How US regulators embrace toxic pesticides & the corporations that make them.
As an increasing number of hazardous chemicals are banned around the world, they remain legal in the US.

Why are American regulators so slow to move, and who benefits from their inaction?
Dozens of pesticides, up to 85 in total, approved for widespread agricultural use in the United States have been banned elsewhere in the world.
For example, the US allows 11 different pesticides banned in China, and 17 that have been prohibited in Brazil.

The contrast is especially stark in Europe.
The recently banned pesticide chlorpyrifos has serious genotoxic and neurological effects, especially in children,
the European Food Safety Authority warned in a report published over the weekend.
The pesticide, which comes up for re-approval in January, does not comply with EU health regulations because a safe exposure level
cannot be established, even at the lowest experimental quantity.
Meanwhile, the Trump administration has elevated regulatory capture to an art form.
Not only was Pruitt named to head the EPA, but former Monsanto lawyer Aurelia Skipwith was appointed director of Fish and Wildlife Services,
while Alex Azar, former president of pharma giant Eli Lilly, runs the Department of Health and Human Services.

These appointments demonstrate to companies like Monsanto and Lilly, who have been caught time and again covering up evidence of their misdeeds,
that all is forgiven as long as they turn a profit. Not only has the EPA green-lighted chlorpyrifos, glyphosate, and sulfoxaflor –
a pesticide known to harm bees, which are dying at an unprecedented rate, posing a serious threat to the world’s food supplies –
but it has given up on the pretense of actually regulating agribusiness.


Attached: pesticides sprayed on a grapefruit grove in Vero Beach,Florida.jpg (1280x720, 325K)

Other urls found in this thread:

"After all this, it’s no surprise that just 11 percent of Americans trust Congress, and even Big Business only enjoys 23 percent support,
according to a Gallup poll conducted earlier this year. A Princeton University study in 2014 – while Barack Obama was president –
confirmed that the US is no longer a democracy, but an oligarchy.
When the interests of average Americans clash with the interests of the rich, the rich always prevail."

Full of toxic chemicals...

Attached: California Wines.jpg (1024x1024, 84K)

Show your flag Chinese shill

>Show your flag

Attached: Peace Sign.jpg (609x600, 29K)

Dumbass Americans don't care because they use canned shit anyway.

None of this is true, 1) there are more banned pesticides and chemicals used in growing areas outside of the USA. 2) walnuts grown in China come off the tree rancid because of terrible air quality alone, but nothing is truly banned in China.

fuck you memeflag kike.
show flag

could have been a good thread but you ruined it with kikery.

thank you russia
you are truly the greatest ally of the american
always working tirelessly to make sure we're safe, and teaching us how evil america really is.


>could have been a good thread but you
have no brains to comprehend it, dumb burger
Here is picture of your brain

Attached: inside of American brain.png (480x456, 407K)

Because we're fucking cattlepeople

Nigeria has banned Chinese made and grown food products because of the danger to their citizens health and lives. Plastic rice and tomato paste filled with dye and sawdust. The food made in China isn't even food most of the time.

>Plastic rice and tomato paste filled with dye and sawdust.
Typical American diet anyways, ...WTF are you bitching about.

Top tens most toxic and fake foods made in china
1) chemical imitation eggs
2) walnuts shells filled with cement
3) fake beef
4) fake green peas with chemical industrial bleach dye
5) toxic baby formula
6)industrial salt sold as table salt
7) mud sold as black pepper
8) fake sweet potatonoodles
9) fake ginseng
10) plastic rice

I admire your admonishment, but it's already too late.

Attached: 436346253346.png (996x748, 857K)

Oh yes, Americans are known for their rice diet

fucking btfo. I'd defend him but I don't even know how to respond because I have a dumb burger brain. Thanks few people who benefit off poisoning an entire country's food supply!

Attached: baby cow tongue out.jpg (700x734, 78K)


It's like they took a 60 year old KGB agent and gave him Russian-quality meme generator software, a huge database of stock photos, and had him study 2ch.

I believe it. American "food" is all oversized mutant garbage. It probably contributes to why mutts are so retarded overall and why they can never name the jew.

It's also full of shit.

Attached: us meat feces.png (657x617, 65K)

Interesting that this should be posted now just as China asks all food companies that by American crops to cease purchasing. This is in retaliation for Americas increased tariffs but the Chinese response couldn't be better timed because the coming month is the yearly peak for buying and selling American agricultural products. This next month accounts for a very large portion of the yearly figure so any harm done now will have a lasting affect for the coming year.

Most of it is Kosher. Like, we literally sit here eating food that a rabbi cast Jew curses on. How can that not have ill effects?

