This is suicide fuel.
This is suicide fuel
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stop thinking about dicks
If your dick is short, you can't jerk it as easily. I mean you can, but you gotta work for it. God don't like it when its easy, that's why religious Jews and Muslims are obsessed genital mutilation.
Its punishment for sins you've not committed yet.
stop being a pedo
>stop thinking
I wonder if the high priests keep their hoods.
stop thinking about baby dicks you creeps
Nobody cares.
Find something else to obsess about.
Circumcision is not the worst thing in the world
it is
Start calling it what it is: Male Genital Mutilation.
stop projecting
>the only thing americans can think about is cocks
not surprised at all
>X is not the worst thing in the world, so there's no point in combating
What an absolute fucking brainlet argument. But that's to expected of someone who's trying to cope with a deformed mutilated dick. Honestly sad.
my dick doesn't look semi-erect when it's flaccid.
Every day I think about my mutilated man made Frankenstein penis. Ima kms
Most BBC's are circumcised
same here
More like genocide fuel.
Genital Mutilation whether Male or female is truly evil. Of course everytime a jurisdiction tries to ban the barbaric practice (((they))) stop it.
Despite all of the obsession over how bad circumcision is supposed to be, it is actually very helpful for various different health concerns. Sure there are some problems, but it's not all that horrible.
I just don't care.
Stop baiting, it’s boring and you suck at it
Im circumcised and still got 26 cm, was it supposed to be 30?
It is fucking horrible, you lose so much sensation
Is there better proof than this that circumcision severely damages sexual pleasure?
Hundreds of men reporting that their sensitivity improved significantly because essentially they wore a pouch around their circumcised cock, and as a result they didn't have to sustain the abuse of having an exposed glans all the time, getting grinded down by the fabric of their clothes, making it miserable and dried up like an old piece of gum.
Now give me the "very helpful for various different health concerns" arguments, debate me
Don't know what shithole country you spawned from but you need to go back
Anybody got that pic about circumcision fucking up your brain?
I have an entire folder
I'm sorry Rabbi Shekelberg ate your foreskin, Shlomo.
>it is actually very helpful for various different health concerns
Im dutch faggot, got circumcised at 7 because of medical reasons
Im circumcised and im huge. If i was any bigger shit wouldn't be fun at all.
incoming mutilated goy cock cope
Ok so you clearly weren't cut in the same way as the man in OP's picture is describing....jesus fucking christ reading comprehension
I think the way it works is because your skin is so tight and short that it restricts growth
I'm sick of Jews getting a free pass on this shit.
>dick is still all loose skinwise
>dick is just short of 7 inches
Was it botched, or was whoever my parents paid to fondle and cut my baby dick secretly a bro?
It is a curse to our people, Avi
You didn't have a tight circumcision then
Are you that jew from the other thread please respond. Don't kill yourself even if jewish. Please respond friend.
I mean jew cut is jew cut and is superior. Maybe one of their only good things they've ever done.
It is, Shimon.
My condolences to all victims, but killing yourself over it is a fag move.
I don't understand what the purpose of circumcision is. Why not teach basic hygiene?
lol get a load of this mutilated freak
Yes, but the question is if it's because of negligence, or if it was purposeful.
I'm sure as fuck not going to ask my parents.
What if it hurts to walk and you've lost all sexual pleasure as a result from the complication?
I circumcised my children for the same reason my father circumcised me, as a sign that the covenant of god claims that Israel is the home of the jews and that they shall be priests to the world, aka, God wants to quarantine the jews and make them be servants to the rest of the world.
Post it, the one about brain-fuckery hits deniers the hardest, it's a guaranteed redpill specially coming from a jew
>tfw half jewish and uncut
get dabbed on niggers
Dick cheese? No idea what that is
Peel back skin to wash? What the fuck kinda nigger tier life habit is that
Every chick that sees my dick immediately wants to suck it. Almost magnetic.
10/10 would recommend
You can cut it off and become a woman, I am sure channel 13 will finance it and make a documentary out of you
Mfw half my dick is scar tissue and I can't get a raging boner without the skin stretching and causing pain
Please respond. Maybe go to a specialist and try something. As someone who has been mutilated and had complications you could be an advocate against it.
>ndeed, more than 100 newborns die each year in the US, mostly from loss of blood and infection. During circumcision there is an increase in blood pressure, breathing rate and heart rate of the baby. ... Research shows babies who have died from cot death are more likely to have experienced obstructive sleep apnea.
It really is bad.
>daily anteater dick cope thread #88
Science favors circumcision using empirical data. These brainlet theories are grounded by alt-kike incels that are insecure about having to clean dick cheese out every few hours. Zero evidence supporting anything related to the baby's pain and psychological trauma. Read some research journals.
