Hey Jow Forums, I accidentally gave myself gender dysmorhpia, how the fuck do I cure it?
>inb4 not political
Mental health is inherently political.
I fucked up
Not politics or current events
Slide thread
Mental Illness isn't a real thing. Get over it pussy sage.
Fuck you nigger, so the 100th memeflag thread is not?
Please help me. You guys are the only ones that understand.
the quickest cure is to neck yourself, faggot.
you see yourself as a women?
I don't fucking know anymore. A bit.
Get out into the real world and interact with other people. Spend less time obsessing over porn and your self-perception.
Dont worry we will put you out of your misery,being a faggot you wont last long in this shithole.
What the fuck does that even mean? You're probably just a homosexual.
Thanks, I'll look into it.
Convert to Orthodoxy or Catholicism and consult a priest. Only way, desu
>how the fuck do I cure it?
a bullet to the head
hai dă-te-n pula mea de idiot. cum morții mătii să crezi că nu ești bărbat/femeie? Hai bagă mare și explică-te nou prietene.
romanians are orthodox you dumb fat fuck
Is it always the same fucking Romanian who thinks he's a quality shitposter, but really just a shit poster?
How did you accidentally make yourself hate your body? There has to be a story there...
I have white nigger dysmorhpia.
Every time I listen to 80s and 90s rap music that doesn't have violent lyrics in it or watch old Eddie Murphy movies back when he was actually funny I want to steal a bike and donate to orphans, then have an intact family. I'm so confused...
Nici eu nu ştiu mă. Chiar nu ştiu.
is there such a thing as a quality shitpost?
A lot of Romanians are irreligious, so I didn’t want to assume he was Orthodox until he said so.
I suspect it's the fact that I've been mistaken for a girl on multuple ocassions. I'm also a diagnosed schizo, but I'm on the medicine.
what gender is written on your birth certificate?
I don't know how to explain quality to a gypsy
Male. But how the fuck do I cure this shit?
>inb4 rope/bullet/stoning
stop watching sissy porn and shave your head for Eleos
what city/part of the country do you live in. How old are you? Employed? Or student?
Constanța. Got a history degree at Ovidius 2 years ago. Wagecuck.
This thread is obviously bait, gender is a human construct, OP is a gypsy, therefore not human
full blooded romanian? or mix? if so with what? if not, what race are you? Serios, i am figuring a way to help you.
You realize what you have so you will be able to cure yourself of it aswell, no worries my fren
P.S.: Don't neck yourself, we can't afford to lose an ally :(
>full blooded euromutt?
My parents are ro.
Stop watching porn. Porn fucks with your mind so hard. Especially if you are (almost) addicted.
Thank you.
>I don't fucking know anymore. A bit.
Dude. Just self-examine and encourage yourself to not be. If you recently did this it won't be that potent of a thing. You just gotta understant that these things are very modifiable. Just harder to change it the longer you perform a particular behavior or thought process. But it's all changeable. Don't believe the lies about these things. You can change how you feel about anything, just take the step to decide to change it and assert to yourself that you need to change it and will change it.
I kinda have the same problems. I just can't imagine myself fucking someone.
Also understand that society is putting in specific incentives to push people to identify as women. You have to internally debate those incentives. Because they are real and they are intentional and they effect how you think and feel.
I understand.
We'll make it out of this, vro
I see. Fucking kikes.
Also be very careful of watching movies and pay attention every time that society pushes ideas that promote women and undercut men. Each time you are exposed to that will tug at you to feel like you are missing out. It is intentional.
It's much much much easier to fight poz when you realize it is intentional and premeditated. It is much harder when they successfully sell you something as "the real you".
I don't watch movies that are hollykike produced.
ok, you need, at least 2 weeks of time off. You need to go here: 46.970691, 25.931517 There you must stay without any modern technology, no phones, only food, water and a tent. And meditate upon your dacian ancestors. There, Zalmoxe will show himself to you and help you help yourself. Seriosly, this will help. You shall be given a new purpose and health.
I'll try it this weekend. Mulțumesc :,-)
Quit porn/faps. Keep yourself busy with work or real hobbies. Read philosophy and theology. Make sure you maintain friendships/relationships with good people. You'll grow out of it. Lots of people who don't go batshit insane and castrate get better naturally.
Only be carefull of evil creatures. They will try and eat your soul. I admit, i have tried it, but was almost overwhelmed by these creatures. They are invisible, but you can hear them and feel their claws. The old tales, are true.
