Ok Autists of Seattle

Ok Autists of Seattle.
I will visit your shithole of a city in September.
Last time i was there was two years ago. I actually enjoyed it, believe it or not, but now i have seen pic related documentary and i need you to give it to me hard and dry:
How fucked am I?
I have trouble imagining a city can turn so sour in just two years. I noticed some homeless and drug addicts last time i was there but it wasnt really striking as extraordinary, just a normal Mutt city to me but this docu, holy shit. Should i hire a bodyguard?
Will be there for three weeks, staying in First Hill.
Am i going to die, anons?

Attached: Seattle is Dying screenshot 1.jpg (1200x660, 79K)

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Shameless self bump.
I need advice, bros

It's pretty much exactly as it was when you last visited. I can walk the streets at any hour without incident. As long as you don't sperg out on homeless people you should be fine.

Seattle is turning into a sh##hole. Theres areas in downtown Capitol Hill that Gay Pup Slaves have taken down and replaced the street signs with their own. The storefronts are all changed and if you walk the sidewalks you're confronted by bodybuilders with inflated scrotums and forced to leave. The nice parks are overrun by these "fabulous" homosexual men grabbing boys and screaming. They're there to harass and rape them because of their running shorts. The Space Needle is overrun with these rude rodents that plow into our small kids hard enough to knock them down. Now we have 3 of these silicone fueled manslaves in our City Counsel. There were a quarter million of them voting to overturn the few people left with any decency, along with a pile of Democrats with their heads up there their hind ends. No phobias, just observations and experiences

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I actually did not see any rampant degeneracy in Capitol Hill.
Didnt spend that much time there but apart from dudes holding hands and one unpassable tranny i didnt see anything shocking

Sounds like you got lucky, Adolf

I ignore homeless people but they are meth addichts in Seattle, they jump people for now reason.

I've been to Seattle several times already, i really liked the city but i am still shocked by that documentary, i recongize a lot of places and they look nothing like i remember.
And seriously, fuck, how fucking left can one city council be?

I live in Seattle. My area is called Wallingford and its ok. I was in Ballard and Im pretty sure I saw a homeless shooting up. I would suggest trying to take in the nature but maybe someone who has lived here longer can give you better advice.

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Pacific Northwest is top notch nature and landscape wise.
Really beautiful. I dream of spending my retirement there innawoods hunting deer

You should be fine and have a good time. The changes are most noticeable if you grew up here. When I was a kid it was less traffic, less homeless, and less insane ultra lefties, though it has been a democratic stronghold for years. The whole area is getting worse and worse, more expensive, more oppressive laws, more homeless more property crimes. However, you should still enjoy it, and September is a beautiful month to come as long as the weather hasn't turned. Seattle still has its beauty.

you're fine, autist
also downtown is the most boring part of seattle, explore the neighborhoods instead

>its ok
lol there has never ever been a moment in Wallingford where I've felt unsafe, even going to Dick's at 1am
fuck are you smoking

They cause most people no problem. If they ask you for change and you tell them to fuck off, then yeah, some might chimp out. If you just politely say< "Sorry, I don't carry cash. Good luck" nothing has ever happened to me. The documentary is largely propaganda from Sinclair media.

It really is. Really I think You should be fine. I walk around Wallingford all hours of the night.
Ok is actually an understatement. I walk around like an autist at 3A.M. and Iv always been fine.

Yeah Seattle is a pretty safe big city in general.

I think I read some user say that after the Seattle Is Dying video got traction and made the city leadership look like fucking tards, the popo starting running the homeless out of city limits.

Be interesting for a resident to give comment.

>I walk around like an autist at 3A.M
I used to do energy drink runs at 3am when I was an 18-20 year old that didn't go to bed till 6. Those were comfy days.

>Sinclair media.
Care to elaborate?


I used to do energy drink runs at 3am when I was an 18-20 year old that didn't go to bed till 6. Those were comfy days.
Lol thats what Im always out getting.

Attached: tfw no monster zero gf.png (1200x1200, 939K)

I have to confess, i smoke weed and i'm high most of the times when i'm in seattle, i always felt safe.
But the numbers in the doc are staggering.
And how much money is spent with no real results

Maybe, I know that when I was going up to UW for grad school a year ago that they busted up a lot of the smaller camps at one point to try and consolidate into a super camp or some shit, but they started popping up again.

The taller imports are so fucking delicious. I miss drinking them.

Attached: monster_import.jpg (1000x750, 375K)

Its been a bit since I was there but just use common sense hans. Treat it like you would any other city and recognize the state of the houses in the area e.g. bars on windows trash in yards.

Well, they do spend a shit ton of money on nonsense in Seattle.

Been there a couple times. Once very recently. Other than the rainbow flags/lightshows literally on every door/building and homo/transsexual couples, it was safe. Safe but very gay.

A massive media conglomerate that bought up local news networks and forces them to run certain GOP approved segments and talking points.

I walk around high all the time youll be fine. I would suggest going to Oz cannabis and trying the trifecta hash joint.
Also this. I was walking to a weed store sincee my usual one had closed. Anyways Im passing the lenin statue and some fag is standing there buck naked

Hmmmm. Reeks of collusion. O bet that company has ties to Russia. Mueller should investigate

Was there 2 weeks ago for a week. It wasnt too bad. Plenty of asian hotties... more than I have ever seen per capita anywhere in America.

No many blacks. The ones that are there are full on bleached, chasing bwc or ate a gay man.

I like uncle ike's.
Locals probably dont but i just go there to stare at a wall of weed.
Their "Alaskan Thunderfuck" is top notch

Their main moth piece is a Russian-born ex-Trump administration member named Boris Epshteyn.

Isn’t it not illegal to do hard drugs in Seattle anymore? Like they don’t prosecute coke possession?

Don't come


Former Kirklander here, back when it was a smaller quieter waterfront area, now it's some huge fuck off gentrified shithole, homes all bulldozed for apartments and office buildings, constant traffic, loud busses everywhere and hordes of mouth breathing troglodytes that waddle and shuffle everywhere, it's not just seattle that's fucking changed and gotten shittier...

>i hate people

>Their "Alaskan Thunderfuck" is top notch
Yes it is but I havnt been to that specific store yet.

Under a certain amount, they are not.