Is there anyway of getting rid of /ptg/? They spam this board 24/7 and spill over into other threads shitting it up with their coping mental gymnastics about how trump isn’t a Zionist puppet who has thrown his voters under the bus. Is /ptg/ government propaganda? anons who have a clue know trump isn’t any different from the other presidents and is ushering in the Zionist world order.
Other urls found in this thread:
Shut up shill get the fuck off my board, Trump is our president and I would GLADLY let that king rape my fucking wife.
I WILL DIE For that man any day of the year hell yea.
stupid fucking punk show some damn respect to Trump
They're freaks
lol you kidding? it's probably the jew JANNIES behind it in the first place!
even they are starting to turn after his red flag support.
Blind faith is dangerous user.
Lmao, cuck.
I’ve heard some amazing cope about that one.
>please be my personal army so I only have to see and hear what I want to see and hear
Trump literally appointed an Antifa judge to specifically jail as many Trump supporters as possible.
If you still support trump you should kill yourself
when i asked them about it yesterday, the responses i got were anti trump.
Digits confirm, that means Kek wills you to fuck off back to plebbit
>a regular visitor of chinese image boards
How’s that highest illegal entries since 2002 going? How’s the red flag laws? The loss of free speech and total corporate domination over the internet? Are you tired of winning?
we're gonna show those progressives we can suck black cock way better than they can! Those fucking racists! OOH-AH!
More like they are turning this board into a kosher conservative alternative media.
Can a boomer get any more based?
/ptg/ is a few regular posters and avatar fags, Reddit lurkers, and probably a few paid shills on both sides. They are gay and lame, but are unfortunately the best thread on the board because everything else is a bait thread or that one Brazilian who’s got a hard on for pizzagate. Jow Forums is dead, but that’s ok. There are other redpills out there. Each board has something they’ve figured out and they’re worth looking into.
Go back to 8ch you fucking niggers. Stop living in a fucking dream world
Are jews superiour because they control everything?
Are whites dumb and stupid because of how easy it is to brainwash them?
Why do you say all jews yet igore all whites that are corrupt?
Get help before you shoot up something
I heard some say he did this because the dems only have the gun policies left and he took that from them, which triggered them. How that makes it better idk, but again if your support trump in 2019 you are brain dead, ignorant, or just a shill.
what the fuck is ptg?
Do you want this board to just turn into a ziocon msm then? Is that what you support? I’m all for freedom of speech, but when you spam this board with the same thread 24/7 with support of a Zionist puppet it gets old quick. They deleted that yang shit that was being spammed on here, why not /ptg/?
patrick timpone general
>jews are behind everything
lmao how sad are you?
President trump general freshmen.
Can you prove there not?
since teh-donald on reddit is quarantined, you cant even get on removeddit or ceddit to look at all the shit they censor and delete from there.
and it was one of the most censored places on that site.
all by design
#cope faggot
Sorry, this isn't R*ddit, sweetie. You'll never be rid of us.
So they migrated here then? No wounder why they are such faggots.
squad girls got A$AP Rocky out of prison
all of the mods on teh donald are jews and ban every single comment that isnt vehemently licking on a jew ballsack. where else are the tards supposed to go? they certainly arent smart enough to start their own fucking sub
You know what? When I have the time I will make jewconspiracy bullshit debunk thread to save this website. People like you are mentally ill.
Just fucking post that CNN picture with all the jew stars because that is evidence right??? What are sources lol
your picture is also bs. AIPAC is the lobby for america and isreal. If is was an other country you would see other flags you fucking nigger.
Something the Glowniggers and Mossad made up to try and divide and conquer Jow Forums, as if Jow Forumss ideas can be morphed into anything specific.
Guess their only goal is confusion. confusion means less unity. Back during 2015-16 the Shareblue shills were the same way. Strike through the bullshit and find the truth, user.
>Brazilian who’s got a hard on for pizzagate.
Previous pizzagate shill here, not that El Paso shooter has been indirectly linked to Epstein pedo rings and mental indoctrinationm circles I have seen the light. Just a kindly invitation for you all to check on the most recent findings and join the fight for the fate of mankind.
