You fucked up

Well, I hope everyone is happy. You hoped you'd influence the feds watching and you did, but not the way you wanted.

>be FBI tasked with watching shitposts for the past decade
>get sick of watching virgins and weebs talking about how they'll flip you from your cushy job
>start fedposting and these nerds fall for it
>holy shit they're actually doing it
>shitposters go so hard, the orange asshole turns on them and goes full Democrat
>wanted Hillary anyways because it was her turn
>Who's king shitposter now?

Congratulations, user. You played yourself.

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kill yourself you larping faggot

This is how the rise of the real America begins, brother. The traitors of America are being forced to show their true colors.

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You got about a month before you get red flagged for that kind of talk, kid. Don't be mad at me for it.

yeah, wow, if what you say is true and not gay nonsense then they really nailed those couple of guys, geeee, if they ever bring down more than one out of a million of us then I may consider going into hiding

Technically Trump has always been a democrat in disguise.

hey suck my dick alright? thanks

Acceleration is all we want and have ever wanted, newfag.

1. Epstein flew a helicopter sharing a covert US military plane's tail number used by DynCorp.

2a. DynCorp has a history of child trafficking in many countries.

2b. DynCorp is owned by Steve Feinberg (current US intelligence board) and composed of many elite politicians.

3a. Epstein bought his Zorro Ranch from New Mexico governor Bruce King.

3b. Zorro Ranch is registered under Epstein's shell company that is located in a mall in the Virgin Islands.

3c. During Epstein's 2008 arrest someone in Zorro Ranch won the PowerBall lottery and claimed it under a shell company.

4. The same mall where Epstein's shell company is located at also houses Congresswoman Stacey Plasket's main office.

4b. Stacey Plasket recieved donations from Epstein and just recently donated them back into charities due to his arrest.

5. Stacey Plasket sit on the board of a Lutheran Orphanage that receives donations from Epstein and has been visited by the Clintons.

6. Epstein owns his own Internet Service Provider (ISP) and has multiple FCC registered microwave antenna arrays scattered around his island.

7. Epstein's pilot has a daughter in the US military and rumored to be in intelligence.

7. Former FBI director Comey's daughter will be in the prosecution team in Epstein's upcoming criminal case.

8. Mossad Agent Junkerman has flown on Epstein's jet.

9. Little Saint James was built by Aman Hotel's owner Vladislav Doronin who dated Naomi Campbell who flew on Epstein's jet.

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That's what the happening fools want.

If you don't come here for the happenings then wtf do you come here for?

Keep seething, nigger.

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As others have said, accelerationsm

The thing is you gotta look at the demagoguery of it all like there's buttons everywhere. All around you big shiny buttons. You press one, something happens. You don't know what or how, but it does. Some good, some bad. (Mostly bad)

Are you just gonna stand there bitch? You can. Like anyone is gonna stop you? You're panicking frozen still, not pressing anything while everyone else is pressing buttons trying to make sense out of all of this. Poorly I might add...

The elites don't know what they're doing
The "bad guys" don't know what they're doing
The incels don't know what they're doing

They may have vague ideas of button algorithms, but that goes out the window the more interactions happen

and accelerationism is fuck it, press all buttons randomly. Anything is better than this shit I'm miserable anyway

Now you got a bunch of people just pressing buttons, your meta is broken, you are broken, there is no more meaning.

Pressing those fear and punishment buttons will only get you so far when so many already feel wrongly afraid and punished. Probably would do you better to press a few free stuff buttons, a few state waifu buttons, give people some pussy and Cheetos so they shut the fuck up and just go to work. That's how you get people to not press buttons

But you won't. You're too proud, you think you know better, they think they know better, everyone thinks they're the protagonist.

Eventually it'll end, or won't, just get dumber and more chaotic. I don't give a fuck either way. I see the game for what it is. We already lost. You all just being petty

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That's one of the cutest cat pictures I've ever seen. My god I want to rub my dick on that cat's soft fur!

This is the shittest slide thread I've seen in a while.
accelerationsm newfag.


Sage and report SEETHERS

Don't see it that way at all. I see more people being radicalized more and more to the far right within the past few days. It's the Feds that messed up. They just don't know it yet as always. They are trying to slow cook the nation, but we are doing a better job.

Don't care about the Trump/Hillary nonsense.

I'm just waiting for SHTF. Thanks for your contribution, we're one step closer.

He comes here to shill for kikes

>You got about a month before you get red flagged for that kind of talk, kid. Don't be mad at me for it.

So, you were hired by democrat members of congress?

gonna need to troll harder to get us to turn on each other, kike

Trump is basically a lost cause especially after openly stating he wants to flood the country with legal immigration.

This is now a Hildog thread

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>You got about a month before you get red flagged for that kind of talk, kid. Don't be mad at me for it.
Which part?
>kill yourself
oh, what kind of analysis are you drawing from this?
If this offends you tough guy, stay off the internet. And quit your job. We don't need thin skinned pussies in law enforcement. We have plenty of that in literally every other agency.

Prove to me any one of these shooters is a Jow Forumstard.

This is what you think, but the FBI in reality is actually busy fucking CNN journalists and generally being a bunch of incompetent faggots.

reminder that the intelligence agencies got pwned by Russia throughout the cold war, missed 9/11, missed the russian interference and are generally a bunch of dopey fucks whose agencies are enshrouded in unwarranted mystique more than anything

>Thinks the FBI only posts on Jow Forums
>Thinks the FBI only incites from one side

You don't make sense, this rambling is bullshit, go take your meds and dialate, then think about what your trying to say and start again
