The yield curve just flattened

It’s over

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Hope you other faggots have been saving money so you could invest into another bottom. Remember, liquidate after the market rebounds past the previous high and just chill for a while investing in land.

Buying treasuries costs you money instead of makes you easy money, meaning the market thinks it's crap. It's supposed to be that you make a little bit with short-term paper and that you make a little bit more if you're willing to lend money into the governemnt longer-term.

So the Jews shit their pants when that scheme breaks down, because it violates their fundamental worldview of how to Jew the goyim out of shekels. It's almost as as bad as if the money markets break the buck instead of being sure endless free shekels.

It means longer term debt provides a lower interest rate than short term debt. Normally this wouldnt be true, because longer term debt has a higher uncertainty, and people prefer money now, over money later. If the curve flattens or inverses it means there is a negative view of the future of the economy, such that long term debt provides a safe haven and so rates on that lower with increased demand.

Yield curve inversion is an early indicator of an impending recession. Every recession in history has been preceded by this. It's just a matter of time now.

The reason this is more worrying is the state of the western world. The economy never really recovered from 2008. It was just propped up so it could limp along while the Jews continued to plunder as much as possible. The next downturn could very well spark a global crisis. I'd wager that the Jews will help make sure it all implodes because they'll be able to blame Trump and kick off the happening.

>March 22

My Dad is less than a year from retirement. He is going to be shitting bricks.


I quick watching degenerate porn and smoking weed about 3 weeks ago. I know all porn is degenerate but all I watch now is straight vanilla cam girls and stuff. I stopped every gay tranny bdsm disgusting shit. You have to admit that's a big improvement but I can barely fucking get off anymore. I kind of want to stop halfway through. It's not even enjoyable anymore. It's like being drunk. You can just jump forever and never cum. Will my libido ever come back? Actually I was depressed before and I genuinely think I am not depressed anymore. I fixed my insomnia and dysthymia and a lot of problems but just this one thing sucks now. What should I do? I cant go back to that horrible porn. I'd rather be a fucking monk and just not jerk it but when I get a Gf again what an I gonna do?

>The yield curve just flattened
Again? It's literally nothing

Good explanation user.

Run for the fucking hills.

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Stop watching all porn and just wait it out

Now that he has nothing left to do but watch daytime game shows and go to the doctor every other day, remind him it would be a good idea to set up an irrevocable trust, medical power of attorney, put the land in your name, etc. so that the Jews don't take all his stuff away from you.

The graph is the difference between how much interest you can get from 10 year investment vs 3 month investment. Under normal circumstances you would expect lot more money for tying your money for 10 years so the difference should be positive.
When the difference hits 0 or goes into negatives it means either yields of 10 year is dropping (people don't think governments can pay their money back in the long term), rise in 3 month pay (government needs loadsa more money for some reason right now) or mixture of both.

While technically there could be nothing wrong and the thing just happening from pure market forces, if investors are so scared about the future it tends to be a self fulfilling prophesy
people are scared -> instead of investing into long term they invest into short term or even stop investing -> lack of money on the market forces governments and firms to play it more aggressively which exacerbates any existing problems -> causes more panic more people pull money from banks and start saving up for the collapse -> repeat

Give it more like 3 months. That's the timeframe for CNS adaptation. Don't get hung up on it. You're just recovering from being on overdrive.

And don't freak out if you can barely enjoy it at first when you start back up again. You'll need another period of adaptation to change what has become normal, but it'll be more like a few days or a week than a few months.

no money to be made on bonds so nobody will buy them

but trump told me america was make great again

why dont thread like these get better action...some bitch selling her piss in a bottle gets over 600 replies

What's the point? Either you know the bond market sucks and you probably put your money elsewhere or you're bragging to your cocksucker friends about what you heard on marketplace.

because trying to understand this graph takes the slightest amount of intelligence, ethot threads are like baboon pheromones

both those are win win...telling them I brought a bottle of piss makes me look creepy and degenerate...its all about appearance

>The yield curve just flattened
I can't wait to dump all my extra cash into the market next year.

Is the heart beat of fat USA before it gets medication?

The Fed fucked up by not slowly raising rates during 2012-2015. Get ready for quantitative easing round infinity.

boys it was over when we passed the recent budget. everyone in the whole fucking world is going down. next we will be trading cookies for water, and niggers will be eating white people when the gibs run out. that is after they take our guns.

nothing to worry about, we'll just have -2% interest rates

Attached: yield.webm (480x480, 1.25M)

That's why when they come for the guns you give them the lead first. Although in my case it will probably wind up being steel since the faggots got all up in a tizzy about lead in the environment.

well. its not that bad. when recession hits there will be a lot of cheap property to buy (if you're not in debt). just need to save up money

thanks rare Poland


It is quite literally the bursting of the money changer bubble. Expect epic kvetching as we manage to pin the blame on jews this time.

Based leaf posts. Seriously though, the 2008 part worries me the most. Pretty much all that was done to apparently "fight" the financial crisis was just delaying the inevitable into the far future (by playing around again with interest rates), which we now most likely reached. I am not here being the "economic collapse" imminent guy, since we know that most times the fears were unfounded and nothing happened at all. But seeing these indicators, China vs US trade war and our EU doing the same shit with their zero interest rate politics, I am pretty much confident now that indeed we're going to hit a low soon enough. The question is: How severe is this going to be? Will it just be a steadily falling process from now, or is it like a bomb that could explode any moment once some kind of shit hits the market?

>The economy never really recovered from 2008. It was just propped up so it could limp along while the Jews continued to plunder as much as possible. The next downturn could very well spark a global crisis.
The next one will be worse, and the one after than will be even worse. The economy is almost in a resonance mode where the amplitude is growing unbounded.

This is actually a nice thread and for once anons explained the flattening yield curve.

All they really need to do is make sure the US dollar sucks less than the alternatives.

Notice how nobody talks about grexit anymore. Can't shake the table anymore once all the dominos are lined up. Don't forget how vile and evil kikes are. They can let the US dollar slide as long as they're sure the other currencies can be sabotaged on the way down.

Thank you! I think this illustrates best that the system has soon reached its limit. They can't delay the inevitable any further. But just the idea that this economic madness has been maintained for so long and that the bubble has continued to rise thanks to this (which only will make the bust of the bubble worse), should even have normies rising eye brows.

ergo, vis-a-vis, concordantly, we are fucked.


>I think this illustrates best that the system has soon reached its limit. They can't delay the inevitable any further
sure they can
negative interest rates by giving everyone $1000 a month

helicopter money is what it's called apparently


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