I want to have an honest discussion about the AR-15, AKs and mass shootings.
I’ll tell you from the viewpoint of a Marine, with extensive training on these weapons, how they elevate violence, are terrible for self-defense, and shouldn’t be on our streets.
If we’re talking about personal security, whether in your home, your store, or out on the street— nothing is more effective than a can of bear spray.
The last thing I’d reach for is a long rifle or a handgun.
So the idea of “self defense” as an excuse to own an assault weapon is ridiculous.
William Long
Firearms not for self defense or hunting, they’re for killing every human allied with the subhuman inbred elites, retard.
Hunter Stewart
Shut the fuck up you boot pog ass bitch! Get back to making coffee for the captain.
Ryder Thomas
>extensive training In other words firing ~120 rounds every other year.
Easton Ward
Furthermore, gun owners are more likely to shoot themselves or a family member than to use their guns for self-defense. So if you want to keep yourself and your family safe, the best way is to keep your home gun free.
I will tell you as a Marine rifleman they are great and perfect weapons for self defense. Check mate POG
Henry Sullivan
As someone with more weapons training than most Americans, I know how firearms can fail you in a rushed response to a threat.
Anyone who is on drugs, who might be immune to bear spray, would also take several shots from a firearm — even if they’re well-placed.
We need gun control now.
Camden Parker
>marine >ar’s are bad
Nice larp faggot shill
Dylan Ortiz
Good luck doing that when that threat is quickly bearing down on you.
The AR platform is not a defense weapon.
It is designed for an assault.
And handguns also present a number of issues when trying to confront an immediate threat. I'll expand on this point further in my next post.
James Gutierrez
the 2A was instated to protect the people from a government monopoly on violence. democracy has failed, and you absolutely should be expecting violence in the streets for that reason. people should be dying if voting doesn't work. thousands of years of history makes it clear that killing people you dislike, or threatening to, is one of the best problem solving methods humans have ever come up with.
if what you were saying is true, people would fight wars with bear spray.
Christian Parker
You called it an assault weapon.
No marine is that ignorant.
Oliver Russell
In close proximity, the AR has a number of deficiencies.
It’s long, requiring the target to be at a distance.
Within the reactionary gap, getting it into your shoulder to take aim is time wasted.
And handguns, when fired in a panic, are notoriously inaccurate.
Chase Reyes
But the cone on a can of bear spray is wide, and ensures that you’ll hit your target, without fumbling with the safety or the slide.
If you want safe and effective self defense, a can of bear spray is, by far, your best option.
There is an immediate desire to “destroy” when you put them in your hands.
Only when my training objectives were to put rounds in a specific target on a range, did I focus on my breathing and trigger control.
Dominic Young
2nd amendment is about giving citizens collateral. Since threat of violence is pretty much the foundation of behavior control, it ensures the government remains a public servant, which is exactly why it's such an attacked concept that doesn't exist in most countries.
Thomas Clark
What unit? What is the most common phrase written inside of marine corps portashitters? Ignore this post and be seen for what you really are.
Hudson Phillips
ENEMY THREAD sage it folks
Dominic Ross
Leftist shill repeating same talking points every gun grabbing fag. Do us all a favor and bear spray your asshole and get the fuck out.
Easton Gutierrez
>maybe if I use the age-old "you only buy guns cause your penis small" rhetoric, whitey will hand over his guns and let us kill him
Every other time I’ve had an AR or AK in my hands, and was getting ready to shoot in an unsupervised setting, I’ve wanted to lay waste to everything on the range.
And I’m not a violent person.
There’s a feeling of power that accompanies firearm of an “assault” nature.
They’re designed for dominance, not defense.
And when you combine that with the hatred and sense of bigoted superiority that white supremacists have, you have all the elements for another mass shooting.
Jonathan Ramirez
Jesus Christ you are such a fucking piece of shit shill lying faggot. I can draw a 32” goose gun to my shoulder and fire and hit a target moving over mph in half a second you complete piece of shit. Nobody here is buying your bullshit, go do the world a favor and hang yourself nigger
Ryder Edwards
Since when did the famas shoot bombs ? Have i been lied to ? Is my country secretely based as fuck and neo-nazis ?
Isaac Phillips
>Every other time I’ve had an AR or AK in my hands, I’ve wanted to lay waste to everything on the range. >And I’m not a violent person. is this parody?
Tyler Parker
No reasons are needed for Americans. Its like asking why eat steak, when the only answer is "stfu it is my choice".
Easton Robinson
>muh Dinkie-winkie
HAHAHAHA Americans BTFO. Get on Australias level you insane nuts,
>They’re designed for dominance, not defense. dominating your enemies is precisely how you defend yourself from them.
