I may be a Trump supporter, but even I can see that Warren has the momentum at this point. Only Biden can beat hear...

I may be a Trump supporter, but even I can see that Warren has the momentum at this point. Only Biden can beat hear, but I don't think he has the stamina. That means it's going to be Trump vs. Warren in 2020, and I think she'll be the favorite. I hate to admit it, but she's like a policy savant. I think she embarrasses President Trump in the debates with her mastery of policy details. She's going to leave him a stuttering mess on the debate stage. I hate to admit it, but I think she's the next president of the US. The Pocahontas thing is old news. Trump needs a new attack, cuz he won't win on policy.

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She committed literal affirmative action fraud

>The Pocahontas thing is old news.

In fact, I think the Pocahontas thing helps her. At this point in time, all of society is just one big scam, kids with college debt want someone else to pay for their bills, folks with high healthcare bills want someone else to pay for it, the blacks want Nutcase Marianne to give them $500 Billion in reparations.... everything has become just 1 big scam, finding out that Warren has been scamming people for 40 years over a fake family tree scenario is a huge boost for her in the DNC Primaries.

Attached: warren-poccahantus-300x300.jpg (300x300, 20K)

I cant believe how quickly that disappeared.

I dont see it honestly. As long as Biden treads water he wins. Trump has killed gaffes.

The black vote is crucial in the dem primary and she isnt getting shit.

>but she's like a policy savant.
Also a reason she wont win. Black people hate this shit. She is like the whitest candidate ever. Its not like the debates matter anyway. Medicare for all means middle class taxes and her and bernie have no rebuttal.

I used to be a hardcore diehard Christian conservative, I hated abortion, loved immigrant bashing, used to be all about islamaphobia, but this time Trump has gone too far. Its time to put country over party you guys and Warren is the only candidate WOMAN enough to get the job done. Be like me and dozens of other Republican senators and say NO to Donald Trump, Gun Violence, and misgendering once and for all. WARREN/SANDERS 2020

She's simply a Boomer Cunt- case closed, and mommy will eviscerate her eventually...but she has a few more candidates to take down first @ the next debate

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