Are there only 2 genders?

Gender is a social construct. Sex and gender are completely different. Because they are different, there are more than 2 genders. Sex = biological. Why are you idiots so in denial?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Gender is irrelevant then, however most documents and paperwork use gender and sex interchangeably . The world hasn't caught up with the retarded pointless useless 'gender' in the way it is being used by the progressives. If gender is just how someone feels and what fashion they like, putting gender on birth certificates and drivers licences is equivalent to putting 'favourite color' or 'hobby' on them.

I am 152 mm soviet howitzer and you cant convience me I am not

that doesn't disprove anything. If gender is a classification, there can exist more than 2 genders. There can be many ways to classify one thing. For example, a rock can be classified by its hardness, luster, foliation, color, etc.

>gender is a social construct
lost me there, pal

You're a retarded neo-nazi that has a low IQ

Sex and gender are completely, and intended to be so, the same. "Gender" is literally a synonym. Any deviation from this is fictional leftist double-think that is completely unsubstantiated and based entirely on the false premise that they are different.

Rocks don't have genders

A-user, may I fire you into crowds of likes and boomers?

What is the point of gender, then?

You’re legally and literally retarded. Fuck off and cry harder nerd.

So are human rights, therefore I am not obligated to give a shit about them.

Your DNA doesn’t change, dude. Your classifications are the dreams of the mentally ill who wish to be something other than what they are.

No, they're not. One is biological and one is not.

How dare you insult me, howitzers have no iq becouse our brains dont exist

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Yeah, that sounds about right.

Yes they are. One is an individual's sex and the other is the same but spelled and vocalized differently. You have already been debunked by the very first fucking post, it's over. Your response to it is, of course, completely retarded. You're describing attributes, not classifications.

It's a classification system regardless according to the fp. While I can look at a rock and call it a rock, I can not look at it and say that it is definitely an igneous rock. It requires classification. XY & XX chromosomes are innate. I can not deny this. I can look at the emerging form of these chromosomes as well as all of the other parts that make up a person and perceive behavioral tendencies. These behavioral tendencies vary from individual to individual.

There are zero genders and two sexes.

0/10 bait


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Of course. Sex is a biological fact about a person and gender is a linguistic classification of words.

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Baring legitimate genetic mutations, there are only 2 genders. Gender === sex; sex === gender.

When you're born you've got the equipment of one or the other, that's it, there's no choosing. Anything else and you should be in an institution getting help. Either that or a 9mm and a bill to your family.

Why would you like the whole world to recognize men as women?
> Do you feel that you've uncovered a hidden truth about the true nature of human that others simply don't comprehend?
> Or is it that you have a disdain for your cultural norms and feel as though they subjugate you and others?
> Are you simply someone who feels as though collective identities are necessary for an enriching life... And found a niche?

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Except for the fact that biological and non-biological are not attributes you fucking dense retard.

There are three genders: Male, Female, and Mistake.

funny bait

but thinking about the people that actually believe that, is even funnier

Where do you get the notion that gender = sex?

Actually one of the most reasonable responses in this shitfire of a thread.

Please keep this thread SFW you fucking tard. Stop spreading your filth

You absolute fucking mongoloid. We are talking about your fucked up mongrel of a comparison to a rock's attributes.

Who can be behind this post

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That is a false assertion. Dr. John Money pushed this bulshit and his experiment subjects killed themselves because of this monstrous ideology.

Gender is based on sex. Since there's only two sex, there's only two genders.

OP is a weak minded faggot that not only openly welcomed the brainwashing jew but actually enjoys propagating this stupid fucking shit like the good shabbos goy that he is

this isnt reddit you know. maybe you can reap some goodgoy karma there

Women and Men, that's it. What does "gender is s social construct" even mean? People came up with men and women? WTF

Is this a ciri cosplay?

Gender is a fake word.

There are only two sexes, anything else is an abomination.

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>Perfectly normal.
Imagine being so demented you believe this.

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I got you bro
BASED BOOGIE explains it well
Jow Forums cannot refute his logic

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Social constructs are useful and good. Matching gender and sex is the best way. All others are malfunctions with sub-optimal quality of life and propagating social disorder.

Chromozones prove your gender, simple as that.

Well judging by your thread OP lacks some.

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Shut your face. You wanna see the truth, or do you want to moral grandstand? What you saw is a piece of reality. Wanna see trannys dilating?

Sex and gender are two different things.
There are only two biological sexes.
Gender is an empty word. To an alien, or to animals. gender would mean nothing.

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Money was a pedo and molested the two boys.
Something trans groups love to ignore.

Dr John Money was the person that started this crap. He was a pedophile that abused two boys and used his job to abuse children.
Here is an account of the abuse suffered by one of his victims, David Reimer.
>Reimer said that Money forced the twins to rehearse sexual acts involving "thrusting movements", with David playing the bottom role. Reimer said that, as a child, he had to get "down on all fours" with his brother, Brian Reimer, "up behind his butt" with "his crotch against" his "buttocks". Reimer said that Money forced David, in another sexual position, to have his "legs spread" with Brian on top. Reimer said that Money also forced the children to take their "clothes off" and engage in "genital inspections". On at "least one occasion", Reimer said that Money took a photograph of the two children doing these activities. Money's rationale for these various treatments was his belief that "childhood 'sexual rehearsal play'" was important for a "healthy adult gender identity".
>John Money (abuser).

>David Reimer (victim).

Zombies are real. That’s why we have a word for them

What a fucking retard.

Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina. You understand zir? Zip zop zippidy do.

That's offensive to people with Klinefleter syndrome (XXX chromosomes) and other similar diseases. You're appropriating their sex and gender.

ok dude that is not funny

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Come on japbro we helped you so much in ww2 and we taught you not to make the same mistake as us. We didn't ally for you to shitpost for fucks sake.

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"either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female."

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Sweet bait, faggot. Does it hurt when you dilate?

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Biology trumps your social agenda, sport. We aren't the ones in denial. You are. You're incapable or unwilling to accept the basic precepts of life. Men are men. Women are women. End of story.
I'm sorry you faggots aren't capable of living up to the expectations of masculinity.
You're still, and always will be, a man.
If not, please refer to me as
>Alpha Wolf.
>Pack Leader.
Because that's how I identify.
If you think that's silly... well... you know how I feel about a faggor pretending to be a woman.

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What? And why is this tweet so long?

Because gender isn't so apparent as race is, it's been butchered to allow social retards to invent whatever they want to make up for their complete lack of personality.

ok what the fuck is actually going on there

It's not supposed to be. It's what lefties encourage children to do. It's evil.

They're doing a skin graft to make a penis for a tranny. Looks super natural doesn't it? Perfectly normal.

>Ignore second definition in post because it makes his fake pussy bleed.
It is identical to sex. Gender has always meant the same as sex, and you will find that it always will. Society has had enough leftardation.

I can't unsee that

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you actually made me fucking gag

Because this concept of gender is a ridiculous abstraction. The word means nothing unless you're talking about electrical connectors. I can't believe this is the extent of Jow Forums Jow Forums. Come on, you guys have to have better than this going on.
If you want to chop off your willy and kill yourself after realizing what a terrible mistake you made, though, go ahead. Idiot.

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Kys nigga


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Care to define gender?

fucking stop, please i'm grossed out

Front Hole

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GOD created men and women

Honk Honk

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Welcome to Jow Forums newfag. This is the first of many realities you can not unsee. You have been lied to your whole life and spending time here is going to undo every last bit of it. Enjoy your stay! Remember, you're here forever!

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Satan created sodomites.

How the fuck is it possible to have separate terms for sex and gender. But using the same word power for phisical strength and political power?????
English is degenerate by design

Perfectly normal people with no problems.

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Been here since 2013 nigger

>has anyone had decent looking results?

No fucker has ever had decent looking results, its nothing more than an open wound that leaks puss and has to be stretched daily as the body continually tries to seal the wound.

Sex and Gender are the same thing.
Only mentally ill faggots don't understand.
They will remove themselves in time.

And not seen these images 1000 times? Doubt.

Why do we TRY make delusions become realities

Main reason tranny porn actors keep their cocks.

We don't
(((They))) do.

Ok for real now i am going to dismantle your retarded argument

>Gender and sex are different
>sex is biological and gender is just a word to describe what we want to be
>That isn't how it works you stupid retard, gender is based off sex, just 2 genders male and female (maybe spaghet)
>Point is chromosomes define your gender, if you deny your gender with perfectly good chromosomes you deny being fucking human, just think about it.
>Zebras are cats because i can deny their biological species.
>skeletons are of a male but i deny biology so its not a skeleton its spaghetti

You see what pandoras box you open up when you deny such obvious things?

No wonder you retards are 40%+ suicidal you're so fucking depressed you make me want to shoot myself. And i dont know how you deny this but that shit is NOT a vagina, its just skin sewed together.

And speaking of genital mutilation, there is no way of denying it, its wrong on so many levels.

How do you retards not even realize that transgenderism is a mental disorder? Mental disorders both literally and figuratively make you jump off bridges, some make you think certain limbs don't belong to your own body, so why cant a mental disorder make you think you have the wrong gender you retard?

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I've seen countless images of surgery's just not seen a Webm of a man committing suicide like that

There is no point to the progressive definition of gender other than as being a narcissistic personal philosophy box to fill.

there's your argument, now go dialate, absolute dickhead

You are the idiot here.
This is really very simple.
Girls have an innie.
Boys have an outie.

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It's part of the liberal tradition of the last 20 years to redefine words in order to win arguments.

It's the same as when they re-defined racism. For the history of man it was defined as acting on prejudice based on color. So when 10 white men beat up a black guy for being black, it was a racist attack. And when 10 black guys beat up a white guy for being white, that was a racist attack to.

But by re-defining racism as prejudice+power, they now attempt to argue that it is impossible for any black person to commit a racist act, since they don't have "power".

What's even more interesting is that they modern leftist actually believe this. They think that life is required to bend to their debate society rules, instead of understanding that reality doesn't bend to anyone.

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How about you shut the fuck up and become a good goy?
You fucking mongrel. How about you listen you stupid commie? My rock comparison points out the fact that classification is just that. Mere classification and it can be constructed in whatever fucking way we please. If gender is a classification, it is by nature of the word classification: a construct.
Don't act like you're not on Reddit.
That's not the truth. That's mental illness.
What I said still stands faggot.
What about these people?
No, it hasn't.
I agree.

Now your clutching at straws, a rock ffs at least have some self respect, still an absolute dickhead


What in the fuck do mutilated dicks have to do with gender? Those people are mentally ill. Chromosomes don't define your gender you fucking retard. Gender is an abstraction.

I know it's absolutely fucking hilarious

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Determine your fricktools. If not then useless, resort to 'sex' as we Finns do.