Americans think they are entitled to everything instead of working for it, and if they dont get it they revolt by spitting in the food.
Waiters are not entitled to a tip, they have to earn it. The tip is for excepional good service. In usa its used as extortion.
"Gimme money or i spit in your food"
What a lowlife subhuman mentality.
This is what op means, if this is the way you do your job or think you can get money you only deserve being threated like shit.
Tipping is communism
Other urls found in this thread:
Where I am, min wage is 13.85/hour. The places that collect tips usually make 16/hour. Tips come in two forms, directly which is uncommon or grouped which is most common. Group tips are pooled at the end of the shift, then divided up between all the servers equally. Cooks/etc. Don't get tips. Typically you will see 10-30% tips per meal.
So for an example, a server at the sushi place I go to makes 16/hour. She works an 8 hour shift and the government takes 20% in income tax. So she makes 102.4 per shift before tips. The restaurant usually has about 8 booths filled at any time with an average of 3 people per booth. The average meal for them will cost $75. They accept 10, 15, and 20% tips. Most people tip 15 to 20 but we will assume 15. Average time of booth usage and cleaning is 45 minutes. So they get about 10 sets of customers. So in other words, at the end of a shift there is roughly $900 in tips, to be split between 4 servers. So she makes $102.40 after tax plus the $225 from tips. Now technically tips are taxable income but it's done on the honor system here. If you report say 8% of your tips the CRA isn't gonna come down on you but a lot of people will report none of it and just walk away with that income.
To put that into perspective the above wage there is more than a nurse or apprentice trade make.
>commerce between private parties
yellow nigger, get your shit together. the tip comes at the end of the meal. how the hell is someone going to spit on your food after it has been consumed?
So tips are just taxevasion.
Especially its added as a mandatory "servicecharge" on the bill.
In the end waiters are underpaid and have to hassle the customer to get that money back so theb boss doesnt need to pay taxes on it
heres a tip, remember to do that thing you forgot about
where I am people would kill for $13/hour. Average rent is $600/month, average salary is $600/month. Please tell me how to survive on my own
If you are a regular.
There are a lot of stories where people complain about not tipping or even make remarks.
In the end it just charity or pity because the prerson who brings you your food is underpaid.
Just a cultural form of begging in a 3d world country
you're a faggot
also you tip people at the end of a meal, why would they spit in your shit?
also tipping is fully optional
inb4 a million replies of >b-but society makes me feel bad
deport or gas all jews
The leaf doesn't mention 15% tip is mandatory in Canada, you don't have an option. And the tips are all in the system and declared as revenue, of which you pay taxes on.
Here you go faggots, no tip=bad service
>A 2017 study published by the International Journal of Hospitality Managementconcluded that elimination of tipping results in lower online customer ratings
Tips annoy me because they are a hidden cost. It is the same reason I dislike sales tax. It should be mandatory to put the full price for goods, tax included
You are getting spit in your food if you aren't paying over $20 a meal in the USA . Better get groceries if you don't like spit
Spit if you are lucky*
Never get mayo at fast food unless you like semen too
You're just cheap OP
Yep, thats exactly it.
It just understates the true value of what you want to buy and therefore deceiving the customer.
Get Subway faggot. You are cheap
I honestly have no idea why it isn't mandatory to do so.
Poor people are poor because they are poor. No need to change that.
In the end it just charity or pity because the prerson who brings you your food is underpaid.
Its a cultural form of begging in a 3d world country
In theory it's fine. Servers get paid for their performance and stores can sell food cheaper because they don't have to pay them. In practice, they sell the food for the same amount so you just end up paying more.
If you ever get waited on or served you tip .. if you don't tip don't eat in the fucking restaurant you fucking idilot how is this hard?
Waiters have nothing to do with how fast food gets out. That's all kitchen, and they usually get no tips.
Take your cheap ass and get take out and eat on the streets you piece of shit trash
Take your cheap ass and get take out and eat on the streets you piece of shit trash third world shit country native
Ugh, cheap gook. Tips are for when people do their jobs well, and are very pleasant and polite. Sometimes you give 'em a couple of bucks, or even a ten if you are generous. If they act like unmotivated trash, they get no tip. This is what a tip is. A bonus and it signifies that the customer was very satisfied with the service. I mean, I know it's hard for you stingy gooks to be kind, but Lord...
I just dont go to america. But im still dazzled how you can take so much shit in your corrupt communist sysmem and still be proud of it.
Is it so hard do make everything 10% expensive, pay the guy a decent wage and write on the bottom of the menu "tips included"
>Pay tip at the end of the meal
>After you’ve already eaten your meal
OP what are they spitting in? By the time they see the tip you’ve already left the restaurant...