>schizos and stormnigger reactionaries BTFO
Normal sexual pleasure? No idea what that is
A numb penis with a keratin layer on the glans? Oh yes
It's simply the straw that broke the camels back, not the entire reasoning of the suicide
>Dick cheese? No idea what that is
Peel back skin to wash?
Do you take one bath per week or what? smegma isn't a problem unless you are just plain filthy
Complete circumcision like you're describing is popular with Jews because at one point ancient Hebrews just started regrowing their foreskin with what was left over via stretching. The rabbis hated this and began using complete circumcision as revenge.
>pointed ears
>yellow gnarled teeth
>giant moles
This guy is a warlock
Ah yes, the copefaggers have arrived, soon your comments will be added in the pic as well
If you are going to kill yourself at least explain what else. But please don't.
Washing your dick is more nigger-tier than skinning baby penis, despite the fact that niggers skin baby penis and europeans don't.
>empirical data
let's see it, nigger.
You did not have Phimosis at 7
He who is without foreskin cast the first incision
look here
imagine letting this guy anywhere near your baby
Dont get me wrong I never bang with a condom on it just isn't worth it.
Uncut fags do you feel "great" using a condom or whats that feel like?Look at this fuck who showers daily
You buy that get or did the trust fund mature
Can't you go to jail if you're an uncut jew? I've never heard of this scenario before.
based jew
lol at the fags with cut jewcocks.
post all the copes you like, doesn't change the fact part of your dick got cut off.
I had a friend whose steam profile pic was this. He killed himself. He was one of us.
People who are circumsized have no idea the pleasure they are missing out on. It should be punishable by death for someone to do that to a person. You couldn't pay me any amount of money to circumsize myself.
>"you're the one of copes!!"
Only circumcised people can cope, because they cannot change it, normal intact people, if they don't like being functional can always mutilate themselves, they don't have to cope
muzzies too i guess since we talking uk. Everytime someone mentions MGM in juroop, the antiracists find work to do, poor schlom and hassan
Even with one bath a week you can run your thumbprint along the edge for like 20s and you'll be fine. The only way anything builds up is when I fall asleep after jerking off and have literal ejaculate traces on my glans because I didn't wipe thoroughly enough.
>It's simply the straw that broke the camels back, not the entire reasoning of the suicide
Dont do it user. Life is worth more than you think. Go talk to a psychologist please.
>Look at this fuck who showers daily
showering daily fucks up the natural oils in your skin, so no i don't kek
I have a really hot wife and she likes my cut pp
>make being that perceives time only in one direction
>punish him for things he hasn’t done yet
You’re gods a cunt or just not real, your pick
this is the wierdest aspect of this place the obsession with cock cutting. has to be a vestige of euroqueers i reckon. every man i know except for maybe 5 are all circ'd. of those five 2 had to have it done as adults and it fucked them hard, knocked one out of work for 6 months, he'd be screwed but got cancer too so now he gets a check till he dies. my dick was cut at birth and works fine, doesn't get called little, has made 6 children. in a typical day i may fuck the wife twice and jerk off about twice. of course i'm kind of a belligerent angry looking guy high T i guess. once a week i may go 2-3 days without fap or sex. dick works fine. you can argue that my impulse to defy, for example im devils advocate, contrarian, is due to the infant circ's trauma, but this characteristic has served me well in life, i'm not a pussy or a pushover because of it. i'm beginning to think its leftists behind the anti circumcision shit because they don't want you defiant or reactionary. any case anyone bitching about circ needs a cock in face.
fuck that, live a long and fulfilling life dedicated to ending benis mutilation
yeah, dick cheese is just another cope. Can't blame them though, i was lucky circumcision isn't a common practice here
>This is suicide fuel.
If you were circumcised your dick is shorter and the end of it is narrower than nature or God intended.
Yeah it's north america, after all
I guess I'm kinda glad I don't have the odd dick out, so to speak, but having foreskin sounds pretty rad
This is a High and Tight cope right here
Don't muzzies at least wait a few years? Cohen goes in right after birth.
When I first learned of the American meme of jerking off with lotion I didn't understand it. Why? Does it feel better? Doesn't the cleanup make it not worth it?
>oh, they literally can't do it otherwise
So many kikes ITT.
Infant circumcision is child rape and mutilation and should be banned for non medical reasons. even then, there are alternatives for treating phymosis.
this, forget about all that suicide shit OP, make a difference
you're half right
circumcision is a typical identifier of the worst thing in the world
I actually feel bad for jewcut anons. You pp was mutilated without your consent and your trust in your parents is probably gone. What fucking thinking is behind "oy vey let me cut off big part of penis of baby without anasthetia and cause permanent scarring and brain damage"? Legit nigger-tier behaviour.
t. uncut becos not melanin person