
I hear a lot about the Pacific Northwest, but I'm kind of undecided. I want to move up North, and still be within the United States, but also be rather distant from Chimpening range. I've been romanticizing Alaska a lot recently, and one town in particular, but I've never even been on that side of the continent. Can anyone redpill me on what it's like in Alaska legally? As much as I hate living in Florida, we have some exceptionally based laws like Castle Doctrine, Affirmative Defense, no state income tax, etc. I hear "West coast" and immediately think, "oh fuck, it's going to be like California and Washington state", but then I remember it's also super underdeveloped and small-town. So I don't really know what to guess they're like.

If I were to move to Alaska, especially an exceptionally rural town, what should I expect?

Alternatively, do you have any good locations you want to move to and set up?

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Ever been up that far north? For one don't go up there without a job, Alaska is not a good place to be poor. Also, as of late the locals have become increasingly hostile to transplants, considering the way we're going as a society i'd keep that in mind of you have or want kids. Alaskans can be very nice but they can also be quite hostile if you piss em off, they're not like folks down here.

t.Grew up there, plan on going home soon.

Forgot to add, if you do have something valuable that's useful in the bush like a trade or something medical, so long as you're not an obnoxious cunt and have respect for and adapt to the Alaskan way of life, you should be good.

What jobs are up there? I knew other leafs from the territories when i was a kid but i dont know anyone whos lived north of the treeline as an adult

Just come to Maine.
Cheap, easy, awesome.
Leave your undesirables behind though.
Don't bring any, ya know, yeah.

Alaska is in a recession right now, fyi. Know a trade? Have a CDL? (Professional drivers license in burgerspeak), medical? There's always work on the northern slope, it's mostly oil and gas.
Providence Hospital in Anchorage is huge, I suspect more and more single nurses and doctors will be going up there eventually as things here go to shit. May the gods help us all if we get socialized medicine, the doctors and nurses will get screwed but they'll do nothing to help with tuition, malpractice insurance and the ever increasing cost of doing business.
How is your lobster fest? My god I just want to gorge on lobster with PETA watching me do it. Fuck PETA.

That's pretty cool and respectable. The town I have in mind is very unique and not "in the bush" so much as huddled between mountains and has a population of under 200 most of the time. Everybody's on a first-name-basis with everyone, local law enforcement personnel can be counted on one hand, that kind of place. I've been thinking about trying to start a business there that doesn't depend on the population there to grow. Something IT related, maybe, so I could market to distant customers and provide product remotely.

Maine is also in my top 3 locations, but the sheer remoteness of the Alaska town I have in mind makes it my first interest. It's surrounded on 3 sides by mountains and the Pacific ocean on the other. Only way in or out is a single one-lane tunnel that closes at night, or by boat. No worries about the Y'knows either way, though.

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Oh that makes sense. I too romanticize the wildernes and isolation but don't know if i could deal with the climate.
I remember when i was like 12, my dad sat me down and discussed the possibility of him moving to Nunavut (leaf speak for Alaska) for work as he was a Mountie (leaf speak for cop) but it didn't pan out. Kinda glad desu.

Like I said, Alaskans aren't like folks down here, don't expect to meet laidback mormons like you would in Idaho, Alaskans are so conservative they make Dixie look like a bunch of blue states. Won't lie, i'm quite hostile too, I had a hard time down here as a kid and got shit on a lot so seeing people here get torn apart really isn't on my list of concerns. We're getting to the point where if someone knows their transplant neighbor is from Commiefornia they'll go out of their way to be shitty to em.

T.In a state commiefornia carpet baggers are ruining.
The climate is rough man, very rough. Yet another reason why not a lot of people stay there, mother nature is no joke. Thing is, that's also what keeps the shit people away so there you go. Really, all they ask is you don't shit the state up and respect their way of life and culture. Big problem with burgers, besides entitlement no respect for anything.