Is it so hard to order take out or eat at Subway you cheap ass.. maybe go to the grocery store and just eat the food in the store that sounds like something you would do faggot!!!
Wo uoure part of the 15% of americans that cant read?
Its exactly what i said, i tip when i feel like it but it should not be expectet everytime, because then its just a hidden cost
going out to eat is degenerate and unhealthy
I recommend OP cook all his own meals from now on
Sage likely not a Filipino. Gtfoutta here.
>I don't want to tip
>I want good service
Order carry-out, you're literally whining about basic microeconomics
people will work as hard as they're paid to
Order take out and go sit under a bridge and smoke opium .. op is a faghot
Well countries that cant afford to pay their people a decent wage so they do a decent job are shithole 3d world countries.
Youre just spoiled commies that think your entitled to more.
Here in thailand people do a good job for 1$/hour and are happy about it
guess what, restaurants that accept tips provide both cheaper food and better service relative to restaurants with higher baseline wages and no tipping
americans are all mentally ill, just give up, op
Is that cheaper food by menu price or cheaper food by total to the consumer after tax and an 18% tip
>people working low-skilled work deserve more money because ???
fuck you
if you want to make more money, get a better job
more low-skilled jobs means more people can get a job
your employer is legally required to pay you minimum wage if you don't make it in tips
you're just as bad as people arguing for $15 minimum wage because people just DESERVE it
The latter
>a regular
you must be actually retarded. why would you be a regular at a place that has bad service?
>the latter
Do you have a source? I find it hard to believe the total cost is cheaper, especially since all fast food doesn't allow tips.
Stay the fuck at home cleetus. Don't bring out your fat disgusting wife because we don't like looking at her. Don't tip if you like i just wouldn't recommend bringing your cheap deep fried ass back to the establishment unless you want special treatment.
It seems to be cheaper but they charge the same and you pay the tip extra. The owner gets what he pays the waiter less in salary as profit and the customer has to pay the difference in wage as a tip.
Exactly, they dont deserve more than minimum wage so they shouldnt be begging for a tip.
But americans dont have an honour.
Its extortion, if your regular and you pay tips theyll give you good service if not you get bad service.
You can choose cheap food and bad service or a bit more expensive food and good service.
You have to pay the service extra, wich is 3d world country tier.
Lmao you are talk to a country that is moving backwards.
They don’t understand what is good customer service, they think they are entitled to the tips just because they serve you food.
>this much butthurt over an extra 15%
what is it like being poor?
>When restaurants adopt tip-included pricing, they necessarily have to raise menu prices, often by 20 percent. Customers, in turn, struggle to adjust to the new gratuity-included prices.
“Even though the cost of the dinner is going to be the same at the end, or pretty close to it, that initial reaction makes it look like it’s going to be more expensive,” says Amanda Cohen of Dirt Candy, the Lower East Side restaurant that remains tip-free. “I’ve found myself standing outside the restaurant when someone is looking at the menu and going, ‘Don’t worry, tip’s included.’” But you can’t explain it to everybody.”
>In a 2018 study published in The Journal of Hospitality Management, Michael Lynn, a professor of food and beverage management at Cornell, noted that “tipping is a form of price-partitioning that reduces perceptions of expensiveness even when it does not affect the actual total costs of eating out, so replacing tipping with service inclusive pricing may decrease consumers’ perceptions of value.” In other words: the food just feels more expensive.
tipping is bullshit. I don't get tips. my dentist doesn't get tips. the guy who takes my trash away doesn't get tips. why are waiters entitled to one? they don't cook my food. they don't even wash my dishes when I'm done eating. all they do is write my order down and carry the food to my table. they could literally be replaced by a touch screen and a conveyor belt. and why is it based on a percentage of your bill? is it more work to carry a plate with a $20 steak on it than one with a $8 burger? the only reason I tip is because I know the entitled little shits will fuck with my food if I don't. that's literally terrorism.
I live in nyc. Tip is approaching 25%, and it’s included for handing you a doughnut or making a coffee. People regularly tip 30% on their coffee.
I want to pay it but i dont want the waiter to get it.
The waiter has to stay poor or otherwise it is communism.
What shitty country it is that a minimum wage non qualified loser can ask the final customer for money.
Its a disgrace and public begging.
aka you can get a 15%-20 discount on food if you don’t tip.
Wo mericans are stupid and have to be scammed in believing their food is cheaper while actually paying the same?
>the food costs the same, but feels cheaper
So it is only cheaper if you are a cheap ass who refuses to tip. This completely disproves your claim that the food is cheaper.
