>stop complaining about society >the problem is not others, it's you!!! Holy shit. How can people still find this man useful? He's just parroting the same old "you can't blame others for our problems!". "Grow up, bucko!".
I can't believe some regard Jordan Peterson as the savior of the youth by repeating the same tips that never worked.
You can absolutely fix other people. I used to deal with people who were at their rock bottom, often completely letting go of who they once were in a situation basically tailored to make them not give a fuck. If you offer people two paths, one where they can go back to whatever they thought normal was a minute ago, and radically different direction for their life to immediately go in, they will always choose the path of least resistance. Murderers, drug dealers, absolute pants-shitting psychos, it was all the same, it was always easy to teach them how to behave so that the guards would not shut us down. You can't change people without leverage would be a far more realistic statement.
Nathaniel Sanchez
>If you offer people two paths, Now tell me, who would walk your paths? You or them?
Robert Roberts
*those paths
Noah Anderson
You sound exactly like someone who needs to get their shit together
Jaxson Green
It's Biblical >Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
>You can't change people without leverage would be a far more realistic statement. Kind of what I was implying. But I dislike leverage since it is not a true change and doesn't necessarily stick. Whether it is bribing by promising money/material good/other forms of comfort or by threatening violence/blackmail/etc. I always say that change comes from within and cannot be "forced" upon you, true change that is.
Connor Morales
Yes, it's obvious advice, but how many people listen?
>leftists blame white people and men >Jow Forums blames the jews >cuckservatives blame taxes
The difference with Peterson is that he doesn't sugarcoat it. He also is well-qualified, goes in-depth into all kinds of psychology and metaphysics, and he also argues for improving oneself rather than just blindly doing ones duties for society, and "being good".
>You're mad >You have every right to be mad >striving towards something makes the struggle itself worth it >a.k.a. responsibility >that's what meaning is
Henry Perez
>hates communism, socialism and hardcore liberals >is religious >is conservative >supports men
Yet Jow Forums hates him because he has a jewish name.
John Sullivan
keep complaining about the niggers and see if it helps you. Complaining about other people for their problems is what niggers do, that's the reason they dont succeed. You need to get your game to the next level if u want to personally succeed at life not act like a nigger and complain about everyone
Caleb Garcia
>cant fix other people That's why his daughter is a whore with terrible diet and a drinking problem
Michael Foster
Reminder: Jordan Peterson takes antidepressants. Literally pic related.
No, the reason why a lot of Jow Forums dislikes him is because he's not a genuine conservative, he's a classical liberal, a neo-con at best. He doesn't want to talk about demographics and race except the most basic bitch shit. He argues against any changes on the systemic level, and doesn't seem to understand that bettering yourself individually and changing things on a systemic level aren't mutually exclusive. He doesn't seem to have any problem with globalism and international companies and banks buttfucking people's nations. He mingles with kikes who instantly wanted to betray him the moment he made a speech in Hungary (Because ORBAN BAD).
Now, don't get me wrong. I like his talks on theology and psychology, but when he steps out of his realm of expertise and starts talking about politics he just spews basic neo-con boomer bullshit that we need to move away from if we want to make changes on any meaningful level. It's just retard neo-con cold-war era crap. Actual conservatives are basically called "Paleo-Conservatives" or "Reactionaries" nowdays.
Luis Perez
The problem pol has with society is that theres people trying to socially engineer a marxist revolution instead of bettering themselves. Exactly what Peterson is talking about.
Camden Lopez
Unironically most of Jow Forums needs to stop blaming others for their problems and needs to grow up. Also fixing yourself is only step 1.
Carter Powell
Charles Ramirez
You fix other people by killing the ones that resist and putting the rest in chains
>He argues against any changes on the systemic level, and doesn't seem to understand that bettering yourself individually and changing things on a systemic level aren't mutually exclusive. That's wrong though. He argues that self-improvement leads to world change at the same time, but that you can't deal with the complexities of the world if you can't even look after yourself.
>and international companies and banks buttfucking people's nations. Eh, he argues that a hierarchy (such as money earning) should be torn down and rebuild when it becomes too corrupt (i.e. too narrow and rigid).
>He mingles with kikes who instantly wanted to betray him the moment he made a speech in Hungary (Because ORBAN BAD). Who? Which ones?