Wait what? What old tales?
stop watching porn, cut the perversion from your life.
gay, trans, cuckoldry and all that shit are just fetishes that come along from watching too much porn. you got bored of 'normal' porn so you had to go for more extreme and 'forbidden' porn and now you're here. you're not born that way or anything, you just trained your mind that way, which can easily be reversed if you have self control
Drink enough of my cum and it'll cure your faggotry, faggot.
i cant say that i believe that you will try it. You need 3 weeks, at least. Ive done my part to try and help you. Also leave any croses or artifacts of the abrahamic religion, they represent the false truth and will hinder your healing. You need to meet Zalmoxe with an open heart and clean soul shed yourself of the false ways.
Stop watching porn and start lifting heavy objects rewire your degenerate feeble minded gypsy infected brain .
To help you we need more details. What happened? Try to be as detailed as you can.
I wonder what the net change would be if Romania stopped existing today, or got nuked or something, would people celebrate, or would they not even notice at all?
>Mental health is inherently political
yea but only the diagnosis is
The old tales, told to me by the village elders about devils and evil spirits, evil creatures. In my case, those were the „cățeii pământului” with which i had an encounter, i barely escaped with my life/soul.
Conform legendelor însă, Căţelul pământului “este o vietate, se pare asemănătoare câinelui, dacă nu chiar un câine, care trăieşte în fundul pământului, departe de sate, deci de locurile în care se fac fântâni. Câteodată iese noaptea pe faţa lumii, şi prin lătrăturile lui, dacă nu şi prin muşcătură, caută să înspăimânte ori să vatăme pe drumeţii rătăciţi, când întunericul este mai greu. Sunt oameni care povestesc că l-au văzut, că l-au auzit; alţii spun chiar că îl aud lătrând în fundul pământului, dacă pun urechea în pământ.” *)
Această credinţă este menţionată de altfel și de Mihai Eminescu în poezia “Strigoii”:
" În numele sfântului
Taci, s-auzi cum latră
Căţelul Pământului
Sub crucea de piatră."
Cățelul pământului speria și alunga chiar și pe celelalte duhuri din locurile pe unde el hălăduia:
“ Duhurile nu se simt la locul lor
pe unde buha uhuie înfiorând.
Pe unde latră căţelul-pământului
ele se simt la fiece pas stingherite.”
(Lucian Blaga – “Duhuri și oglinzi”)
Read Carl Jung
Unironically? Get offline for a while. Several days.
Go out into the woods, dont listen to music or anyt other bs. Just you and nature.
You'll soon remember why you are what you are.
Try to be more manly then. Wear manly clothes and go over to Jow Forums and get in shape. I can't place the exact reason for your dysphoria but what i can tell you is that you will regret trying to become a woman because it's simply impossible to changes ones gender at a whim. It may be bad now but when you become a tranny it will be infinetly worse. The 40% thing isn't just a meme user it's real. Don't do it and check up on your psychologist when things get really bad. Godspeed user.
stop anime, no fap, stop porn, stop tv, get off Jow Forums for a month and stop vidya. There you have it. Now nothing will meddle with your psyche. Then again I'm a plumber and asking these questions on an imageboard full of retards and autists like myself is not the best coarse of action.
Adică? Ești homo sex? Vrei să sugi o pulă sănătoasă?
did you.... just assume his religion ?!?!?!
chop your dick off.
No such thing as gender dysphoria.
You're just a faggot and it's a mental illness. Have a bullet that'll fix your suffering permanently
I won't chop my dick off or take hormones. I never thought of that. This may have happened because of the fact that I look like a girl more than I look like a man. Even when I got an army haircut I still looked like one.
Nu ştiu.
Post tits
It's not funny, potatonigger.
there is a a machine that accelerated lead with the help of chemical reaction you should try it
Thanks Hans.
proof enough that this place will flay you down spiritually?
Leave the internet sites you were frequenting. Get rid of the dopamine addiction. Only come back when you are healthy (to properly say goodbye or god forbid as a means to do something useful).
Sounds fucked gl anyway
This, "mental illness" is a kike science and there's no truth in it. What blood test can you take to tell you you have depression? What X-ray can see your gender disphoria? What diagnostics can we run to see if you have an autism?
It's all done on the say so of some turd that's wacked off to the DSM a few too many times and is more than eager to tell you something is wrong with you to get you to take some pills and thus justify his fake job.
Maybe your just gay user.
I only frequent this shithole and some niche 40k and model making forums.
I'm not a fag. I think.