Kayden Ward
Man sounds like these things would be OUTSTANDING to have and use in case you were being attacked and your life literally depended on it. Sign my ass up!
Noah Jenkins
It's interesting that the more efficient and powerful a weapon is, the more the government doesn't want you to have it. Surely it's for OUR protection. It's not like you can't kill 35 people with a can of gasoline or anything. It's much better to have nothing but 7 round handguns when your friendly marine shows up to take you to your faggot worship reeducation camp in 15 years.
Henry Reed
You are not a veteran but another libtard student LARPing and unable to hold a discussion. Crawl back to your safe space before you get PTSD. Goes in all fields etc.
Ryder Cooper
>nothing is more effective than a can of bear spray you're not a marine faggot
Michael Campbell
Biden sure knows how to have a good time.
Jonathan White
where do I go to get paid to shill, anyway? you are terrible at it. I've been using this website for over a decade, I can teach you dumb boomers how to speak to these clowns if you fucking pay me
Ryan Richardson
tell me you useless Mutt that used to scrub toilets in a military base, what do these weapons matter when most of the gun deaths and mass shootings are conducted with mere pistols?
But they’re expensive, come with a lengthy and extensive background check, and are heavily regulated.
That’s why some bigoted asshole who’s finally snapped, can’t quickly buy one for a rampage.
That’s not the case with an AR.
Mason Long
Nobody gives a fuck about what you think.
Julian Ross
Pistols are inaccurate and the safeties are difficult to manipulate during a panic.
They fail even the most seasoned among us.
And if you have children in the house, having guns present a bigger threat than any possible attacker.
They’re just not a viable option for most Americans.
Leo Hill
then why do the police use them?
Daniel Robinson
You some kind of stolen valor fag?
Noah Gomez
SeeLARP failed.
Jason Butler
Christ, you are fucking stupid. Like most liberals. Bear Spray is a meme.
The average commerecial bear spray has about 300,000 Scoville Heat Units, whereass the average Pepper spray made to be used on humans has aprox. 3,000,000 SHU. Bears have a much more sensitive olfactory system, and are affected by a lower level of spray which is not effective on people. Do you even science, bro?
Sebastian Harris
braced 10.5 inch AR pistol has none of those deficiencies
Aiden Ramirez
is that a FAMAS?
Carson Martin
Touch our guns and you die. There's your honest discussion. We will kill you. And there is nothing you can do to stop it.
Aaron Lopez
>support and defend the Constitution >ban guns Then you weren't a Marine.
Julian Wilson
>im part of a well regulated militia If i was american check. I am a male between the age of 18-65 >zombie apocalypse is coming Cross out zombie then check. Something large is coming only a blind person couldnt see that >i want my pee pee to be bigger Check. Every guy does but its not a reason i want a select fire ar-15. Also shut the fuck up you pog faggot I can out shoot you any day.
Jack Moore
American police is notorious for being incompetent and for shooting innocent (mostly black) people all the time. If I were you I wouldn't use them as an example for anything.
Ayden Robinson
false, he might be able to stop you from killing him if he had a gun.
Cameron Anderson
>wanted to lay waste to everything at the range 0311 here, you’re a peacetime POG if that, more likely a LARP Literally everyone I served with overseas owns guns
Yeah, those Glock safeties are a bitch to deal with, huh?
Lucas Nguyen
>I'm against the 2nd Amendment >I'm a Marine Sure you are.
Jason Morgan
either way, if what you're saying is true, shouldn't they use bear spray since it's better for self-defense? why would they rely on inferior technology for self-defense if bear spray is as good as you say it is?
Yep. And if it was not that restricted it would be a good weapon to have. It's easy to use and short. Perfect for urban combat. The ROF in FA is a bit too high though.
Michael Cook
> pistols are inaccurate > while they are the most common firearm used in mass shootings & school shootings why do you toilet scrubber keep larping a weapon expert?
The point of this thread is that gun control works.
Will it stop all gun violence?
But it severely restricts those who want to do us harm from accessing the most deadly of weapons. I swore an oath to defend my country from all threats, foreign AND domestic. And gun control is the best way to protect our country from the white supremacist terror threat.
We need to have an honest discussion about the 2A and “gun rights.”
Kayden Evans
You're an absolute fucking idiot if you think they aren't a good self defense option.
Jayden Gray
He didn't. He's LARP'g. Just sage and hide.
Jeremiah Hernandez
you forgot the to kill niggers check box.
Joshua Cook
People who swim are more likely to drown than people who dont
Robert Roberts
No we don't and you never swore any vow. Didn't you noticed nobody bought your LARP or what you call "arguments"?
