


We believe in open, free, and uncensored network and communication.
No single point of failure: Site remains online so long as at least 1 peer is serving it.
No hosting costs: Sites are served by visitors.
Impossible to shut down: It's nowhere because it's everywhere.
Fast and works offline: You can access the site even if Internet is unavailable.


Real-time updated sites
Namecoin .bit domains support
Easy to setup: unpack & run
Clone websites in one click
Password-less BIP32 based authorization: Your account is protected by the same cryptography as your Bitcoin wallet
Built-in SQL server with P2P data synchronization: Allows easier site development and faster page load times
Anonymity: Full Tor network support with .onion hidden services instead of IPv4 addresses
TLS encrypted connections
Automatic uPnP port opening
Plugin for multiuser (openproxy) support
Works with any browser/OS

>How does it work?

When you visit a new zeronet site, it tries to find peers using the BitTorrent network so it can download the site files (html, css, js...) from them.
Each visited site is also served by you.
Every site contains a content.json file which holds all other files in a sha512 hash and a signature generated using the site's private key.
If the site owner (who has the private key for the site address) modifies the site, then he/she signs the new content.json and publishes it to the peers. Afterwards, the peers verify the content.json integrity (using the signature), they download the modified files and publish the new content to other peers.



What will happen in the next posts:
>glow in the dark niggers flood the thread IMMEDIATELY shilling against it
>start writing fantasy fan fiction with no source for reasons why you should not use it
>get EXTREMELY mad when called out

Attached: file.png (512x512, 76K)

Fuck off pedo im not seeding your cp.

What will happen in the next posts:
>glow in the dark niggers flood the thread IMMEDIATELY shilling against it
>start writing fantasy fan fiction with no source for reasons why you should not use it
>get EXTREMELY mad when called out

Show your flag nigger

>get EXTREMELY mad when called out

Attached: triangles0.jpg (168x242, 13K)

Attached: triangles1.jpg (130x301, 38K)

Attached: triangles2.jpg (967x310, 246K)

Attached: 00.png (354x424, 11K)

>Coded in Python
I ain't using that shit

Attached: 01.png (289x485, 25K)

Attached: 02.png (624x394, 28K)

Attached: 03.png (632x381, 27K)

8ch admin said they had nothing to do with the zeronet chan.

It reeks of a honeypot, especially since it has a child porn board.

Attached: 04.png (759x636, 44K)

hello glownigger

won’t the feds just upload their own version of the site with trackers and/or upload terabytes of data so no one could download it
instead of blindly shilling for zero net, why don’t you explain some of its weaknesses

Government agencies go after content providers. If a few thousand of people start using this service, they will condemn themselves to national laws against the distribution of illegal content.

You don't fight your enemy by hiding in a cave.

You coded a better version Ahmed?

>won’t the feds just upload their own version of the site with trackers and/or upload terabytes of data so no one could download it

This has to be one of the stupidest things ive ever read, and i think you are genuinely this stupid, not a glowie doing scaremongering with CP false flags like the others to prevent people from adopting a decentralized web.

>8ch admin said they had nothing to do with the zeronet chan.
And 08ch admin said that they weren't an official mirror, glow harder anarcho(commie)retard.

I know your type. When the first person gets canned for cp distribution over zeronet you will kvetch about muuuh gubbamint did it. Well, that doesn’t change the fact that he’s in prison getting gangbanged by niggers and he wouldn’t be had he never used this sketchy pos. It’s a fundamentally flawed system.

Yeah, it's nice and all. I just don't have the storage and bandwith to keep downloading it. I'd do it if I had fiber.

People on 08 are talking about intentionally flooding Jow Forums with "don't go there, it's all cp" to try to keep 2016 fags and qtard boomers from showing up. But it's hard to tell what's real and what isn't, since Jow Forums is obviously a honeypot and there's no real security here either. I think it's more about demographic throttling. Now memeflags are trying to get more people to go there. Which side are the feds? Impossible to tell, but probably every side.

>glow nigger calling others glow nigger
download the program I don't give a fuck enjoy your shit program and your jail time

>current year
>opening ports
They seriously need to do something about this shit. It will never grow like this.

>and your jail time
are you retarded, user?

>which side are the feds
both obviously. This is a peer 2 peer service that's getting shilled around EU time. Either way peer 2 peer means you're just opening yourself to security risks like easily implanted malware. You're literally joining a botnet that seeds out infected files and expected to monitor everything and delete (doesn't actually delete or matter if somebody wanted to get the information they would) illegal content that's inevitably going to be posted because people are niggers. Then you have these niggers shilling these threads daily telling you to go there and being absolutely braindead fuck retarded at any kind of discussion.

