Can anyone red pill me on disciplining children...

Can anyone red pill me on disciplining children? The world today frowns on physically reprimanding your children and it's accelerating towards not even being able to use harsh language but young people are more maladjusted than they ever have been. Are there studies or anything suggesting the whole "time out" rather than "a good smack" is better off?

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Other urls found in this thread: Corner/information_for_parents.htm

>"a good smack"
When my dad came home and brought out the belt I KNEW my ass done fucked up big time. Corporal punishment is important as it teaches children the idea of consequence, that your negative action will have TRUE negative outcomes. Standing in the corner for 10 minutes is not a fucking punishment which is why we have all of these entitled faggots running around.

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You don't always have to hit kids, depending on the severity you might have too, but usually not. You don't have to send them to a corner either. Just take away their shit, phones, TVs, game consoles, leave em with nothing but a bed and clothes. Boredom can be one hell of a punishment especially for the entire era of shitty kids we are getting. Kids don't really need all the electronics nowadays anyway and if they have homework or some shit they have to do online, then you be a good parent and watch them to make sure they are not going against the punishment you set for them. Hitting breeds hate and one day your son or daughter might just stick your shotgun in your mouth without a second thought just because you kept beating them.

>What? No! I can't communicate with it!
>What abstract thing can i do to make it's life worse?
>What? No! I can't just TELL it what it did wrong!
>That wouldn't make any sense!

Kill the younglings
Space war now

Fuck off jude

Be very clear. You DO in fact have to explain yourself. Every aspect of every decision, unless they are supposed to learn the lesson on their own. And in that case, you must supply them all of the tools. Otherwise you aren't raising an individual, you're berating a slave.

You rarely HAVE to hit a child, and doing so when you don't HAVE to is bad. Any violent act must be met with violence, so as to teach the consequences, especially of reciprocity. Kids are mentally and emotionally dependent on their parents; your disappointment and disapproval is a powerful thing, even if they're caught up in their emotions and throwing a tantrum. Be firm in your condemnation of misbehavior, but not cruel or abusive. "Time out" can work; depends on the child.

There is no single way to do it. But NEVER hit your child in public. The message that sends to the child is the most important, which is that nothing is private and being beaten in public is acceptable; you will begin them on the path of thuggery, like niggers do. If you have to leave where you are to discipline your child, then that is what you have to do. Your errands do not supersede your duty of care.

Most of all, you have to understand that kids tend to misbehave because they have unfulfilled needs. Kids need productive outlets, interaction with parents, and the ability to BE KIDS. Kids are loud, kids cry, kids break things and make mistakes. By age 4 they should know right from wrong(they should also be speaking, walking, and reading by this point. if they aren't you've fucked up bigly), but that does not make them prescient.

Corporal punishment is good, child abuse isn’t.
You should be able to count the number of times you have to resort to it on one hand, but be able to remember each one perfectly.
Overuse will nullify its effectiveness. Think of it as ‘well, Dad NEVER hits me, so the fact that this warranted that must mean that this was really bad.’

Only a bitch needs to punish his kids by slapping them. You will only raise bitches such as yourself in that case. Kids must have an innate respect for their parent and if they don't then the parent is the one who deserves getting slapped.

I advocate the age old method of making the kid find a birch twig and then being hit by it by the parent.

You should know your child's desires enough to not hit them. Giving them one less piece of beef on their plate, using a site blocker, taking away their possesions / freedoms is usually more effective.

there's nothing wrong with hitting in of itself, but only if it's warranted.

the worst thing is when a parent loses his shit easily, regardless of whether or not he hits you. my dad is like that. he rarely ever layed a hand on me. in fact he barely ever punished me. but he easily got mad and started berating you and yelling at you if you disagreed.

it made me turn out beta and undisciplined until i was old enough to realize it and fix myself.

physical punishment is sometimes necessary

spare the rod, spoil the child

>Hitting breeds hate

not if it's justified. if the child knows you're being fair they won't resent it. and pain disincentivizes future wrongdoing

>be a good parent and watch them to make sure they are not going against the punishment you set for them.

>You should know your child's desires enough to not hit them

these are impractical, especially if you have multiple children. you can't watch them 24/7

kids are curious, messy, and don't always understand limits. discipline is inevitable

If you have to use violence with your children, don't be surprised when you invite violence upon your lives and your home later.

It's really easy to just not hit children

If they were about to do something stupid that could possibly cost their life or health, I would smack them as a warning.

Hitting children is for niggers and single mothers

>always have the high ground

as we say it here, beating stick came from heaven.

Nonsense, children should be beaten on daily basis. This will ensure they will not grow up to be a failure like you.

Shut the fuck up, if you want to raise fucking delinquents have fun but keep your shitty advice to yourself.

How many kids do you have? Since you're an expert in child rearing.

Only niggers need to hit their children. I have four kids and have never had to resort to violence. Maybe a got lucky not having shitheads, maybe they are just a product of their environment but I have never felt the need to hit them. Corner/information_for_parents.htm

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Literally the worst thing you can do to a child is indoctrinating them into your magical thinking bullshit. You will cripple their ability to think rationally and damage their moral foundation by turning them into slaves to the ideology.