>15-year-old raped by 3 men
>She takes a lift to get home
>Gang-raped again
Goddamit india, this shit is like I spit on your grave.
This is a serious question: what the fuck is wrong with your society?
>15-year-old raped by 3 men
>She takes a lift to get home
>Gang-raped again
Goddamit india, this shit is like I spit on your grave.
This is a serious question: what the fuck is wrong with your society?
Doesn't India have a lot of Muslims these days? Probably all Muslims, rape is their religion.
India has been rape capital of the world for ages.
indian men are sexually and socially retarded, so most of the sex they get in their lives has to be taken by force. Roosh can save them
>gets gang raped and dumped
>get a lift but gets rang raped again
>finally come home
>gang raped again by dad and brother
Such is life in pooland
What the fuck is wrong with India
Watching too much bollywood had them made them think they are heros and when rejected by pajeetas they cannot control themself.
pls sir can I have some vagene
>still safer than in the UK