Anarchists of Jow Forums, unite!


Greetings Comrades, I'm feeling a little down and lonely tonight, so I figured that after being away from Jow Forums for a few weeks I'd come back and see how everyone is doing.


>All leftists welcome
>All libertarians welcome
>All anarchists welcome
>All communists welcome
>Tankies reluctantly welcome

Attached: ansoc.png (550x550, 15K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Doing alright as of current, sold all my bitcoin before the bull market in a tremendous blunder, smoked all my weed but still felt like shit after, months later and the recovery is slow.

right wing males are more desired by women
leftists are incels, that's why they call people "fascists" out of spite

Attached: right_wing_males_superior.jpg (2498x2143, 482K)

I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully you can get back on your feet soon and invest in some more bitcoins too. As for weed, I REALLY would not advise smoking so much at once, comrade.
Have you thought about investing in silver dollars to preserve your assets? They're worth $15 right now, give or take, and the best part is, they're physical.
Maybe they won't turn you a profit but you sure as hell stand to lose nothing from it in the coming recession.

Attached: Chows2.png (2778x3569, 738K)

Okay canucky, whatever you say.

it's not me saying it it's Aarhus University and the Journal of Public Economics, see the pic

by the way you're not welcome on Jow Forums, fuck off and kill yourself human garbage

Attached: antifa_expectations_reality.jpg (800x749, 81K)

Pick one faggot

that video was staged, user.

>hurr durr cumsurbatibs da best
>kill urself gay lefty antifa huehue

okay buddy, enjoy your 5 round magazines