Happening: Epstein is apparently “not that bad”

Dear Jow Forums, see attached picture and read this disgusting garbage (i am not the user in the picture, thx).
It looks like it’s becoming more and more apparent that they are trying to tell people that “you know, pedophilia is normal, he isn’t that bad”.
Any thoughts?

Attached: 1C0BDB5B-BD9F-4C2B-B312-64BA15C231E9.png (1280x1241, 389K)

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It’s been going on. Weren’t they teaching pedo shit to kids in CA?

Kill every one of them

Literal God among men

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May his Canteen fund never run dry.

Epstein is just a whimsical temple owner.


Has this been brought up yet? Listen to question 1.
Not sure if helpful but I figured I'd throw it out there.

>an explainer
literal hasbara

Attached: 1565062996811.jpg (1100x914, 131K)

this pro-pedo tedx talk came out last year and still hasn't been taken down. Netherlands is the most CP riddled countries in the world

this. he's a happy-go-lucky type, met him on a business trip to new york once. he kept on eating bananas that were really really green.

Attached: 1563691726224.png (240x233, 41K)

>Jeffrey Epstein and All the Others: An Explainer
written by Kay Hymowitz

Who cares, she's mostly right.

I would expect that from a citizen of a former penal colony. How many underaged girls has your family raped?

absolutely subverted

Absolute legend. Would that there were more men like him.

>used pedo excuse to rob losers
If he was a actual self proclaimed hero they would be dead, and it would be after rapists and traffickers not some loser jerking it.

You are the ones whom are fucked in the head.

>Any thoughts
none. nothing at all goes through my brain anymore. its just a static blanket of pure raw rage.

Attached: beautifuldayinclownworld.gif (400x300, 1.93M)

He tried to get the moral highground on robbing people... whoopeedoo.
He could have picked better targets and looked like less of a fag if he didn't steal their PlayStation.
Plus my bipolar stepmom tried to frame my dad for sex offender shit because he cancelled her credit cards.

larp harder

Their ultimate goal is to get people worshiping old gods.

>source: any 1 of 7 billion people on earth holding up a piece of paper
>claim: ex antifa, as if that is some sort of credit, like it's a secret organization, instead of just a mass of homeless and dumb ass stoners living in communes with no jobs looking for something to do

delete this thread and your life