You're either a chink or a russian
I can make claims all day too

Attached: SorryHans.jpg (398x603, 343K)

>It's also full of shit.
So most of the Americans. kek

Attached: Shitty American culture:.jpg (979x1080, 547K)

It turns out the grocery store in the black people section of town cut the prices on a large amount of produce by half in order to move more locally-grown stuff. The one in the Jewish section of town also has locally-grown stuff in quantity, but they're still charging full price.

For me, it's the black ppl nabe.

Why do they enjoy pooping their pants in public so much?

Attached: trump shart.jpg (1006x1024, 94K)

Friendly reminder that US food is also contaminated with literal shit and who knows what else:

Smells like freedom, buddy.

>pay 50 cents for a head of lettuce
>pay 3 dollars for one

Hard choice for most people senpai...

>Why do they enjoy pooping their pants in public so much?
Apparently because of their American Constitution that gives them the Right to Free shitting in public.
It's their culture.

Did Trump was planing to let go of a silent fart and he got a wet one instead .... LOL

Quit being a pussy. Eat your fucking chemicals.

Attached: BusJokeUpdate9.jpg (1776x1337, 223K)

makes sense to me, us businesses and fox news have lobbied for the lifting of most common sense regulations

It's one of the great equalizers in life.

America is a nation of shit, by shit, for shit.

Bush crew pushed Carter out because he wanted use of chemicals on food outlawed, they bow to the queen

China will starve without us

>America is a nation of shit, by shit, for shit.
So the USA stands for: United Shit of America ..???

STFU China. Your food is worse, by far.
t. Am Farmer.

>China will starve without us
you are full of shit.
Take a look at this...Lol

Attached: Trump is doing a fine job destroying America.png (1013x415, 474K)

China is already on a downward slope, shill user. Fascist China has been outplayed by a fat old white man named Donald.
>but muh pic shows a tractor with an acres worth of grain.
Russia doesn't have the agriculture capabilities to "replace" the US.
And Russia doesn't have the buying power to sustain Chinas bullshit manufacturing.
Millions will be jobless in the next year in China.

people will think this is bullshit, but it's true. Californian wines contain chemicals that are known to cause both liver failure and brain damage. State regulators found it, but kept it on the shelf anyways. This stuff will kill you if you drink too much of it at once.

Nobody here cares about us Americans. Just live to serve process and the state.

>food shortages
>increasing food prices
>US on track to break many more precipitation records this year
Just stop eating goys, haven't you learned a 2 month fast is good for you?

>Russia doesn't have the agriculture capabilities to "replace" the US.

"Russia squeezing US out as agricultural superpower"
Published time: 13 Nov, 2017 10:58

"Booming agriculture transforming Russia’s energy driven economy"
Published time: 3 Aug, 2018 10:31

"Russia seeks to ‘feed the whole planet’ – PM"
Published time: 6 Dec, 2018 14:04

"American wheat can no longer compete with new agricultural superpower Russia"
Published time: 5 Sep, 2018 10:29

September 22, 2017

"Russia’s grain exports surge more than 54% this year"
Published time: 9 Nov, 2018 14:00

"Give non-GMO a go: Putin urges Russia’s agricultural expansion on international markets".
Published time: 10 Oct, 2018 13:56

‘Ironically, US sanctions are helping the Russian budget’ – ex-Central Bank official to RT.
Published time: 14 Apr, 2018 05:42

Attached: Russia is Blessed by God.jpg (900x506, 272K)

You have RT as a source. You know that is a Russian state run news organization, right? Wtf, use better bait

>((((Current Year)))) 2019.
Ha ha. I see you, Chinkshill.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>You have RT as a source.
Yes I do.
And what source do you have ??


Nice to have few brain dead Americans getting triggered here.... hahaha

Attached: IT'S HAPPENING_RT.jpg (912x960, 94K)

Any ethanol does that. Dihydrogen monoxide is toxic too, and we make babies drink it!

On a serious note, no one beats the US on land management. Russia killing its fields by planted wheat over and over isnt doing them any favors.

No joke I learned about RT back when it first started up from a counterintelligence guy who worked on Reagan's campaign staff. They do a pretty god job of picking up things that the western media tries to pretend don't exist.

USA is so brazilian it is scary...

The part of southern Brazil I visited really felt like it was sort of an alternate reality version of the western US.

>Shilling Russia/China
>Both Export economies.
>Neither capable of sustaining the other
>China designated currency manipulator
>Sources RT as if it's anything more than propaganda.
>Nothing current, either.
>Thinks it's triggering anyone.
Shill confirmed.

Yeah, bro. We know. They poison the food, water and air. We're fucked and we can't do anything about it because the normies can't be bothered and the corporations have billions.

>They do a pretty god job of picking up things that the western media tries to pretend don't exist.
Exactly. They have different style then many other news outlets.
Most of their Shows and Documentaries are outstanding.

Shows on RT


Attached: Sophie Shevardnadze:RT.jpg (1920x1080, 119K)

RUPTLY was a good idea as well. Give everybody with an internet connection access to raw footage. Sure, it's still coming from Russian editorial decisions, but it's a lot closer to a professional-quality version of some nigger who happens to have a cell phone out in the right place at the right time.

