When you know

I've come to the conclusion that you can't do what's right. When you head down the absolute right path, the exact opposite wrong path will appear before you and you have little power if any to avoid it.

Attached: whenyouknow.jpg (1024x512, 65K)

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Say it to my kike handler, bitch. (unless you are a jew or hardcore golem and you work upside-down, so right is wrong to you or whatever)

right and wrong is a false dichotomy. there is only ones goal, the ultimate strategy for attaining it, and everything else that just gets in the way.

Doing things right never results in wrong.

>magic stuff happens in my life that isnt coincidence and I know its real

its called schizophrenia. stop the drugs and it will go away eventually.

You seem to be exactly what I'm talking about

How is that schizophrenic? Things appear in duality. To be tall is to be in opposition to short. If the road heads south it also heads north. Ya dig?

The opposition becomes the way user. Face resistance and overcome it. There's a lot of writing on this but I unfortunately can't help you with that
Except to suggest
Lao Tzu or the Kybalion

This. The more I choose a path I believe it's right, the stronger the pull to go down the wrong path occurs.

You incorporated me into your delusion.

here is a cool video that sortof explains it somewhat.

Is this mason shit? Its mason shit isnt it? Yea, really sounds like some mason shit to me. Narrow is the path mother fuckers.

Attached: 1563502473479.jpg (413x512, 59K)

Oh it’s you, the gigantic satanic faggot who can’t do any better than posting on pol you subhuman pile of shit.

I’m the Jew. Come at me, faggot.

Wow this is interesting, thank you

Kybalion I've never heard of, thank you

This seems like a bot

I don't know what you mean, but this seems like a bot

>absolute right path
>absolute wrong path

No such thing. There are only paths.

And when you come upon that moment in time and must choose, so you choose or is it fate?

Do you imagine the smell, or is the smell real?

Attached: D4E1F623-5BCD-4496-8A15-154F477761E9.jpg (1117x752, 101K)

...so? Are you new to the practice of ethics and morality? What other way did you think it would work?

>The more I choose a path I believe

simple. then don't believe. know. learn to know what is right user. outside of the more obvious or personal reasons, why do you think you're here (in this world, in this life)?
To do what is right.

Don't listen to this person. What he's on about is called moral relativisism. It's not a good path to head down.

you seem boring

Do not go by oral tradition, by lineage of teaching, by hearsay, by a collection of texts, by logic, by inferential reasoning, by reasoned cogitation, by the acceptance of a view after pondering it, by the seeming competence of a speaker, or because you think, '[This person] is our teacher.' But when you know for yourselves, 'These things are unwholesome; these things are blameable; these things are censured by the wise; these things if undertaken and practiced, lead to harm and suffering,' then you should abandon them.
...when you know for yourselves, 'These things are wholesome; these things are blameless; these things are praised by the wise; these things if undertaken and practiced, lead to welfare and happiness,' then you should engage in them.

-AN 3:65