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Free shit for losers! Yeah! Only Chads could not like this!

Can government just cancel private debts?

student(private) loans are a different animal than private debts

(most)17 year olds have no business signing paperwork to get in debt.

address it now or let it bite us in the ass later

if they pay em off

>1,6 tn
Is that a Trillion?
Anyway wouldnt some part of the econimal collapse and shit itself if you instant cleared that much money?

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Id settle for pretax payments. Only 555000$ to go. T. Doxtor.


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it's a trick to get you to take out more money

Fucking dirty commie faggot needs to get the fuck out of America.

yeah that's how it works. jews let you cancel your debt.

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Would this not kill the universities/colleges? Yes pls if so

it's already biting us in the ass, most people signing up for student loans are not 17, and student loans are not private, they were federalized by barack obama in 2012. read a fucking book.

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Yes and No.
Private Debt can be canceled if you declare bankruptcy but that entails that you have no assets. A company can declare bankruptcy and just stop all collector from collecting with nothing happening to the owners. Federal Loans you cannot declare bankruptcy on. It will follow you forever. All Bernie has to do is allow people to declare bankruptcy on their student loan like a private debt. Of course tax payers gets fucked over.

What about those individuals like myself who aren't brainwashed and paid off their limited student debt ($15,000) by working and saving? Can I get that back?

Yang explained how his plans are possible. Bernie just claims shit without any explanation of how it'd be done.

And raise raxes on everyone who isn't rich enough to be able to hide their shekels in offshore accounts, exploit loopholes in the tax code and hire lobbyists to deal cocaine and ass to the politicians in exchange for them creating those loopholes for the rich to exploit. He even was forced to admit it while red-faced that he would hike everybody's taxes to pay for it, not just """wall street""" ha ha what does that even mean just straight-up freeze the accounts of billionaires like Soros and Bloomberg and Gates and seize hundreds of billions they have to pay for it bro

Lol no


You can’t just disappear $1,600,000,000,000

>"cancels" all student debt
>AKA taxpayers get burdened with stupid retards bad decisions as with every retarded thing the government does for anyone who isn't a working class white person
Too bad nobody will vote for him after the "no refunds" scandal.

His appearance in JRE told us that it will just work out if the people go to the streets. Not a solution at all, but it could work. Poor Sanders, he definitely has good intentions, but the way he wants things to work don't look at all possible. His minimum wage rise will fuck up small businesses and free college sounds nice but the useless degrees far outnumber the productive ones. Even STEM is going to have a hard time when it's suddenly bombarded with millions of graduates looking for jobs.

Omniscient digits

>STEM is going to have a hard time when it's suddenly bombarded with millions of graduates looking for jobs.

that's already happening. useless degrees will become relative.

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>things that will never happen
Jews aren't going to get rid of that payday.

Only cucks who choke themselves with their own bootstraps for cummies would be against this

so hes trying to buy votes. nice.

Student debt should be cancelled but Bernie is a faggot.

>unironically supporting a gun grabbing, tax-raising, senile kike

shiggy diggy

be right back getting student debts

Is he going to refund my $25,000.00 I worked my fingers to the bone to pay off in two years?

There are zoomers who will be racking it up convinced he will win lol

>getting an education is stupid lol

Hows he going to pay it? Out of the Pentagon you stupid mother fuckers. Bernie is the Good Jew like Jesus, Bernies come to wash away the sins of America Sanders Warren 2020


the government can print enough currency to pay off the debts

honestly why don't we just kill the immigrants

>paying immense amounts of money to learn from an institution that believes there is no biological difference between men and women is smart

>hey, lazy fucks, get into STEM and get a job!
>college lol, fuck liberals

>not having the understanding that the medicare "tax" would actually save the vast majority of americans money because they would be paying medicare instead of their employer for worse coverage

shills gonna shill.

federal student loans are not private.

nobody cares faggot. Nobody is voting bernie other than like vermont

Fun fact. The student debt is eroding your middle class. If Trump does it, and he will if he gets reelected, because he is not the idiot liberals love him to portray as such, I bet most of you will call him based.

Honestly, stiffing the lenders would totally solve the problem. There would never be another student loan in this country again.

Bernie is the Good Jew VS the monster Jews behind money, media, politics. Bernie will be against Israels human right violations and against Israels wars against Iran and Syria. Bernie the good Jew will get America out of all wars and will also make mary jane legal. What more can you ask for? Sanders Warren 2020


Look at all of the retarded faggots who would rather people be limited by education, and be perpetual (((debt slaves))) instead of putting a minuscule tax on (((wall street))) trading.

