So, turns out Yang played StarCraft and Warcraft growing up. Sorry Jow Forums, but I'm a single issue voter, and this issue has won him my vote.
So, turns out Yang played StarCraft and Warcraft growing up. Sorry Jow Forums, but I'm a single issue voter...
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If the TPP passes, you ain’t gonna be able to pirate those games no more
It's fine. I'm old. I can afford to buy games if I want them
unironically the best shill argument made here yet
Very true. Excellent way to appeal to emotions.
Is Yang for this? I should not be able to pirate just about all of my stuff, but I still do it. It's not like they're losing sales.
What answer would have lost him your support op?
But he also played with pogs. FAIL
Democracy 4
>I’m a single brain (in)celled voter
Fixed it for you
based, he'll zerg rush the jews out of this country.
sadly, he admits to being a Protoss player in the video
I like his views on data privacy rights
Same desu, same
Fuck this chink though
After that first debate somebody told Yang he needed to start doing identity politics. Sad!
What no he doesnt
yup. this sold me. i'm on the yang train now - go ahead and flood the borders and take my guns. $1000 a month from rl zerg and i'm turning my coat inside out
All gooks played starcraft though
He's a chink tho from best China i.e. Taiwan
Sorry. I'm more of a C&C guy.
He used to larp as a futa Draenei.
Yang wants to INCREASE border security asians fucking hate the other minorities
>this is what shills actually believe
Fuck it man, I was gonna vote vermin supreme but if this man played the real warcrafts hes got my vote. Imagine how well the economy is going to be with his 300 apm guiding it.
cringe. lost my vote
alright now im def on his side
>played StarCraft and Warcraft growing up
so he owned a PC in the 90's, then? i'm pretty sure Hillary did too.
so he's a gamer?
What?! This makes me want to vote for socialism now.
then he's scum
I want him to win, but do you think the idiotic masses will get him on the ballot? He's also entering to compete against a first term president. It would be best to compete against a second term president as he wouldn't need to contend with so many obstacles. I can't change my party this year for the primary if I didn't one year in advance in NY.
If he can play Starcraft, then he should be able to manage the county desu
>Sorry Jow Forums, but I'm a single issue voter, and this issue has won him my vote.
What issue? You're a giant sycophantic faggot?
Ubi is unironically pro capitalism
>90% of the country would be spending their monthly dividend on food/rent/bills/etc immediately
>fund entrepenuers to start their own businesses
>$1000 to yolo at the stock market MONTHLY
>Dindus have to opt out of their welfare state but still stacks with Social Security and Veterans
State actually voted to change that so the deadline to change your party for the primary got pushed to Feb 2020
Gay guys can't win
>played as Protojew
What a fag.
>single issue
what "issue" does him playing a couple of video games cover you fucking retard?
>Strategic Planning
the next democrat debate should just be yang and gabbard playing strategy/war games against each other for like 12 hours
Did he really play Warcraft ?
I wish they would come out with Warcraft III: Reforged already!
Yang's got my vote. The reality is that automation will not sneak up on us. It was slam us in 5-10 years.
Wtf? Is he old enough to be president?
With everyone now being a gun grabber, this may actually be our only not fully cucked choice. I know that his 1000 dollar idea will only cause 1000 dollars to be only worth 100 dollars, so I hope he has a solution for that though that doesn't involve a social credit system.
Not really. He's not printing new money
So then where will it come from? Because if he manages to use actual government funds for this it will be a first. Every time a politician suggests a change involving spending more it inevitably ends up being paid for by the taxpayers, and largely the working middle class too.
I'm glad I have the honor of witnessing the final convulsions of a dying empire before it's laid to rest forever and something more perfect emerges from the ruin.
andrew yang is a tranny
You realize this is creating a fake economy right? It's the government literally giving away the countries wealth and selling the nation to (((Banksters)))? The country stops being a country because nobody is granting the government (((MUH 1000 DORRA))) a month in taxes to make up for the loss.
He's a communist, no red bloodded American will vote for this disgusting insect.
That's ironic, jew flag
How is that ironic, are you a communist insect?
ahem, you were saying?
Loved those games. They even got James Earl Jones to do one for those live action cutscenes, can't remember which. I think Tiberium Sun.
It's going to come from the increased efficiency due to his >9000 apm in legislation.
They're scared that his direction of micro management will be so superior to their shadow micro that the jews will be btfo'd
This explains it really well and he is debated by one of the greatest conservative minds of the 20th century.
I'll take that as a yes.
You do not belong on this board
holy shit nice quads
yang wants to take your guns, and the two jews agree with him. Thats all you should take from that segment.
>the jew fears the yang
more reasons to vote for him then
They can want to take our guns all they want. there is a large % of Americans that will freak out.
You can say you want to take away guns but then reality and the courts step in.
