No friends

>no friends
>no gfs or wives
>no sex
>no career
>massive college debt
>job automation looming ahead
Is the millennial generation a bomb just waiting to explode?

Attached: 889777556890.png (949x777, 613K)

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Id rathet have no friend then all my social interation coming from shit like discord like the zoomers do

It's called consolidation.

that's the kind of shit that turns you into a man or a killer.
A great test of character.

You will grow to love solitude.

this is the reason for all the classic wow threads

Who needs 'friends' like these things?

Attached: Commies.jpg (528x640, 112K)

You have to be a fucking shitstain not to have at least a friend, fucking millenials are a mistake in humanity

>No frens
>Disconnected family
>Lost my job

This is the kind of tired that sleep can't fix. I don't think I'm going to make it lads.

That's me but I'm Gen X. These millenials need to stop bitching.

we tried to warn them

Attached: advice offered and ignored.jpg (842x960, 87K)