Thomas Sanders
>Guy breaks in house while I'm sleeping or browsing Jow Forums >Within 5 seconds handgun that's always nearby is in my hand
If I have a chance to get my shotgun I will.
Levi Sanchez
>Police target blacks >wonder why blacks have worse crime stats >use crime statistics as justification for racial profiling >target and arrest more blacks >becomes self-sustaining positive feedback loop
Matthew White
Kayden James
No need for assault rifles, mate. But I'm going to keep my semi-auto-rifles ;)
Jayden Davis
As a marine you should know that full auto is for suppressive fire more often than not. Nice attempt at a LARP slide-shill.
Jayden Wright
Post address so I can thank you for your service
Robert Harris
>It is designed for an assault. When Armalite designed the AR it wasn’t intended to be a military front line rifle In fact, the Air Force was the first to adopt it to defend air bases
Justin Evans
Come and take them you boot piece of shit. Or did you even manage to pass boot lmao. Probably washed out.
Hudson Russell
No, it doesn't severely restrict access from those who would do us harm. It prevents access to a whole lot more people and does nothing to stop the people who want to do you harm. You just feel shitty because you are non-white and are threatened by us. as for this comment, You are completely wrong so that makes you either stupid or a malicious liar. Which is it?
Juan Roberts
if thinking is too hard for you i have a handy guide that can help you better understand everything
>The point of this thread is that gun control works. for what? the point of the 2A is to counter the government in case it becomes oppressive to the people.
democracy has failed. we voted for a wall, decreased immigration, mass deportation, and less gun control. instead we received no wall, increased immigration, almost no deportation, and increased gun control. voting doesn't work. this kind of situations is exactly why the 2A was implemented, and you should expect people to get shot when democracy fails.
Daniel Long
>The AR platform is not a defense weapon. You have absolutly NO understanding of tactics or doctrine then.
Christopher Gomez
>this guy is still trying this hard Lol
Thomas Watson
I thought this was an "honest" discussion? blacks objectively commit significantly more violent crime than other ethnicities in america. why do you need to lie to defend your views? don't you want an honest discussion?
I hope you guys are doing your due diligence and saging.
Evan Nelson
This. What is skeet/trap shooting? Maybe a 12 gauge with a short barrel is better.
Andrew Ward
At a bare minimum we need laws to require gun manufacturers to incorporate manual safeties. Guns are the 3rd leading cause of death for children in the US. Yet manufacturers aren't required to add manual safeties that could prevent a child from pulling trigger & accidentally firing it.
Think of the many products, from cars to cribs, that used tragedies to improve safety through better design. Gun manufacturers were exempted from the 1972 Consumer Product Safety Act and lawsuits are usually futile.
Hey MARINE, tell me what AR stands for. Who invented the platform? What conflict was it first used in? What caliber is it? Any MARINE would know all this off the top of his head.
Benjamin Wright
>I swore an oath to defend my country from all threats, foreign AND domestic Guess what, crayon-eater? When the government seeks to disarm the citizens, the government becomes the enemy. >the best way to protect our country from the white supremacist terror threat >Actually believing this bullshit Shit, you're dumb enough to have been a Marine.
>>claims to have taken oath to uphold our constitution >>shits all over constitution LARP or not, go die for Israel, faggot
Isaac Cooper
>blacks objectively commit significantly more violent crime than other ethnicities in america There is no proof of that whatsoever. Blacks get arrested and convicted of crimes at a higher rate than whites, but there is no actual proof that African Americans commits more crimes than whites.
Grayson Clark
> Guns are the 3rd leading cause of death for children in the US Huh, I wonder who is responsible for keeping guns safe? I wonder if that would be the parents responsibility?
You never answered my question by the way. Are you stupid or are you lying on purpose?
Bentley Smith
Jaxon Adams
cars are significantly more dangerous to children, and people in general. why aren't you advocating for the banning of cars? is it because cars don't threaten government hegemony over it's citizens?
Joshua Sanders
This right here is the reason why every liberal must be put up against the wall and shot. The very second they have power over someone else they want to kill and destroy. Just like a liberal.
Colton Collins
fuckin fobbit ass POG bitch. probably one of them FAT latinas that don't do shit but fuck everyone in the barracks and when they get out always tell everyone "I WAS A MARINE!" at every chance they get.
Either that or you're a neverserved.
Evan Barnes
You can "ban" guns and yet I can still obtain them legally very easy by going to the nearest shady fuck in the ghetto and buy my hot weapon for $20. Hell 300 million guns are unregistered in the US. You think people are gonna turn them in? Fucking delusional.