You only hate socialism because the patriarchy and white cis run governments are afraid of its true power and what it...

You only hate socialism because the patriarchy and white cis run governments are afraid of its true power and what it means to them if socialism becomes popular.

Here are some video links showing true patriots of socialism and what they have to offer

Attached: dem_socialists.jpg (680x408, 83K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Socialism doesnt work

Only because it's never actually been tried

Ok tranny

Oh boy a bunch of retards who want the horrors of communist russia repeated all over again. Yuri Bezmenov was right

Why do you think that's an insult?

Who should decide how I spend my money?

broken toy club for pathetic people who think theyll be wearing bandanas and taking faggy black and white photos of people while their in the bread lines while china and russia part out the country that the black population hasnt burned.

Russia failed because it wasn't democratic socialism, it was just a dictatorship pretending to be socialist

As a collective , we all decide on where we spend our money under socialism. Why do you only want rich white cis men to decide where you spend your money?

Democracy is mob rule

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I get your brainwashed into thinking socialist are evil. Hopefully you'll see the light someday and realize that rich white men are keeping you down.

Just listen to this video, they really are decent people who just want to help everyone.

(I know I'm talking to racist alt-right fanatics on this board but i hope i reach some of you hopefully.)

Yuri was right.
Imagine being this blueballed that you support socialism. Please commit die.

Socialism doesn't work, hasn't ever worked and will never work. You keep repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting that people will believe you.

Communism is a failed system like NatSoc. Just shut up and get over it.

I'm sorry your so brainwashed that you keep believing the Cis hetero rich white man's lies. I know its really hard to break the conditioning so I forgive you in remaining ignorant

That doesn't work though. In a world with no different traditions and cultures, no problems, disagreements, prejudices, jews or dindus, were everyone thought the same then sure communism. Not in the real world though.

But it can, we have plenty of diverse cultures right now working in harmony with each other with no problems.

I hate that kind of socialism because it'd never work in a multiculti society. It'd be overtaken by Jews yesterday and having the rest of them work for them today. National Socialism is the only socialism that could work. A nation by and for the race.

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You mean the mob decides. If you dare to not agree with the mob...then what?

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You act like doing the will of the people is a bad thing.


Why would I need to dilate?

The people have a collective IQ of 68

all over the place, open your eyes.

Name one specific place

Well "the people" think that you shouldn't exist



sorry but thats a lie

Sometimes I hope it's only 1 post from this id.

See how easy it is to ignore mob rule?
It gets even easier when you realize that the majority of people on the planet are very stupid...I'm not about putting stupid people in charge.

Look where it's gotten us so far

I thought we had a white nationalism problem in America?

But it isn't mob rule, you just made something up as an individual and said it was.

we do, but we are fixing it with socialism


No, no, no. I hate socialism because I hate YOU and that’s what you support. I hate anything that you enjoy wholeheartedly.

How can it be working if you need to fix it

Define "the will of the people"
Voting? Requires 50%? That's mob rule.
Hopefully you are a slave to whatever is popular, because there is no way in hell you're going to get 100% agreement on anything.


>and what they have to offer
so starvation?


Why don't you just join us? We're socialists, but we're National-Socialists.

Why do I want you or “the collective” to spend my money?

They literally all look like idiotic cowards. Need to be purged.

why do the privileged children of the bourgeoisie want the proletariat to rise up against them? The working class is not sympathetic to rich white kids crying about their pronouns.

>Define "the will of the people"
What the people want
>Hopefully you are a slave to whatever is popular, because there is no way in hell you're going to get 100% agreement on anything.
Says the person who wants a rich old white cis hetero white guy to tell him what to think 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The only one who wants to be a slave is you.

So you just want some rich old white guy to tell you how to spend your money. got it

I can tell your afraid of them so now your resulting to insults

>> help everyone
You mean help themselves. I’m prone to sensory overload so shut up. Jazz hands! This is painfully idiot and I fail to see how you’re going to “win socialism” for “working people”. Clearly, none of you have worked a day in your life because of weakness or mental illness, but I repeat myself.

No, I spend it myself just fine.