Show your flag and i'll trust you

This. No fucking way am I going there.

>fedposting this hard
Why don’t you go do something else


That’s assuming you will encounter stupid niggers and not glowniggers. It’s the perfect entrapment scheme.

The same copy-pasted replies in this thread with a memeflag OP, totally not a honeypot goys!
did you start posting yesterday or something? memeflag posts are always worthless bait

Attached: 1553700188806.png (600x448, 159K)

Asking for flag isn't fedposting, you guys are overly insecure which is suspicious


memeflag is shill posting you degenerate newfag at least try to blend in if you're trying to shill this isn't 8ch

I have to know more about it, OP, I am concerned about the anons talking about czech pizza, what are the measures against this? I will read a bit more about it though, and remain open.

you do realize that the users of the site upload the site right?

Looks like it did open up my ports successfully this time.

BTW, what's the difference between millchan and 0chan? I don't remember subscribing to both, but I am.


turned of my VPN just to post for you fren
>what are the measures against this?
You can mute any post, by pressing [M] which will delete any data associated with that poster and block them in the future

also, it says I lost connection because I closed zeronet before turning off my VPN

Attached: -pol- - Politically Incorrect - Mozilla Firefox_004.png (1440x900, 165K)

Yeah, haven't seen even one illegal pic, browse mainly Jow Forums and /tech/.
I immediately muted every "teen" board.

I think millchan is the engine used to run 08ch?


What's the address? I've only found millchan and 0chan.

anyone knows some of some pre-trained machine learning model that can be used to detect CP, with conjunction with fuzzy hashing perhaps? would be perfect for zeronet.

Everyone who is using zeronet right now, go to where your zeronet folder is where you start the program and search the folder for images (jpg, png etc) Every thumbnail photo that loads on zeronet pages, whether you click on them or not, gets downloaded into the zeronet folder. So, if you happen to run across some illegal shit, and even if you don't click on it and gtfo the site, you're fuckety mcfuckfucked.

what if you run it from a flash drive, easy to dispose of when needed

Any pre-trained machine learning algorithm would have embedded CP in itself. And lots of it. Is CP even a problem though? I haven't seen any yet.

Why the fuck would you even risk it? If you wanna risk a party van, then be my guest. I don't want any part of any illegal shit.

Attached: 1565162357876.png (541x864, 291K)

>Any pre-trained machine learning algorithm would have embedded CP in itself
absolutely not. model =/= images

It would be really good if ZeroNet did not store its information in such an easy to read way. It's really dangerous to anyone using it. They should have put in place some obscuring algorithm that would be easily decoded at run-time, so a simple search for *.jpg would not return anything meaningful.

Can't post the address because of the anti-spam.

Attached: file.png (414x210, 16K)

Aren't you also currently risking that your machine downloads the thumbnail of CP, uploaded by someone else in this very thread?

Found it. Thanks. I was looking in the "popular" tab, but it's only showing up in the "new" one.

>memeflag call anyone else glowie

Attached: 1565000691256.jpg (503x550, 57K)

Glowies are desperate for people to not use decentralized services, they are terrified that we don't use the servers they control anymore.

The problem isn't about storing information onto your computer, normal web browsers do that all the time. The problem is nothing being done about illegal shit that's posted there.

No one is posting that shit here, which is why this thread isn't 404'd by mods.

>The problem is nothing being done about illegal shit that's posted there.
You can mute and delete entire boards/users content with a single click, glow harder.

what if all images were encrypted using the private key used as identity for zeroeightchan?

>You can mute and delete entire boards/users content with a single click
>glow harder
We're projecting now, are we? Nah, I'm not gonna bother with your honeypot.

>The problem isn't about storing information onto your computer, normal web browsers do that all the time. The problem is nothing being done about illegal shit that's posted there.
But storing it can be used as an excuse by corrupt or inept government officials who just want to put someone behind bars. We can see that often enough when the police send someone to jail for having hentai or loli on their PCs. Just using a simple algorithm would prevent someone from doing a simple search and finding "compromising evidence".

