How would you game the current gynocentric political system?
If You Woke Up A Woman Tomorrow
Is there a single pictuer where this shithead hasn't used at least 20 filters?
I would fucking kill myself.
Convince other women to give up the right to vote.
You just know that someday an autist in a Naruto costume is gonna track this bitch down and post a thread here to brag about what he did to her
>wake up a woman
>too stupid to understand any system
assuming i keep the same personality and thoughts...
find me a white greenpilled chad to marry and escape into the woods with
Is there any woodland in Egypt?
But you turn back into a dude the next day, so that would make you gay
Buy cheap cosplay from interwebs.
Sell lewds.
Hoard money until I got 2-3 millions.
Tell all of thoose beta faggots who send me money that they are pathetic and I only fuck Aryans.
Live on safe private Island and shitpost selling lewds on the rare occasion I want to buy a T-34 or more guns to collect.
Would be the life.
I dont even need to be attractive.
I assume you mean after I vigorously masturbate in front of a mirror.
Well, I'd celebrate the fact that I'm now living life on easy mode while still trying to be an honorable and decent person.
I wake up a woman every day. My wife.
i would probably rope desu
Absolutely disgusting. Never trust a woman in makeup, lads. Learn to identify and excommunicate
Belle Delphine should kill herself for all the cuck psyops she did to destroy Britain
I would probably just touch all my body and go get a lesbian
God if I was even a 6/10 woman I would be in every market I could exploit. Socks? Sold. Underwear? Sold. That fucking napkin I used after eating a salad for my dumb ass ASMR channel? SOLD. Women are under utilizing the market that is lonely/horny men. In today's world you could make fucking Bill Gates sweat without even leaving the house. God I hate how lazy and wasteful most women are about this I could lead fucking seminars on how to horribly offset the national GDP with your fucking panties.
>being reduced to a passive life of advertising the hole between your legs
genuinely fucking mortifying
So do I get to keep my current brain functions? or does everything become female? Because if my brain functions go female, ima get all emotional and unable to game anything.
Camwhore for easy tax-free money, and then buy lots of supplies to make myself valuable to some guerrilla band in the coming civil war. That way, I can avoid having to prostitute myself to eat.
I would play with my boobies forever
I would get into med school, not even graduate and marry a doctor and NEET it up for the rest of my life on my husband's three figures income. I would marry somebody with a high likelihood of a high income while they're still young.
Fucking a bunch of men doesn't sit well with me so I'd just be my husband's virgin waifu and shitpost on Jow Forums.
That's not her...
If I woke up a woman I would first fap to myself. Then I would try to convince others to remove women's voting rights.
I'd semi stalk a very rich man known to be handsy and try to place myself in the same place as him. Especially at clubs or bars and then claim sexual assault. Probably get a huge settlement because he knows everyone will believe it.
We've set up a bunch of incentives for women to act evil as fuck.
If I was relatively attractive I'd launch an OnlyFans/MFC/Patreon, post enough lewds to get noticed, and then life off the $4500 a month I get from thirsty gamer boys. Then in late 20s marry some unattractive, but successful beta businessman who pulls in a good wage - someone plain: ugly enough to know he cant do better than me but not attractive or interesting enough to be able to trade up. Fuck him 3 times a week, enough to keep him happy, while enjoying a social life while he's at work going out with friends, paid for by his credit cards of course. What a life. A man can dream, I suppose.
Why would you want some boring loser husband?
well that was anticlimactic
Because he'd be set for life. And if he's successful that automatically makes him not a loser
I would want a cute rather than masculine husband. It would make it more tolerable.
Easier to control. Why the fuck would I want some guy who's actually going to out his foot down and stop my fun?
As a woman you mong
She’s South African, she just lives in the UK
I wouldn't be able to leave the house as I'd be too busy playing with my tits.
>Find a redpilled Aryan Chad to marry
>Become a #TradLife instagram model
>Encourage many impressionable young women to forsake degeneracy, promiscuity and multiculturalism
>Have 3-4 kids, starting in my early 20s
>Restart my career in my mid-30s
Create a harem of beta orbitter male slaves to carry out political espionage and action in favor of Americas future.
Bah dump. PHAahhhh....
>three figures income
Are you secretly a Somalian?
I threw up a little in my mouth.
Disgusting whore.