We also don’t include tax on listed prices. So any price you see in the country except on food is 8% more expensive.
did you miss the 20% nigger?
you can get a 5% discount if you tip 15%, which is standard
again, this is basic microeconomics. It's why things are labelled at 19.99 instead of 20 and why taxes aren't included in label prices, people act in predictably irrational ways
Americans always tip because of public shaming.
They just want the illusion of cheaper food while actually paying more.
Just like they vote for politiciams to get the illusion for paying less taxes while actually paying more.
What a country full of cucks
>people act in predictably irrational ways
And its ok to sturcture a whole pricing system around that?
Cope harder sheeple.
So. California user reporting in.
Average rent here is $1,700 per month for a 1br1ba. Utilities on average will be about $200 all said and done. So $1,900 a month for keeping the lights on and not being evicted.
Due to the health insurances laws here, companies will not give more than 20 hours a week. In addition, they will often demand erratic schedules to compensate for the low amount of hours worked making juggling multiple jobs near impossible. What's 20 hours a week workout to as a single, young adult with no dependents? $700 a month. Now, even if you were really good about juggling two jobs, you are still only making $1,400 a month. Rent and utilities alone cost a total of $1,900.
>but roomate
Sure, average 2bd2ba is $2,100/month and utilities are going to be about $400.
so $2,500 total cut in half, and you pay $1,250 a month to keep the lights on and not be evicted.
You have two jobs, and $150 extra every month to put gas in your car (~$4.50 per gallon), keep your phone on, food in the fridge. Pray nothing comes up.
Thanks, boomers.
>the no tipping experiment failed
Have they ever tried looking at, I don't know, any other country that isn't Burgerland?
Did you miss the part where they said the cost was the same? They even mention it twice
The fat girls at the waffle house on 153 in Chattanooga double charge, fix tickets, charge extra for items clearly included as stated on the menu, and intentionally mix and match orders. They give free food to their black friends and steal actual cash.
But that's wrong, I never pay tips in BC
go to where the opportunities are and stop being held hostage by your own self-improsioned wishes to live in that shithole of a state
you're goddamn right it's okay, if people get better service and percieve better quality and are more likely to support the restaurant
you sound personally aggrieved over a few dollars, a very 3rd world thing to do. Eating out is a luxury, not a right, and you have just as many options for restaurants that don't expect or require a tip as not.
Here's a flowchart for your ESL ass
>tipping bad
stop tipping
>but feel bad
then you are weak in your convictions and only want to whine like a bitch
>but spit
illegal, sue and win money, since that's clearly your biggest concern
did you miss the part where some sources speak in hypotheticals and others don't?
how about the part where there are two sources?
Yes, user. Let me save up some of that $5 a day I have to spare (before buying food), so I can purchase a plane ticket to another state that I have no connections in, no job to go to, no place to stay. Brilliant plan.
Tipping is an entirely America invention and it makes no sense
>Lol here's an extra 20 bucks because you walked 5 meters and brought me my food
Fucking Americans.
Maybe try quoting the part of the source that supports your point of view.
hey retard, you can apply to jobs out-of-state while you still live wherever you're living
you sound room-temp IQ
>When restaurants adopt tip-included pricing, they necessarily have to raise menu prices, often by 20 percent
look, there
I quoted it for you
average tipping is 15%
>people will work as hard as they're paid to
Yeah, and they should be paid appropriately by their employer, you dumb, tipping faggot.
i tip only when the service is good. i don't tip when it's bad and i avoid restaurants that build tips into the final bill without me being able to set a percentage myself
anybody who cries about depending on tips need to get better skills and out of the restaurant business and stop whining like a little bitch
And what fucking company, pray tell, is going to hire an out of state young kid with negligible work experience when there is an endless supply of them in their own backyard? What company is going to value that resume over the one of the person applying who lives within driving distance eh?
Holy shit this is funny, literally every country I went no one even asking for tips
Tipping was pretty common in Thailand when I went last time.
It's included in your bill
you seem to fundamentally misunderstand how being an employer works
I offer to hire people for a certain wage, and say what is required of them
I raise the wage if I get no takers
they enter into this agreement out of their own volition
people come to this restaurant of their own volition
people order things
people ELECT to tip, or they don't
if you are dissatisfied with the service, don't tip
if you don't want to tip, don't tip
I genuinely cannot comprehend how this is hard for people.
Every one of them. Why would an employer give a single shit about where you currently live as long as you're there by the start date? I moved from DC to Texas to work for a tech company after working as a tutor.
There are tons of salaried jobs that will hire anyone willing to do them in Texas. LinkedIn and Monster and any public hiring service costs money, you'll miss most small and medium sized firms who desperately need people but can't shell out 500 dollars a day for a hiring ad
Not the server’s fault they’re working for tips. I worked in a restaurant in college and only blacks didn’t tip. Everyone else understood that its part of the process of dining out.