I wish we could pawn them on someone else, like gab. Also it seems like certain times have more MIGA shilling activity. Today hasn’t been too bad, probably because of him pushing for red flag laws. /ptg/ is definitely a psyop.
yeah, by anheroing
trips says this is b8
poasting in an eva thread. imagine being this mad over a hat? lmao
penis touching general
AIPAC pushes for laws that are pro Israel, which funnels down money to congress and who ever is useful to them for voting and advocating for pro Israel policies. We give them lots of money, tech, military. Why the fuck are we giving a county 38 billion dollars when it has its own space program?
Reminder some other anons have revealed how the heavy nazi larping and "nigger tongue my anus" stormfaggots and st. tarrant posters seem to be bots trying to smear this board. Threads mentioning this point get constantly deleted, no exception.
its not even worth trying in the ptgs anymore
Sounds about right. They act like trotskyites.
Shitpost them to death
the only thing worse that /ptg/ is the faggots that complain about /ptg/
Do that already, it’s like arguing with a 15 year old who just got interested in politics.
Poojeets aren't Aryan and M-ds get the sword because we aren't wasting the rope. Enjoy your LARP muttpeople.
Lol this a good one
"lmao u triggered nigger faggot lol, st. Tarrant is a hero and you must be a kike muslim shill for saying he is a mossad asset, take you meds schizo tranny roflmao"
You can get banned for that. Seriously.
Didn’t say Tarrant, but have this (you)
The only thing worse than the people that complain about /ptg/ are the people complaining about the people complaining about /ptg/.
It be in da rules? This board is nothing but cypher bullying so it would be ironic if it’s is.
quotation marks mean I was making a caricature of those 15 year olds you mention, I would have used greentext to imply things on you comment.
>Tarrant is one huge MKUltra'd asshole
"M-muh smoke screens" or "le 4d cross dimensional Parcheesi"
>Trump literally appointed an Antifa judge
link please. thank you
Look up "Dancing Israelis" or "USS Liberty" retard
Well he is. Most of these “mass” shooting are pushed with a narrative which is guns are bad and so are white males. Tarrant Stunk like mossad, that bs manifesto was a giant clue especially when he said he didn’t have any problem with Jews as long as they stay in Israel. Second clue was when Israel bomb the shit out of Gaza and NZ pushed for gun control and censorship, also a subcommittee was held about white nationalist in the U.S and guess was there speaking the fucking ZOA, ADL, and google.
no truth about trump "accomplishments" or fucking his base allowed. only rah, rah that a few stupid boomers would believe allowed
I'm a Trump fan but I'd be fine with getting rid of all generals.
/ptg/ is basically the cuckshed of Jow Forums. Yes, sometimes they have the courage to come out of their shed and talk about how much they love eating Jamal's cum out of their wife's pussy, but you learn to identify and ignore them.
>Why the fuck are we giving a county 38 billion dollars when it has its own space program?
you answered your own question. because Israel has aipac lobbyists and the American people have no lobbyists and therefore NO representation in DC
they've been coping so long that its too late to take a backward step for them
so fucking sad
all they had to do was admit things aren't going so well and they couldn't do it. instead they're using the stale fucking memes and tactics from 2016 still. i think /ptg/ is full of actual autistic losers who can't move on.
the only reasonable thing you can say is trump was better than hillary but that isn't a licence for him to be fucking terrible
getting rid of ptg is not necessary. shooting holes in trumps lies to his base is easy enough given that his actions clearly don't align with the rhetoric. a better question is how do we organize protests at his rallys where the MAGA voters who were fucked by trump can demand the platform he ran on as opposed to global homo crusade, gun confiscation, open borders, amnesty for Swamp criminals, etc
They are like a little yapping dog who piss and shits all over. Annoying and wish they would disappear. People who have been lurking here for years know our government is corrupt and both parties are owned.
i feel like he might have been honest originally but quickly got handled. the corruption is so entrenched you can't just get rid of it. all the advice he gets is from other establishment losers, so how is he going to change anything?
Don't worry, /ptg/ will cope for a bit then brush it under the rug like everything else Trump has failed to do
Most are probably paid shill you can’t deny what he has done is not at all what his voters actually wanted, but if you are caught up in republican vs democrat I guess that’ll make you blind.
Kind of have a point, but at most your just killing time.
I thought that too at one point, but he has had long ties with Rothschilds and Israeli Jews.
Forgot pic
glad someone else gets it, the Tarrant lovers were shilling on full force the last weeks, and for a moment I thought it was an organic and genuine support for the guy.
Great bait. You deserve this (you)