Are leftists inherently good people who are mislead or are they inherently bad people who are misleading?

Are leftists inherently good people who are mislead or are they inherently bad people who are misleading?

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Nice gif.

They're bad people who think themselves good

there is no such thing as being an "inherently" good or evil person

your nature, and the nature others perceive to have is braught upon you by the decisons you made in life, not a trait you are born with, unless you hav a mental illness or something

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in their own minds, libs are the saviors of the world

Thanks. You can't flimflam the zimzam.

emotionally destitute normies that were propped up in hugboxes.

They willfully surrendered to the cult of saturn. Black Cube has deep roots lad.
>History Channel
>New York
I can go on and on, they are dogs of the beast. They can change their ways but most are far gone and willfully surrendered their souls long ago. Most people submit themselves to Saturn. You think the masons are a bunch of larpers? Google chromes symbol? Symbolism outlasts all language.

leftists are inherently good. everyone else to the right are wicked

It does not matter what makes a subhuman. The only thing that matters is him vanishing.

They believe they are good people, and that allows them to justify anything against the "bad people." The world is never only black and white, and these people are fucking stupid for believing it to be so

>They willfully surrendered to the cult of saturn.
Is it willful for all of them though? I don't know about other anons, but I had an innate aversion to most of the things on that list (Video Game companies being the exception). Others may not feel that and they are just fed all those things as good and it becomes their normal.
> Symbolism outlasts all language.
I whole heartedly.


Objective truth exists. So, it stands to reason, that if different people seek that same objective truth, they will invariably arrive at the same conclusion.

Modern Leftism is the antithesis of objective truth. So the only explanation is that Leftists are either:

A. Stupid, and therefore incapable of comprehending the truth before them (and often resorting to emotion-based positions); or

B. Intellectually dishonest and, despite knowing truth, choose to lie in pursuit of an agenda.

A can be inherently good but just mistake. B is inherently bad people who are misleading.

Leftists simply don't understand the concept of principles. They have never had them and they think it is impossible to live your life a certain way and hold values 100% of the time. This is why everything that "their" person says is fine. They don't follow principles, they follow people. They fudge the line a little and it just gets worse and worse as they keep getting away with it and it slowly get more and more evil. I have had many conversations like this but one example was a guy trying to convince me it's okay for the government to have carte blanche on killing civilians without a trial (talking about some American that got droned for supposedly working with ISIS doing propaganda or some shit) and then got furious when I asked why he didn't believe Americans should have their Constitutional rights 100% of the time. He said he did believe that, literally right after trying to explain to me why it's a good idea for them not to have them all the time (when it's for the "greater good" as if someone gets to just fucking decide what that is exactly). They literally don't understand the concept of something being absolute.

They are the kids who would change the rules when it benefited them in a game and then change them back and punish you when you break them. They just grew up.

Neither. They’re inherently weak people that seek to tear down everything successful to make themselves look stronger.

>They just grew up.
Physically, perhaps.

Projection: The Tread.

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They’re libtarded SJW cucks with trigger warning safe space snowflakes! We’re going to win the culture war and get rid of SJW libtards, no more safe spaces you snowflakes. Get over it!

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Ha! Liberals are effeminate baby men! Nice snippy remark fellow Reddit fan!

Undoubtedly there are some leftists who realize they are peddling unproductive bullshit that sounds good to people who haven't thought the matters through. But that is likely a small number.

Mostly it is innocent rubes who are programmed by their environs much like you and me. Even reading through this thread is influencing our thought processes. The difference is that some indoctrination is productive for the recipient and other indoctrination not so much. Christian morality and sense of personal responsibility? Productive for the recipient. Victimhood mentality and a sense that morals are subjective? Unproductive for the recipient.

i'd say 80% the former with the real activists/leaders being mostly the latter