>even though the cost of dinner is going to be the same
Look there
I quoted it for you
Average is 18.1% btw, with some cities being around 20% as per this survey
Also I couldn't find a source attached for that "often by 20%" statement, so I ignored it. Do you have the study where they prove this is the case?
Sell drugs
But in the end the service and food is not better.
American food is shit and in reality waiters a fucking brats.
>eating out is not a privilege
God damn right i can go out and get a full meal for 2$ around here or go eat for 50$ at a fancy restaurant and the service is exactly the same
>working for tips
You work for your employer and not the customers generosity you entitled brat.
I just tipped $10 to an uber eats driver, notippers can uber eats my foreskin
bingo on the move to texas....i live here so it was a shorter move, but yes moved to be a manager (lul) for customer service and clear 65k a year, nice house/wife/2 kids yadda yadda
if you are motivated you make it happen because money is just that: money...its not happiness and if you feel happy working 2 jobs living with a roommate to die before youre 40 then by all means keep going with what youre doing
I never tip, ever.
If you go to a restaurant you should take a sample of the food
Move somewhere cheaper
Why do people eat out so much. Go to these people's homes and their pantrys are empty. It's okay on occasion but I know lots of people who eat at restaurants 3x a day.
>Even though the cost of the dinner is going to be the same at the end, or pretty close to it
nice bad-faith omission
there are no non-paywalled meta-analyses of price changes, but every example I've found the price has increased by at least 20%
Manhattan's Union Square Café, for instance, eliminated tipping in late 2015 to become a full-fledged "hospitality-included" establishment. To cover the cost of this, prices on the already-expensive menu rose by 25 percent. Servers are now compensated via a revenue-share system, which is a bummer, as business has declined.
Here in Seattle, where the first stage of a $15-an-hour minimum wage law took effect in April, Ivar’s seafood restaurants switched to an all-inclusive menu. By raising prices 21 percent and ending tipping, Bob C. Donegan, the president and co-owner, calculated he could increase everyone’s wages.
“We saw there was a fundamental inequity in our restaurants where the people who worked in the kitchen were paid about half as much as the people who worked with customers in front of the house,” Mr. Donegan said.
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Nearby, the Walrus and the Carpenter instituted a compulsory 20 percent service charge. At Manos Nouveau and Sous Beurre, both in San Francisco, the menu prices include tips and taxes. Dirt Candy, an upscale eatery on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, tacks on a 20 percent administrative fee.
>you'll miss most small and medium sized firms who desperately need people but can't shell out 500 dollars a day for a hiring ad
Yea, that's a load of bullshit unless your idea of a "medium-sized" firm is 3 people.
I work for a company with a total of maybe 30 employees, most of whom work remote, and they had no problem putting an ad up on ziprecruiter.
I miss when Thailand had communist insurgencies so Thai posters would have a clue what communism is.
Not all tips are done via electronic methods. Cash tips still happen. Frequently. Those tend not to be declared.
Probably exsoviet bloc
Lol kys i former commie thats now entierly dependent on capitalism
lmao, tipping is not mandatory unless you're in a large group.
get a better job. indeed exists. you can find sales jobs making 60-100k+ all over California. stop being a pathetic no ambition loser. I also live in Cali.
Move out of state, CA is literally finished.
>t. leaving at the end of the year
>paying tax to white trash
>not communism
Pesky Netherlanders asked tip. I gave them 10 for 160 meal.
Try waiters in France you'll learn why they're call "wait"era
Tipping is fine, those motherfuckers need an incentive to work properly
Kek if you do, you recently moved here. Nobody calls it that except for out of state tourists. Soon you'll realize that 100k here is like 60k elsewhere.
Let's pretend this is Applebees
>go to restaurant
>crowded on Friday night
>get seated
>slip the waiter a $20
>waiter smiles and nods
>wait 20 minutes for food instead of a fucking hour
>get drinks topped off while you wait
>you already tipped, so you're free to leave after paying the bill
Why don't people do this?
That violates the nap.
Did you actually read these articles? Talks about how there are tons of issues with tipping that make it a terrible system for literally everyone except waiters. And that it would be easy to switch, and while possibly even most restauranteurs want to make the switch, being the only restaurant / chain of restaurants in town that bans tipping is ruinous.
It's athletes and performance enhancing drugs. Obviously, what you want to do is compete without loading yourself up with a bunch of damaging chemicals, but since everyone on the field is using steroids, Adderall, and HGH, you really have no choice unless you want to get steamrolled.