Hong Kong wishes for a 2nd Amendment


Attached: QAvLn1x.jpg (640x469, 40K)

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Sure, they are degenerate individualist capitalists, they want abortion, drugs, guns, democracy and all the other offsprings of Liberalism

Based race traitors

Attached: xi-jinping.jpg (875x583, 81K)

Feel the second amendment, flow through you!

This fuck them fuck trump fuck the patriarchy long live the CCP

As soon as they get freedom of speech, Jews easily subvert them. Maybe China is good after all

Germans really are just no fun pussies

Die off already

Everyone who is not retarded wants the second amendment, problem is that every government is afraid of the second amendment.
Pic is my most recent acquisition.

Attached: 20190711_224703.jpg (2220x1665, 398K)

Europe soon too. They have to now that they are so diverse.