You retards are defending an indefensible group of unfathomably wealthy fuckers who give absolutely zero fucks about your pitiful existence. Limiting education is limiting the human species, don't be a fucking idiot, don't limit the human species.

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Most of the lenders are Jewish anyways. Everyone will learn their lesson.

I have no student debt so what do I get out of this other than more taxes to pay for some moron's poor decisions

Cant collapse the economy by forgiving fake money :^)

>I'm going to drive the entire country into debt, because people having debt for a service they received is a problem
Socialists truly are retarded.

Lmao just ban debt xD

>take out 300k in student loan debt right now
>invest into a 25/25/50 split of ETH/Bitcoin/Chainlink
>Bernie is elected and wiped your debt
>drop out of college and cash out your 35 million USD of crypto, move into another country and laugh at all of the seething commie children.

I’ll enroll into grad school just for this.

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This means idiots who picked a stupid major and partied for 4 years get Free Stuff, while people who chose good majors and studied hard, or went into a trade, get noting.

Really pisses this boomer off - I paid off my students loans my myself with zero help from my family.

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>Really pisses this boomer off
I don't advocate paying for nerf battles but you didn't pay a quarter of a million in loans plus interest. Still, millennials deserve to get gassed



Fuck college kids

t. Tradesman

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>picked a stupid major and partied for 4 years
Don't forget the alarming amount of women who have multiple degrees for no discernible reason that continue to work minimum-wage minimum-effort office jobs.

So what about people like me who busted their asses through college and afterward and paid it off already? Did I effectively just wagecuck for free this entire time?

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This piece of shit is going to use my money to pay it off. Good thing hes never getting elected.

I agree with this if it's an actual jubilee where he tells Sallie Mae to go get fucked. That would result in lenders not giving loans to dumb white girls to get indoctrinated into feminism + marxism. If it's just a bailout that's dumb.

Why is no politician ever addressing the corrupt University administration that's causing there high tuition costs?

He'll win on this. He'll lose on reparations.

the government owns frannie and freddie mac, my dude.

He should just follow yang's plan and give everyone 1000 shekels monthly so hyperinflation will happen and debt is worthless

>we don't need art, literature or social studies, only electricians and plumbers

>(most)17 year olds have no business signing paperwork to get in debt.
your asking for less freedom. these loans are strictly for education which should be used to further your knowledge to be able to attain a good career that will more than pay for itself. it's your choice if you choose to go to a school where tuition is 30k a year or decide to move out of state to have the stereotypical college experience.

>federal student loans
so basically fucking over taxpayers? sounds everything but based

But I don't want it canceled for everyone, only people who got jewed on non-STEM degrees, like niggers and feminists and political revolutionaries and people who are good at languages and people who sought the truth in old books only to find out our system is ruled over by scientific reductionists and mathematicians.

Theoretically a one-time debt nullification could work if it were followed by a total overhaul of how college works. I'd be okay with clearing away the debt if they also decided to completely abolish federal student loans. If you don't do that key second step, you're just incentivizing even more retards to go to college. And the problem would get out of control again, and then they'd demand another bailout again. All while the university jews laugh all the way to the bank.

Probably because universities donate metric fucktons to their campaigns. These shitty unis love things like federal student loans and bailouts because it just means more and more students going to college with "free" upfront money, allowing the colleges to exponentially jack up the price higher and higher.

"pay off" would be disastrous, keeping the lenders and schools in business and rewarding math-illiterate students.

Stiffing the lenders, which sounds more like "cancel", forgives all the poor student's debt (huzzah) and screws the other two parties. Perfect.

I'm positive he doesn't mean cancel and does mean take our money to pay for this nonsense.

At least that would proportionately help out normal white people the most, since nonwhites/fags/retired boomers/etc already get gibs anyway. A debt bailout would almost exclusively only help out the shittiest people: those who go to college for some bullshit basket weaving degree that doesn't pay off.

Bernie is literally the presidential candidate equivalent of the kid who was running for class president in high school who promised to ban homework and free pizza parties every Friday.

I went to a college that, based on my GPA and overall resume, I was extremely overqualified for. I did this because I got a big scholarship and did not want any debt. Why does this communist want to punish me for making this sacrifice by paying off the debt of other loser faggots? No. I refuse.

