You can't say "goyim" on YouTube

Try it yourself, your comment will be instantly deleted.

Who could be behind this?

Attached: Screenshot_20190808-164248_YouTube.jpg (2220x1080, 904K)

Other urls found in this thread:

white people are going extinct LOL and there's nothing you racists can do about it

Surely it must be asspained goyim.

You realise that you are the one being racist, right?

Or is genocide no longer racist?

Which one is it.

Why was the word banned do you think?

Awww. Poor baby. Corporate media doesn't want you shitting up their platform, apparently.

Attached: Intolerance.jpg (960x720, 57K)


and yet there are fucking loads of videos with it in

It's obviously hatespeech from former death camp SS guards meant to spread mental pain among the holocaust survivors.

Do you guys think that YouTube wants to avoid normies finding out what "goyim" means.
I think this is the case.

You mean the ones that weren't deloused and died of typhus and starvation after the supply lines were cut?

Are you baiting me?

Regardless here is the definition of the word. Seems like it's actually offensive to non-jews.