So the figure 3,000 jews killed a day might be an under estimate.

3,000 is a massive number, considering they would have to be identified, found, rounded up, transported, moved into camps, gassed, and cremated. There's a lot of opportunity for resistance, and 3,000 anything vs a couple hundred Nazi's would surely win.

The fastest modern day incinerators can cremate a human at about 2 hours time. In order to cremate 6 million bodies in 6 years, 228 incinerators would have to be operated 24/7, assuming the technology was the same as today (pro tip: it wasn't)

At the time of 1939, there was only an estimated 600,000 jews in Germany, and 9,000,000 in Europe. If the Germans were able to kill 2/3s of the European Jewish population whilest fighting off the entirety of Europe, the USSR, and the United States, we should be ashamed of our absolute incompetence as a military.

I was always a good goy, but the numbers just don't add up

Consider suicide, Moshe

>the numbers just don't add up

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There isn't one (1) Holocaust denier standing today that hasn't already been BTFO - whether they were caught lying or completely misrepresenting their sources. From Irving, to Cole, to Rudolf, to Mattogno, to Faurrison, to Zundel, to Weber.
Even Eric Hunt has retracted most of his claims.
Irving doesn't even deny gassings anymore - have a look at what he say about Operation Reinhard.

Every meme in this thread is addressed and debunked in:

Every single one.
>Index of Published Evidence on Mass Extermination in Auschwitz and Auschwitz-Birkenau
>Contemporary German Documents on Homicidal Gas Vans
>Contemporary German Documents on Carbon Monoxide Gas and Bottles Employed for the Nazi Euthanasia

>Cremation process

>Denying History

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it's ok to be a believer. but if you spend some time learning and reflecting about it, you're a fucking retard.

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Holocaust Denial: The RADICAL idea that the christ killers are also liars.

user, thanks for this.

What's "The Holocaust" in your opinion? What's "Holocaust Denial"?

I mean it's a very large and widespread phenomenon, covering years and thousands of square miles of territory. It'd be nice to have a set of verified "official" claims that could be individually examined to get at the totality of the thing.

For instance, the "shrunken heads" claim. Your source addresses this with a photograph of 2 shrunken heads-- "YAH EBIL NAZIS DID DIS". But the proof of the claim is a letter from a Nazi doctor telling the perpetrators not to do this anymore. This isn't evidence of a widespread phenomenon (Jews being turned into shrunken heads en masse) nor evidence of a Nazi policy.