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The UP of Michigan is comfy, remote, all the freshwater and game in the world and not a chimp for hundreds of miles

if your not from Alaska, just dont come here, its too cold and dark for you, also no jobs for anyone who isnt friends with locals, we have a very strong old boy system here and yeah new people get work sometimes but if your not our bro your gonna be livin solo in the woods so just stay south

Sounds like my kind of place. I'm doing some reading on the laws, too, and I'm liking what I see. No permit required for concealed carry, no state income tax, etc.

What's this I'm reading about every Alaskan getting a cut of oil revenue? You get paid by the state just for living in the state?

im gonna guess from your description your thinking of moving to talkeetna or girdwood or some other dumbass yuppie town

yea we get an avrg of 1k per year, its jack shit

that cracked me up...
yeah, lobsta here in Maine is fantastic.
hell, make it with hot pie, ravioli, or a simple cold serve on a grilled hot dog roll.

I have health issues that make a barren icy wasteland preferable. I'm allergic to the entire family of "grasses", from wheat, to rice, to every non-paved square inch outdoors. My issues also result in a high metabolism or something that causes me to run like a furnace; I get sick in anything above 70 degrees while actively doing stuff and anything above 75 while active. "Cold, dark, and nothing grows" sounds like paradise.

Never heard of either. I want to gush about the town but it's so small and unique for a lot of reasons I'm actually worried about giving it exposure. Here's a hint though: it's a tourist town in the summer because it was built to be a deepwater port for WWII in case the primary naval base in the region was taken by the Japs. It was later incorporated as a town instead of a base, populated by the descendants of former soldier and baseworkers. Many luxury cruiseliners stop there in the summer, which quadruples the town's population for the duration of their stay.

That's still pretty neat. I'd invest it or something.


well then my friend, i always say, if you can live here 3 years you can live here for life, give it a shot, but people who talk about pfd or other bull dont know why they are moving here, dont move here till you visit at least, and dont move here till you spend a winter here, i would say 2/3s of people who move to alaska end up just leaving because its boring and cold

Have you ever thought of Oregon? The only crazy libtard parts are in the big three cities (Salem, Eugene, and Portland).
We have some of the most relaxed gun laws in the US, (check ).

also alaska has the highest unsolved murder rate in america becuase we know how to deal with asshats in our small towns, so asshats need not apply to alaska living

Thanks, friend. I want to get some money together and then spend the winter there, as it'll be the real dealbreaker on whether or not I can handle it. I am, alas, a Southerner in my experience even if not to my taste.

Occasionally, but I want something so remote that if the US collapses I'll still exist in a naturally removed fortress.

>i want to move from florida to alaska.
2/10 shitpost.


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>Alaska town I have in mind makes it my first interest. It's surrounded on 3 sides by mountains and the Pacific ocean on the other

Don't know much about the states but isn't the North-East the safest?

I'm specifically looking for places that will weather a societal collapse best. As much as I love the entire New England area (at least most of it), it would defeat the purpose to be anywhere within driving distance of New York.

can anyone redpill me on southeast alaska?

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How about Iceland?
Hail Odin

Also attractive, but I do actually love my country, sick as it is.

California actually has a surprisingly strong Castle Doctrine. It's shocking I know.

>living in Florida
don't you dare fucking leave you fucking pussy. move to one of the rural northern counties in the state. you can buy 5 acres of land and a real house for 250k. what is your work background/skill set?

This is actually what I want to hear. Good luck!

Private investigation. I'm a spook for hire.

Thanks user. You too.

>Private investigation. I'm a spook for hire.
Shit dude I'd think this would be the best goddamn place to live in the country for that.

It's not bad, yeah. The more metropolitan with surrounding upper middle class people you have, the better. We do a lot of domestic infidelity, by which we refer to ourselves internally as The Thot Patrol, but there's also really good money to be made in stuff like skiptracing/locates and insurance fraud, like if someone claims to be injured but is bullshitting. The best/consistent work is through lawyers, but they're hard to hook if you don't have connections (we do).

It's actually a family business, though, so if I were to go to Alaska, I'd be able to open an interstate branch like we've discussed internally a few times. I have some executive leeway as the "administrative manager" aka "the CEO's son". The town I'm thinking of is just outside Anchorage, so there's more money floating around than the tiny spit of a town I'd move to.