Sandniggers are the cancer of the earth

What religion is worse than Muslim?

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talmud and related cults

That hindu branch of animism that encourages human sacrifice, cannibalism and necrophilia.


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Not gonna lie I’d kill someone and fuck their corpse then eat it

Why is this even a question

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Fedposting detected. Opinion discarded. We need another crusade.

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in all seriousness

Without this we wouldn't have the Muslims in our lands

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>what religion is worse than Islam
>what is Judaism for 500.
Simple, really.

Jews only did 9/11 brainlet

Ok, THIS is the worst one, and then Judaism.
What the fuck am I reading though, that's actually a real religion? I need fucking proof you nigger.

(((yours)) is. Why do you always try to pit our Muslim and Black, Latin and Asian brothers against us Whites when we all have only one real common enemy?

based and pilpulpilled

The one I just invented that revolves around praying towards the direction of my ballsack twelve times a day, and worshipping the metaphysical manifestation of the universal spirit, as revealed by a puddle of spunk I left on the kitchen counter.

But frankly, I think it's still a close run thing, and let me tell you, I'm trying real hard.

>(((yours)) is. Why do you always try to pit our Muslim and Black, Latin and Asian brothers against us Whites when we all have only one real common enemy?

You forgot one.
>blacks, JEWS, muslims, latino, asians and whites
pick one and only one.

They are all equally bad including atheism and other edgy shit.

Wherever Christianity is weakened, Jews flood in and take control. Whereever Christianity is removed Muslims flood in and overrun the population
>What did the God of monotheism mean by this?

>really believing christianity is the same thing as islam

What’s an autist doing here?

srry abt that one, will try to rid the trudeau government in october.
(but at least in pic related they were helping a sandnigger escape islam??)

Christianity is weak. Needs lots of support and discipline to maintain strength. And if that discipline disappears, you'll reap the consequences.

I will slaughter you like a goat

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Give your damned body to Christ you lost lamb

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Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship Satan (Saturn) so it’s kind of a moot point.


Hi Achmed, got any halal meat for me m8?

None. They are like the ori in stargate. They are the mormans of the Byzantine orthodoxy.