>More than 2 years in
>Still no wall
More than 2 years in
>Get a visa anytime I want
>Go to USA
>Work, dont pay any taxes
>Leave legally
Trump 2020
>not knowing I'm a long term poster
Keep telling yourself that I'm a shill.
Just like that, gringoy, you vote for Trump.
There's really not much we can do man, both "sides" of out political
spectrum are just proxies kikes use to pit whites against each other.
Besides some quality of life improvements, nothing really important ever goes though.
Don't worry though, when the US balikanizes I can promise you a quick extermination or deportation form our ethonstate,
based jirenposter
>later we will...
hehe I remember you
>years later jirenposting is still on the minds and hearts of the volk