Mostly it will be paid for by a 10% VAT tax that will exclude consumer staples like food we already spend a fuckton of money on nigger welfare. They would be forced to opt out of dindu dollars to recieve the dividend which would phase out alot of the administrative cost of welfare.
You're actually arguing in good faith and I commend you for that. It's more than I can really expect these days. Cheers. However, there's one problem with this negative income tax idea. It's only workable if every single country in the entire world adopts it. The reason for this is that as long as there are places in the world where corporations and conglomerates can pay less taxes than they would elsewhere, that is where the corporations and conglomerates are going to move to, since ultimately, their motivation is maximizing profits.
Yeah well that get's into offshores tax loopholes as well. Sanders talks about this on Joe Rogan's show today. The corporations make the rules.
That needs to change. If you want to sell in the US, you should have to manufacturer a certain % here. Do a sliding scale tariff that is the same for the whole world.
I personally believe that we are not taking automation near serious enough. Where I live I see driver less cars all day long everyday.
It's coming and it's going to be a job apocalypse.
WC3 was one f the best games i ever played thanks to custom maps being wild
It's why I'm really concerned about making my own electricity and farming my own foods and stuff. Soon the primary jobs for people outside of working on those robots will be constructing the sites where they're going to be used.
Yang wants dead kikes and niggers, so that’s how he locked in my vote.
Does he support a universal basic girlfriend policy though?
Honestly if we become pro automation like yang wants alot of the factories and manufacturers would probably come back so they dont have to pay shipping fees and import tariffs fucking china and the entire 3rd world over hardcore
Yeah wonder how many 100s of years from Robot Job Apocalypse until Star Trek replicator economy. If it's 2-300 years we better get on the UBI quickly or the shit will hit the fan.
Hadn't even thought about that. WE do need to start dealing with the coming automation economy. It will be here before they sign the first draft of a bill dealing with it.
If you saw all the driver less cars I do each day, well it's a HUGE wakeup call.
>That needs to change. If you want to sell in the US, you should have to manufacturer a certain % here. Do a sliding scale tariff that is the same for the whole world.
That's actually reasonable and plausible. Yang? Is that you? It sounds like you. Same speech pattern. You're pretty shrewd. I can appreciate that.
>I got mine
>like I give a fuck about those after me
>haha stupid suckers
nice. you've grown old and adopted the boomer mindset. can't wait to see your reaction when you have no retirement fund and are forced to work until 90. the boomers you emulate had theirs already. why would they give a shit about those after them (you)?
The hardest part is breaking the college degree stigma. It won't be such a problem for us to divert more and more to research but if we don't have jobs to pay for bloated education prices then we won't have the literal army of scientists to work on these problems.
Haha Not Yang. I wish, I had his business acumen. I really wish I could coach him on debate tactics. I wish he didn't just answer the question put to him, but re-framed them and threw them at a front runner and got a little debate going. I could make him a serious debating nightmare.
bro, keep stealing your games, and no one will develop them for you anymore.
Well, the less jobs there are, the more you have to keep the hamsters on the wheel. Nothing more dangerous that idle minds.
Digits confirm. You should get in contact with him.
Absolutely at least the dividend and his scorecard policy would help create a transitionary economy. Also driverless cars are going to destroy alot more jobs aside from trucking and delivery. A fully driverless system would see an astronomically decrease in car accidents which hospital ERs heavily rely on and the cops almost entirely exist for traffic control and issuing bogus speeding tickets. Firing the majority of traffic cops is literally the only reason i came around to the idea.
>no Apollo 13 rocket from Hardee's
Yeah makes sense he got his opinions from some collectivist zerg hive mind
insectoid chink
I wrote his staff. Nothing came of it.
I seriously coached some of the highest level players in the most competitive arena in the world.
The problem with campaign staff is the same problem that gave us the Star Wars prequels. A gaggle of yes men scared to challenge the King.
He definitely has the best policies on how to handle non-whites, that is 100% certain.
This dude gave me hope but turned to boring identity politics recently :(
Indeed? That's a shame but not surprising because of what you said. Agreed, so go past them. DM him on twatter.
Now that I think about it probably the overmind himself Winnie the pooh sent him
Taking the first step to dealing with the coming millions of jobless Americans is at least doing something. We can always change our minds. One of the biggest problems is that the real job numbers are hidden behind smoke and mirrors. We all know it.
So the stats say there are more people working than ever. Yes; It's probably true. Many people however are working two and three jobs and the middle class is gone.
In the 70s one person could work at an entry level job and raise a family. It's going to get really grim with millions of new immigrants, higher housing costs and less jobs with no benefits.
his boyish laughter on Joe Rogan really got to me. if yang was a cashier i would favor his aisle over many others and have pleasant chit chat with him.
>I feel terrified for my Jewish friends
As they should be
So you and 10 other people are voting for Yang.