Just so everyone knows

I've been very nice to the average goy-level-Jewish person, I've even converted a handful to white European nationalism but here is the score...

If you actually believe in Judaism you can never be a white European, you cant be the "chosen people/master race" if your "white European", this is where all our problems come from.

If you actually believe in Judaism then you are our mortal enemy because if you believe in Judaism then you are the master & we(whites) are Goys who you are allowed to abuse & use according to Judaism.

I understand a lot of you stay in it because of family but you are going to have to make decision on whether you are going to continue & larp as a ancient Egyptian slave or convert into what you actually are... a European!

Marry a non-Jewish women/husband, change your last name to a European name & give up the Jewish identity & embrace the European identity & your kids will be fully white Europeans.


Or continue larping as a ancient Egyptian slaves & watch you elites destroy Europe(the west) with your silent consent until the tide turns sharply in your direction.

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This pathetic, get a life incel

Sorry mate your in the wrong place, fags post in the /lgbt/ board!

nice sentiment. but does that work?

Replace Judaism with "cult" & once you think of it like that you'll understand the tricks they play on there own people & the lies they tell them.

I've convinced few people to stop calling themselves Jewish, one moved from California to Texas and got married to a Texas lad & is low key a white nationalist now with a kid on the way! ha

>civnat cuckery
Non-Europeans cannot and should not be European. No amount of shapeshifting will help that. Next thing you'll be making a case for niggers to be Europeans. Disgusting.

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What will your last words be when an arab kills you ded ?

Shut up Ahmed, Nigel is right

90%+ of jews are inbred eastern Europeans, they are not from the middle east!

Now as I said "A Jewish person cant be a European(White European).", they have to abandon the Jewish identity to be classed as a white European because Judaism is anti-european by it's own rules.

All I'm doing is giving a path to redemption.

name my band


The Anglotians with there latest song get back to africa... youtu.be/IKJqecxswCA

Tell them to get their fucking DNA tested.

This would be a more productive path forward for us and for them.

As long as they dont marry another former-jewish person it should be fine, there kids will just look like a normal European because the inbred ashkenazi dna will be 50% or lower.

Would make saving ourselves a lot easier if we could convince the majority of Jews still in Europe & America to convert to "White European Nationalism."

Which lines are European and which ones are Arabic-Middle Eastern?

Okay, so I'm half Askenazi, so I'm just a long line of incest, huh. Explains the schizo.

We can work that out later, I doubt many people in Israel would convert to be honest.

You're just repeating history. How many times have jews been "converted" to european causes? how many times have they at the first opportunity stabbed us in the back co-opted every movement and asserted themselves as cultural hegemon? Isn't it funny that if there is even the slightest chance the jew might be deposed suddenly these redpillable jews appear. Why even bother a jew is a jew is a jew, if they were really sympathizer then they would leave for madagascar or something.

Seems pedantic of you honestly. As long as they aren't trying to subvert the goyim you can't really ask for more

You're not in a position to demand purity. And for every 50% Jew there are millions more with less Jewish blood who never identified as a jew but are going to be quite nervous and opposed to you, fearing a DNA test.

Is a Jew is a Jew is a Jew? How much Jew? Any Jew? Any Jewish is going to be tens of millions of more people than the actual idientified Jews.

You're not going to get purity and we're not in a spot to win. We need to have a bigger coalition.

>suddenly these redpillable jews appear.
Throughout the alt-right's rise and fall there were tons of mixed people clamoring to "get in". Including Jews. It's not sudden. It's not recent.

If your already half then technically if you want you can call your self white European buddy, but you cant flip-flop. You have to make the choice which one you want to be & stick with it ether way. You cant call yourself a white European when things are going good & then when shit hits the wall say "I'm not white, I'm jewish!" because that is the biggest betrayal which makes white nationalists blood boil.

It is up to you buddy.

I know what you mean buddy, but I think this is worth a go. Tho Judaism will at some point have to be banned in the west completely, the "master>goy" power dynamic will be put to a end one way or another.

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