Want to join the military and maybe die for a just cause

>want to join the military and maybe die for a just cause
>don't want to die for Jewish interests, though

What the fuck do I do?

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join the police force, it's the next best thing for psychos like you

wait for the race war to start then join.


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Don’t join the military. Do full-blown /SIG/ that includes military-style training and self-armament.

>why yes I served how did you know

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Every side in ANY war have been supported by Jews.

The legitimate military hasn't been established yet. But you can train and prepare, so you'll be able to join when it has.

I won’t say it explicitly

it'd be time for a /sig/ thread again...

go fight in donbass for the separatists

Anarcho-homicidalism was invented for people in your situation.

join and be like a janitor or some non combat position or just find something to do with your life thats fulfilling without having to serve anyway idk /shrug

do you not know they are communist? Maybe you are too.

join some private mercenaries, but realistically speaking, they probably won't fight for a just cause and are more likely to fight for financial gains.

join wagner pmc

start voting
start a political party

Defect to North Korea?

> want to die for a just cause
> kill yourself, the most just cause there is

become a firefighter or something like that. deployments are only for like 1 or 2 days at most usually unless you go fight forest fighters for like 2 weeks and/or up to a month or whatever they do. Not a fire fighter.

Should include this.

I always figured not a huge fan of Cops and/or Military types (especially after I got out a few years back) as I get older, but fighting fires is not so bad I would say.

I do not recommend the military and/or being a cop to anyone to protect this system.

Join South Africa when war kicks off there. Duh.

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The punisher decal and the "no fireworks" lawn sign.

Join the free shit army.

If you want to do something for just cause, then have a family and many healthy children. And if you want adrenaline, go in to combat sports gym

Yeah but they're tankies amd tankies are basically nazbol or juche.