Conservatives are cucks these days. It's just boomers seeking rent. All they want are high immigration to keep wages low and house prices up.
Brayden Barnes
>BoomerU holy fuck how cringe is this channel
Owen Richardson
I guess Israel can fix their own problems then and don't need the billions we send every year.
> That's wrong though. He argues that self-improvement leads to world change at the same time, but that you can't deal with the complexities of the world if you can't even look after yourself.
Sounds swell on paper, but in actuality it's reductive and naive. First of all, some problems require systemic change, and there's nothing wrong with using the state to enforce rules and regulations as long as it's for the good of the populace. When the institution of marriage starts falling apart along with the nuclear family, you don't just tell men "try harder on an individual level". When most marriges fall apart, when women can use the state the fuck over men for everything they have for no justifiable reason, that's an example of a systemic problem that's not being adressed.
The other problem with this approach is that it naively assumes that most people are good enough to make these self-motivated changes on the individual level, they're not. Most people lack the intelligence, conscientiousness and the capacity for introspection nessecary for such self-improvement. The best thing we can actually do is to force them to behave. Just look around you and see what the average person chooses to do with the freedom they are given. Peterson has way too much faith in people, his approach will never work.
> He's against unfettered immigration
He's against illegal immigration, which is not an inherently conservative stance, just an above 90 IQ stance. Most actual conservatives don't agree with "It's fine if they come here legally". We don't believe that our ethnicity interchangeable with others, and we would not agree to having a substantial immigrant population in our countries, regardless if they come here legally or illegally, because we value our ancestors, our roots and our unique culture, which no immigrant can call his own. Peterson's position is very liberal when it comes to this.
Logan Phillips
>but in actuality it's reductive and naive. He's been a practising clinical psychologist for around 30 years. He *knows* how people work. It's not naiive at all.
>become a university professor >tell women they are strong, independent, and need no men >women produce weak and effimante sons >"wash your penis" >??? >profit!
Grayson Hughes
Just the advice we all needed, thanks Mr. Pete- >"It’s silly to try to escape other people’s faults. They are inescapable. Just try to escape your own." - Marcus Aurelius Oh no, how embarrassing to have been beaten to the punch by a guy who is almost as old as Jesus... is someone gonna tell him?
Hudson Ramirez
Hey bucko. Your country will be minority white and your children will have to be around violent shitskins everywhere they go. Remember to clean your room when your boy is killed for being white and your daughter raped for being pretty.
Jack Clark
> Eh, he argues that a hierarchy (such as money earning) should be torn down and rebuild when it becomes too corrupt (i.e. too narrow and rigid).
I've never seen him speak about international finance or all these large globohomo companies. His position seems to be very free-market, once again that is a very neo-con position, conservatism wasn't associated with free market economics until a bunch of Neo-Con/Zionist intellectuals in the US decided to create the new conservative movement in opposition to the USSR.
> He's been a practising clinical psychologist for around 30 years. He *knows* how people work. It's not naiive at all.
Nice appeal to authority with absolutely no argument. Please tell me, how is this Petersoniam hyper-individualism working out for us in the real world? The general populace has totally embraced discipline, self-regulation and duty on their own accord. Oh wait, the exact opposite is happening. People are becoming more unhinged and depressed, families and marriges unstable, spirituality and religion less popular as we lose contact with our roots and drown in pointless pop culture. And as a cherry on top our nations are gonna be overrun with the third world soon. What's the answer to all of these questions? Why, more individual freedom of course. If we just tell people to self-sacrifice and embrace duty they totally will. At last I truly see, I am finally enlightened by the great spirit of classical liberalism.
Juan Carter
Peterson will lead you to a well to drink then hold your head under it till you drown
Christian Kelly
More like he'll sell you a glass of water for $15 but the stream where he got the water is literally within your sight.
Jacob Hernandez
he's worse than joel osteen this canadian nigger is taking jesus teaching and putting a faggy atheist spin on them.
Josiah Diaz
He's seen some numbers and facts of how many people died in the 20th century and won't admit he doesn't really know how or why it happened.
I don't think he could handle a multi-hour discussion with me.
Sad really.
I'd be up for it tho. Who knows.
Isaiah Russell
Is that from the Jew who want the alt right to stop organizing and to become self centered?