Realistically speaking, what will be the state of the Second Amendment in 10 years?

Realistically speaking, what will be the state of the Second Amendment in 10 years?

Attached: cuckservatives.png (705x672, 455K)

Ask Cody Wilson. Oh...wait.

Considering the US will have obliterated itself in a civil war, what 2nd Am?

Pretty fucking stupid. Do people not remember they did this in 1994 and it had no noticeable impact on gun violence? Yea people will say "ok but there were lots of loopholes" except that they aren't loopholes, it's that for an "assault weapon" ban to be put in place where it might have a noticeable effect on gun murders, you would essentially have to take the second amendment, crumple it up in a little ball, and throw it in the garbage. Though that's ultimately what they want, because there have been ZERO gun control proposals and laws that have been shown to be effective in curbing gun violence. ZERO. The ONLY way that could ever happen is if they start confiscating all guns by force, which is really their goal.

Its not about gun violence. Its about disarming the population you wish to conquer.

They can't even define what an assault weapon is without resorting to BLACK GUN SCARY argument. People who know nothing about guns are trying to make laws restricting them.

Gun violence was much worse in the 90's. Violent crime in general was worse in the 90's.

I'm just amazed that no one seems to learn anything from our recent history.

I've been surprised this week in that I've heard a few conservatives I know IRL say "we don't really need AR-15s anyway" or BS like that. I talked to them about the whole LA Riot angle of things and other examples of civil unrest where ARs and similar guns are important to have, but just the fact that I hear people who just a few years ago were totally against gun control saying this kind of nonsense concerns me.

People will be getting their doors kicked in and shot in their own homes by various law enforcement agencies. A bunch of people who today will loudly talk of fighting this coming oppression will curl up and take it when the time actually comes to put up or shut up.

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>People who know nothing about guns are trying to make laws restricting them.
This, but I fear what will happen once we eventually get a Democrat back in the White House.