Post similar screenshots anons

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(((hello fellow white people)))

>implying that isnt low tier trolling

Can we clarify this once and for all?

Are Jews white, or are they not white? They act like chameleons.

Sometimes those are the best


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The guy is a fucking goof. I'm not guilty or ashamed of anything my people did. it was long ago it is what was happening. fuck em. If they knew any better they wouldn't be slaves.

A white person is a person of white descent and has a white skin that cares about white interests before the interests of others and never puts the interests of other tribes before his. This automatically excludes many jews as they put the interests of Judaism before white people

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Pick one

>pronunciation: ˈSHiksə-ˈfrēnēə'
>When a Jewish individual (especially a professional-victim female on Twitter) claims to be 'white' while claiming to be Jewish at the same time depending on the circumstances.

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He's fucking right because I've been indoctrinated to believe it.

slavery created a new sub-culture, African-American culture is world famous. countless legendary black musicians who never would have been classically trained had they not been born in America. Denzel Washington one of the best actors of all time would have been chucking spears.

They also screamed
>"this is maga county!!!"

what was it

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More like jews larping as white people when they take the blame for something bad or Jews being 90% of the slave traders, owners and importers?

Attached: Jewish slave ship owners.jpg (539x385, 59K)

Are the Quebecois Canadians?
Yes, but they put being Quebecois first.
Also depends on the individual jewish person.

Attached: Jews white and then not white.jpg (974x928, 281K)

They're exactly chameleons, blending in and being 'white' when able to push their agendas but falling back on the tribe whenever it comes to calling them out
>We white people are terrible and need to be racemixed out of existence
>woah woah woah who are you calling a kike you anti-semite

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he looks white tho

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Burn the coal, pay the toll
Riding the maize never pays