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Can such a condition be avoided? My understanding of humans leads me to believe it will always become the connected vs the outsiders. But I'm just a dumbass that only knows the system I live in. I have a hard time believing humans are trustworthy enough to create a truly fair system.
Change my mind

False dichotomy, but I will humor you.
What makes your decision making better? You haven't demonstrated anything remotely approaching inspiring.

Just some angry rando who is hung up on gender and skin color.

>You only hate socialism because you are afraid of its true power.

150 years of provable failure.

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I happen to like keeping the money I make.

>muh! It wasn't real communism

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>I’m prone to sensory overload so shut up
I'm sorry, I'll try not to overload you.
>Clearly, none of you have worked a day in your life because of weakness or mental illness
You obviously don't care about real working people and after asking me to treat your difficulties with respect you immediately go on a bigoted tyrant.

keep pretending you think for yourself, I'm sure they'll be very proud of you for all your bootlicking.

No, no. They’re talking about DEMOCRATIC socialism. It’s completely different and way better, user. But we have to trust them.

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fake news.

>Russia failed because it wasn't democratic socialism.

>Every communism state is one party.

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It wouldn't even work then.

>What makes your decision making better?
because it's the right approach and will work.
>Just some angry rando who is hung up on gender and skin color.
We already established you're racist but I'm still willing to talk to you.

>I get your brainwashed into thinking socialist are evil.

Wrong, we don't think you're evil.
We know you're retarded!

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But you don't you give the majority of it to rich white men. If you really valued your money you would embrace socialism.

>No, no. They’re talking about DEMOCRATIC socialism. It’s completely different and way better, user.

>We already established you're racist
Everyone point and laugh at this loser

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Okay, I understand you're just angry racist incels and such but can we really not use the R word, it's every triggering

>So you want someone else to spend your labour?

>>So you want someone else to spend your labour?

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> socialism
> having any power
once again OP was shown to be a useless nigger

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No, you’re all weak, pathetic losers that have to change the system because your obvious failures as human beings have made you abject and impotent and completely unable to function outside of your safe spaces, which is why the majority rightfully shun you. Clapping triggers you? Your life probably isn’t worth living, anyway. Offended by gendered language? You should probably die and save yourself the pain of eking out your short, bleak, meaningless existence of clinging to your historical materialism and labor theory of value and crackpot feminist/gender studies nonsense that only gains traction at your struggle sessions and on Twitter. And trust me, working people, ACTUAL working people, want you to fuck off and die.

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You think you're smart but truly you are foolish.
Every post you've made in this thread proves your ignorance of geopolitics and history.

He was talking about what the guy says on the video, i.e. "I'm prone to sensory overload" and "let's not clap and make noise do this instead (jazz hands)" it was cringe as fuck to watch.

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Says the angry jobless incel

Thank you comrade for proving Russia was using real socialism and that there is a difference between democratic socialist and russian ones.

>keep pretending you think for yourself, I'm sure they'll be very proud of you for all your bootlicking

Compared to group think, where you literally don't think for yourself, and pat yourself on the back for bootlicking.

You didn't give us your preferred pronouns!

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You seem to be getting really angry. I don't cis white guy like you getting angry and deciding to shoot up a mall and a school again.

If I tried to make you buttered toast and burnt your house down, you would have every right to hate me. The same goes for communist.

>cis whites are revolting
>Waaaagh where is my commutard revolution!??!!

I know its hard to break away from corporate brainw3ashing. I forgive you for still thinking like that.


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So you think its okay to make fun of people's disabilities? Let me guess, you go to cancer wards of sick kids and make fun of them. what kind of monster are you?

Shut the fuck up you dumb nigger

>You didn't give us your preferred pronouns!
I forgot, They, them

Only if their jews or niggers. Also been triggered isn't a disability retard.

why do you insist on posting fake news?

>You are just a *mean word*
>Could you not use *mean word* its very triggering!

Being this retardingly onions!

I understand you're a racist but please refrain from using the N word, it is very triggering

We'll use "Retard" & "Faggot".
You don't get to pick how other people address you faggot!

fuck off commies

Actual history
>Fake news

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>We'll use "Retard" & "Faggot". You don't get to pick how other people address you faggot!

Uhm your country says otherwise, bigot.