Attached: 1DB7ED9B-3F01-41FC-ABBF-B536DF00C5D4.jpg (960x960, 176K)
/tulsi/ GENERAL
William Edwards
Other urls found in this thread:
Isaiah Flores
>/shill/ general
Mason Wright
Colton Taylor
Evan Nelson
What the fuck kind of psychotic fed posting is this?
Jordan Russell
Kys shill rat
Isaac Powell
Mystery meat.
Joseph White
Is that really tulsi’s hot ass?
John Gonzalez
I could totally get behind this
Ryder Lopez
Zachary King
Discord tranny. Their gender is a bad copypasta. Hurt one in person everytime you see that post
Andrew Turner
>yang didn't work lets try appealing to their dicks
Isaac Thompson
Tulsi is irrelevant.
Trump will win 2020
Jacob Cooper
Grayson Brown
Is that her butt?
Jack Thomas
Nolan Gray
Noice, I'll vote for her then
Blake Carter
Joseph Martin
Connor Wood
Blake Lee
Brandon Cook
Aloha Akbar!
Juan Long
Colton Phillips
try to kill yourself next time you have a chance.
Shame she's not running as some kind of 3rd party candidate, but in Murrica there is no way to win doing this.
Dems are fucking idiots but she seems pretty decent.
Easton Rodriguez
Daniel Wood
She doesnt have to win. Kamala has to lose. And a powerful ally is born
Xavier Collins
Tulsi Grabbler for brez
Anthony Long
Will mummy give me cummies?
Justin Roberts
Kevin Sullivan
the MIGA just keeps going!
Jonathan Green
Mommy polled at 3 percent!
Lincoln Clark
The jews fear Tulsi and so do Migapedes.
Angel Williams
Josiah Murphy
Brayden Rivera
Tulsi is irrelevant.
Trump will win 2020
Justin Baker
Tulsibots, how does based Mommy feel about red flag laws and video game bans? Jow Forums is shopping around.
Justin Jones
Her only selling point is the flip-floppy issue of the middle east. That's it. Everything else is shit. Go drink yourself into liver death.
Jose Ross
No idea don’t think she has mentioned those.
Daniel Robinson
James Thompson
Julian Cooper
Jayden Johnson
Bump p
Grayson Rogers
She should get on top of that. Mention how she doesn't want more hate crime laws, also. There are discarded votes to be had.
Dylan Howard
Liam Peterson
Where can I find this image of mommy president?
Brody Ward
Everyone can tell this is a paid advertisement like /ptg/ right? You guys understand you have yet another active measure being carried out on Jow Forums?
Jordan Green
Ian Fisher
It's election season, what do you expect?
Jack Thomas
If they were paying these would get more posts and unique memes. Don't be so paranoid fag
Sebastian Perry
Is that really tulsi behind?
Christian Nguyen
Brayden Bennett
William Edwards
fuck i swear is everyone here as lazy as me? bunch of losers
Nolan Roberts
thats not actually her ass is it?
Cameron Lewis
Aaron Scott
Who the fuck cares about amerimutt politics, unless you do a second civil war there's no way that 3rd party candidate is gonna win you absolute retardfaggots
America is oligarchy, not a democracy
Hudson Cox
Luis Walker
Easton Jenkins
It is possible to actually support a political candidate without being a "shill".
Kayden Roberts
you can see the girls butthole in OP pic.
Nicholas Anderson
Madame President
Anthony Gomez
Jacob Anderson
I don't care. My back looks WWI no man's land, too. She's still dreamy.
Jace Taylor
Anthony Cook
Ian Mitchell
>Kamala has to lose
She will, early in the primaries. Harris has that cunty quality about her that nobody likes, including much of the left.
Liam Wilson
bruh who cares i can fap to her
Joseph Bennett
Harris sucks
Nathan Ramirez
Owen Price
Sebastian Thompson
Aloha mom
Jacob Bailey
very smelly.
Michael Evans
Imagine the smell
Aiden Bell
Bernie Sanders>Tulsi Gabbard
prove me wrong
Nolan Young
Tulsi is going about killing each candidate above her, Warren is next Harris is dead an burried
Gabriel Nguyen
Unironically true. Bernie is shit but at least he's the only Democrat who's against open borders and increased immigration
Cooper Hernandez
Elijah Ramirez
not her
fucking POG
Jordan Reyes
Tulsi is literally being framed as a Russian bot by uer dissenters, the jews fear her. Bernie is just a rebel jew.
Elijah Cruz
Eli Campbell
He is willing to give free health care and decriminalize border crossing though.
Michael Thomas
If Tulsi can BTFO Kamala like that, she stands no chance against Trump if she manages to secure the Democrat nomination.
Hudson Phillips
my body is ready tulsi
Michael White
based aloha mommy
Evan Allen
the Disinformation Smear Campaign has begun
Nolan Ortiz
I am ready to be youre loyal Footsoldier my Queen!!
Henry Jones
Note all the buzzwords and code phrases in the first sentence alone:
>Foreign adversaries
>active measures
Julian Phillips
Are Trump supporters concerned that she may appeal to those who might otherwise vote for Trump due to the poor choice of democratic candidates? It really doesn't look like she'd impact the likely re-electron of Trump, seems like she would divide the democratic primary votes.
Michael Anderson
>Joe Rogan's handler
Epic twist
Aiden Sanchez
all this democratic infighting is going to propel Trump to a second term. They're literally doing Trump's work for him
Carson Gonzalez
Hmmm... I smell kikes could it be that MIGApede shills are lurking?
Hunter Price
The left's Russia scapegoating will come back to bite them in future.
Liam Brooks
fukin crater faced cunt.
Henry Nguyen
Now this is a campaign I can get behind if you catch my drift
Daniel Brown
Xavier Taylor
Eli Brooks
Kayden Nelson
yyea, i'm thinkin she's got it
Samuel Campbell
Eat shit Boomer.
Gabriel Anderson
Ptg globohomo kike