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Well of course. They can't cancel debt to the universities, because there is no debt to the universities. The unis get paid up-front by the government.

>Address it now
Stop granting loans for not technical/vocational degrees. Problem solved. They won't do this though, since their aim is not to defuse the bomb, but to offload the financial burden of their indoctrination.

>Delayed getting my degree and went to a shitty state school despite having a high gpa and SAT so that I could pay for my degree myself

I'm such a fucking cuck

Same here. Not to mention there are often massive discounts for going to school in-state vs out-of-state. I was paying ~10k/yr. Meanwhile the people I knew from out of state were paying I think 30k/yr or more.


What a blatant strawman. He doesn't promise free anything. He promises to disrupt the entire civilizational arrangement we toil under and ensure we're sorry we ever asked for help.

The humanities are a luxury that students with rich parents can study. You have to think about the payout of 4 years of effort. Plan your life,

If society valued the humanities we wouldn't pay adjunct professors minimum wage.

Incidentally, STEM education is a joke.

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Agreed, giving out federal loans then cancelling them is no different than just paying for college with tax dollars. And that's probably what would happen honestly.


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Not addressing the student debt crisis is going to collapse us economically, even in a lefty held system in 20 years. When literally no one can afford to invest in anything due to massive amounts of debt (nearly 65% of my generation has student debt so large they cannot pay it back) you are going to get a collapse. We need a total reform of the education system and the cost of higher education along with some level of debt forgiveness, I would never advocate for erasing it entirely, but having them only pay principle instead of interest would help a great deal, and give your average cunt enough money to actually invest in things like home ownership.
The civil war isn't ever going to happen, and you sure as shit don't want to live in a world were even the illegals are saddled with 50k in debt for college.

Will they be refunding everyone who a tually paid their student loans back or saved for school? Because if that hapoens here, I want a FAT cheque, with interest and adjusted to inflation. This is horrseshit.

Humanities are fine at the undergrad level. These are the subjects the elites teach their children, and any one of those degrees can be used for professional school, law being a common path. Yes, it is wise if they minor in math, take hard sciences in their bacc core so maybe you can grab at something better than 80 hours a week social justice boredom and drudgery or earn a fucking accounting cert AT LEAST, and don't fucking do it in the first place because it's not what you know but who, which nullifies the purpose of a humanities degree altogether, but fuck you, nigger. You don't own nothing, goyim.

*Marxist Kike Bernie
He will not win... nothing democratic about the Democratic Party's selections. the super delegates and the DNC machine make the pick. The NPC leftist scum in the DNC mostly follow the MSM's selection too.

You're not wrong, but the problem is a bailout doesn't actually address the root cause whatsoever. It's like having a hole in a boat and thinking that bailing out the water that's there right now will somehow stop more water from flooding in through the still-unplugged hole.

The first major step toward unfucking the student debt problem is axing all federal student loans. Then possibly regulating universities and the numbers of seats they can have, especially for bullshit degrees that have no futures. This isn't a farfetched idea; organizations like the AMA already do this and regulate the number of students who can go to medical school each year, for example.

So with debt forgiveness, reparations and illegal welfare and health care, where is the money coming in?

>Why do we have no problems when the top mofos get gibs?
We do have a problem with it, but political parties only need to give the people the minimum necessary to be better than their opposition, and considering that the opposition wants even greater gibs for an infinite horde of literally who niggers, the minimum necessary isn't very much.

First the Printing Press, then the Stockade, dumbfuck.

No refunds.

When college was only 2k a year. Go rope yourself, faggot.

The main problem I have with the humanities is how they're shilled by universities, and how everyone is forced to take them as elective credits, even when they have nothing to do with your degree.

When I was in college, I shit you not, like half the credits I took each semester were in bullshit make-work electives that I needed to take from XYZ categories unrelated to my major. Imagine if people could go to college and actually JUST learn the things relevant to their degree, saving everyone time and money. But instead we have a system where everyone is forced to take bullshit joke courses as an excuse to continue pretending that these courses are relevant. Not to mention the propaganda advantage that they use this for. Think of all the people who take "womens studies" classes because they know it's an easy A so long as they just nod along with the professor.

Yes definantly think about it, The government has tanks and planes, What does the banks have? A couple of desk employees and a broom.
I can hear the "This will affect your credit rating" all the away from here.

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