I would go to the nearest club and get fucked by a dozen different guys
>mad about women
only virgins and divorcees. Both degenerate
Be a chad. Don't hate the player, hate the game. You little kissless bitch
>wake up as a female
>try my luck with the 40/60 spin2win
>get fucked by rng
>kms and stream it on discord
Post tits on Jow Forums
so nothing changed, then
Get you faggot reddit ellipses out of my sight you white knighting retard
>assuming i keep the same personality and thoughts...
>actively become "gay" for the betterment of your people/bloodline
Not sure if thats based or faggy desu
dudes can't be whores. /thread
Women are the embodiment of the light that burns twice as bright burning half as long.
You're all full of shit and MUST be these fabled incels to get angry at this girl, she's breathtakingly beautiful *and* whip smart to. You're all mad because she's the epitome of what you think you deserve but know you'll never attain.
you should all lower your sights and go for something more suitable to your personalities and appearances.
What about manwhores?
shut up pooland
Marek pls go.
probably the women who post on this board would make ideal partners for the males. You can be psychologically abusive to each other and raise your kids to be White Nuts ....
That's gay af
Yeah she cute
made up word. /thread
You are a faggot essentially.
he's a fucking faggot living in a fantasyworld
see /thread
I'm gonna need some sauce on that my nigger!?
shes getting fat
jewesses age like milk
Pretty sure youd have to fend off every other slut in the market. A lot of you folks are completely forgetting the fact that there are tons of women doing all this same shit, all the time. And there are skill trees that dont allow you to cross over or ever start fresh. If you max out panty sales, you make it impossible to marry a doctor and relax... and vice versa
She's a fucking 11/10. Have you ever seen most women without makeup?
Moloch is a pathway to many abillities some consider to be unnatural.
Would find a way to return to a male body. Women are subordinate to man.
She's wearing makeup in that picture. Concealer on blemishes, then foundation or a light powder, a subtle eyeliner , eyebrow powder lightly brushed to shape the brow, a small blush applied to the cheeks, and what looks to be a nude lip gloss.
That's what you autists expect from a "no make up look"
That isn't her.
No i expect a girl with no make up.
Vadim, I think they pay you to much at Baustelle.
You should have no time for laying Bait this big while working on Mr. Nosenbergs new migrant center building.
I would touch myself, and only then kill myself.
You're a closet fag, faggot.
I'd become an e-thot to sell dirty underwear to incels like you.
What is gynocentric political system and how it's here?
This isn't twitter you mong. You're not impressing anyone with how cultured you're pretending to be.
This is what trannies go to all that trouble to do
I'd spend like a day straight masturbating, then buy a bunch of makeup and sexy clothing and start a twitch channel.
Get blacked and have 6 mulatto babies to the most violent stupid giga nigger I could find
Coping incel.
I'd sell my own breast milk on ebay and sell myself as a surrogate.
Nobody could stop me because I'd be strong, independent and absolutely devoid of morality, just like modern women are told to be.
But really I'd get into milking myself and live on welfare.
getting fit
getting tan
Make all the white nationalist crazy
I don't know vlad. It's unlike Americans to exhibit such brevity. I wonder if the user has insider information
>How would you game the current gynocentric political system?
not sure. already a stay at home dad cuz of looks and wife's a (((bisexual))). n-nothing would change. strange
Me too
Yeah, I wouldn't have to get a job and I could just marry a man and be pregnant for years and not have to go out and do stuff.
I'd rather be a six year old girl though what can get pregnant so I could marry a man and make babby but also still always be tiny cute girl.
Do you retards think makeup makes cunts look better? It just makes them uglier and ruins their skin.
I'd just start saying women are responsible for everything.
She's caked in foundation in that picture.
Rather kill myself
if that was the case i would just stay home all day and play with my tits
>sexual orientation is personality and thoughts
uuuhhh no sweet it's biologically wired if you're a man you like women and vice versa anything else is a dysfunction
no im straight. i'm assuming if i were to turn into a woman i would also have a woman's hormones and brain structure so i would be attracted to men.
>why whitoids?
because i admit that most nafri men are low iq porn addicted manlets
attracting a bunch of stalker psychos isnt the safest move
Use my free identity-change to become an uncatchable terrorist mastermind.
But you still gotta call me "Sir", like that chick from Peanuts.