You shills realize you're shilling to eachother, right?

get lost - you are dumb

Attached: step-BY-step.png (825x523, 466K)

He's shilling RT with content. You're shilling anti-RT with no content. I'm just the peanut gallery.

he's a russian. he's here every fucking day at the same time window fishing clicks for RT. he always uses the hippie flag

>ur dumb
>go way
Sick burn.
Did you learn that from your morning cartoons? Eat a dick, chink. Shilling to yourself on multiple devices. Ha ha. Caught. Called out. Triggered.

I'm not shilling anything. I didn't bring up RT. This faggot did.

How could you bring it up first when he's the OP? I mean, duh. That didn't stop you from harping on RT for the last 5 of your 7 posts. Calm down. It's not really much different from NPR, BBC, or PressTV.

>I'm not shilling anything. I didn't bring up RT. This faggot did.
Try this next time you enter my RT STORY thread.

Attached: Preparation-H.jpg (800x567, 119K)

Ahh, I was replying to the subject. Not the faggot propaganda link you posted and paraphrased.
He posted 10 RT links in a reply to me... as of that's a fucking proof. And not a single one from 2019. Ha ha.
You faggots aren't fooling anyone.
A Russian Memeflag and a Chink with a Burger Flag.

>He posted 10 RT links in a reply to me... as of that's a fucking proof. And not a single one from 2019. Ha ha.
Most brainless statement in this thread so far. KEK

I wish I were a cute chinky boy (cute being the important part because most of them are absolute potatoes). But the fact is my family jumped ship to the US because things were really starting to suck in and around the October Revolution. You're not going to find a lot of sympathy for Ivans or Zhangs among the older ones.

Attached: 1561404643675.gif (356x321, 941K)

American farmers getting suicidal.

1)."American Farmers Confront a Mental Health Crisis"
By Mario Parker
March 20, 2019
“The retaliatory tariffs by China have hurt basedbean exports,” Rosmann said.
“They’ve hurt our relations with other countries as well to a lesser extent,
partly just because of the skepticism that surrounds the reliability of what the U.S. is doing.”

2). "China Deals ‘Body Blow’ to Struggling U.S. Farm Belt"
Farmers, agricultural groups decry retaliatory move to stop buying U.S. crops and livestock.
The U.S. Farm Belt braced for deeper pain from the escalating trade battle between the world’s two biggest economies
after China said it would suspend all imports of U.S. agricultural goods.

China’s move will affect farmers raising fuzzy green basedbean pods in Illinois, milking cows in California and feeding hogs in North Carolina,
all of whom have seen business suffer as a result of tariffs that Chinese officials implemented last year.

China’s suspension of U.S. farm purchases is a “body blow” to U.S. farmers and ranchers, said Zippy Duvall,
a Georgia farmer and head of the American Farm Bureau Federation.
“We urge negotiators to redouble their efforts to arrive at an agreement, and quickly,” he said.

3). "Russia feeds off Trump trade war while US corn-belt farmers suffer"
17 FEBRUARY 2019
For more than 30 years, Joe Peiffer has worked as a lawyer looking after farmers in Iowa, in the heart of the US corn belt.
Now he is watching history repeat itself with a wave of bankruptcies across the farm belt.

Attached: F-YOU FINGER-3..jpg (694x568, 44K)

I am a farmer, faggot.
We are doing just fine. Stop shilling your bullshit.

>shilling for free

It's all true. Our money is sheathed in parasites and our healthcare system is a giant organ harvesting ring. Nobody should be eating our food or coming here at all. It's a hellscape of suffering and liberalism and there are countries who have better food and money, like Sweden, Germany, Norway and Russia.

>I am a farmer, faggot.
Get this will need it very soon. By the next year....LOL
...view the image

Attached: Hippie Fag.png (900x900, 268K)

>Constantly eat chemicals in small doses
>Become resilient to them
>Pass this on to children
>Humans that can eat literal poison without dying.

Time to REALLY test the theory of evolution Anons.

I was once working for this chink lady and after she felt comfortable telling me what she really thought (for like an hour straight and on such relevant topics as her experience as the video rental store or how Japanese is really just stolen Chinese with a disgusting accent) she asked me a question in hushed tones.
>why is the food here so bad?

>He posted 10 RT links in a reply to me... as of that's a fucking proof. And not a single one from 2019. Ha ha.
There is no data yet for the 2019 you stupid fuck face.
It really shows how dumb you are...hahaha

Deal with it or hang yourself.

>Time to REALLY test the theory of evolution Anons.
Just look at all those obese Americans.

>muh chemicals
Everything is chemicals
You are chemicals
List what’s toxic and we can argue about that. Stop using buzzwords to argue like a soccer mom.