When I am having a hard day, I just ask myself "What Would Hitler Do?"

When I am having a hard day, I just ask myself "What Would Hitler Do?"

Attached: Hitler returns.jpg (203x248, 9K)

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He shoot himself in the head...just saying in case you need ideas

Start a war like a retard, lose, and begin the downward spiral of western civilization shortly after. Probably.

He would pet his good dog.

Attached: hitler_and_bloni.jpg (221x300, 12K)

fucking shills

No he didn't that is fake news. The ZOG World Empire that destroyed Germany and invaded Europe and started WW2 (Hitler DID NOTHING WRONG!!) killed him, and murdered and raped him and the Goebbels family and poisoned the children (idk what they did with the bodies after that, maybe they did those same things to the children dead bodies too... but they definitely poisoned the goebbels children).

There is obvious proof of what I say, you hold no proof of what you say. Hitler was a damn hero, we all love him and his spirit is rising from the grave, the whole entire world will soon know that he was right. Too late for you Kike. ;D

Here is a video proving what I say that Hitler did a hero at the hands of Terrorist Anti-White antifa jews: bitchute.com/video/mqbX3fOMJmPy/
Also known as the already well established ZOG World Empire that Hitler and NS fought against during WW2, and lost to. America, Britain, Russia, most the Middle East, etc had already been taken over, much of Asia, South America if not totally submissive would easily be pressured by zog occupied since the 1800s American ZOG Officials.

They burned Hitler and Goebbels alive. If you somehow think Hitler shot himself, you are a total retard dude. Hitler was much more clearly tortured to death, as shown in the video I mentioned.

Move to Argentina with his cronies, got it

OP be an inspiration like many JUST LIKE HITLER!

blame fegelein

im having a hard day Anons..
>what would Hitler do?
Anyone got a few tactical nukes?
I need to make a quick trip to israel..