I was thinking along those lines. I'm not sure how that would affect the performance of seedbox with HDD based hardware, though.

listen up faggots
if someone posts CP on Jow Forums and you happen to load the page before it gets jannied, that's not a crime, as long as you don't save it.
on ZeroNet, if I post CP to a board on an imageboard site that you use, and you access that site, you will be REDISTRIBUTING CP due to the nature of how the system works. you don't even have to access the CP or porn or whatever board of the site, just accessing the site AT ALL could get you prosecuted for redistributing CP in honeypot scenarios.
it's not worth it, none of the darknets are. there's no secret hidden information there, just CP and other fetish stuff, and silkroad/Bitcoin laundering/etc. type things.
feel free to investigate for yourself and prove me wrong while opening yourself up to far, FAR more trouble than it's worth

A single click will mute forever the user that posted the CP and delete all his content from your seed, glow harder.

changing the user is as easy as creating a new keypair - trivial

This: zeronet gives you the responsibility to moderate the content.
You just do what the jannies would do anyway. Are they punishable for 'viewing' CP?

>But storing it can be used as an excuse by corrupt or inept government officials who just want to put someone behind bars.
Which is why you stay the fuck away from sites that host illegal shit.

My government isn't after me, burger. It's countries like mine that can get away with this shit.

>”glow harder”
>has memeflag
Come on now


Attached: Captu21re.jpg (626x143, 11K)

something like reverse mute seems more appropriate than mute - for images

only images from posts marked as trusted would be downloaded

08ch admin never said it was an official mirror, glow harder.

Not to mention, it will make you suspectible to blackmail, extortion and basically a whole bunch of other MKUltra glownig shit.

That seems like a feature they could add.

>You just do what the jannies would do anyway.
And while you are fumbling around with bullshit settings, the fucking program has already downloaded illegal image thumbnails onto your hard drive. Again, you don't even have to click on the images on zeronet to look at them, it downloads the thumbnail. Imagine coming into this thread and your web browser downloads all the thumbnails on the page into your firefox/chrome/brave/ etc install location, that's what zeronet does. I don't want none of that shit on my computer, so I'm not fucking around with zeronet.

was ment to be

Yeah, im sure you are a important political figure in your country and the government is plotting to blackmail you!
Im also sure they don't have complete control of your phone and they couldn't at all plant any file they wanted without you ever knowing about it!

>literally just one click
>bullshit settings
Glow harder.

Yeah ok, keep thinking that as you're tracked down to your favela and your cardboard door is flashbanged

thought you might have been sincere yesterday, but posting the same thing today with the same memeflag is highly suspicious

>glowniggers calling others glowniggers
You need better tactics.

>memeflag is shill posting

I know, which is why i'm asking for his flag you mong

Literally a LE trap
Don't use that or you'll get framed for pedophilia

>glow in the dark niggers flood the thread IMMEDIATELY shilling against it
>start writing fantasy fan fiction with no source for reasons why you should not use it
>get EXTREMELY mad when called out

(also relevant for you)

You have a point. You might open a thread in which somebody posted some shit. Without reviewing the thread thoroughly you might not realize that your machine is now seeding a thumbnail of that shit. So you have no way of muting the content.

The problem however is this:
Are you committing a crime in the presented scenario? What ZeroNet can provide is truly uncensored content. That is the ONLY way to ensure free speech.
It is a shame that our governments have the power to lock people up who exercise that right and haven't committed any crime whatsoever.

What really needs to be fixed are our tyrannical governments.

Show flag

>be antifa
>upload shitloads of illegal content
>p2p network seeds and shares it all
>entire network gets taken out by FBI
great plan retard

It's a nice concept, but is it true that the background p2p downloading that everyone does from other nodes isn't even encrypted on your hard drive? Sounds like a great way for feds to plant cp on a dissenter's computer

Its probably best to just filter memeflags, since the only ones who use them are kikes, and glowniggers

And another thing.
The whole issue could potentially be fixed by providing a zeronet app that doesn't allow the upload of any kind of media file at all.

Probably not a nice solution, but it would surely protect the users.

Hey bro would you mind dropping the meme flag?

Attached: 1514955279341-1.jpg (1395x1080, 151K)

This lmao, zeronet is a fucking honeypot my dude


Attached: ss (2019-08-08 at 08.20.12).png (740x260, 15K)

didn't mean to quote

I like the idea but am still on the fence. The unwittingly seeding cp objection is a legit one as far as I can see.

This, don't even care if they're giving away free money there the whole resurgence of 8ch and having to DL the entire content of threads is asking for trouble, especially when you're seeding illegal content you didnt even intend to see. You think you'll have your day in court and explain it was an accident but with the press talking about 8ch actively and demonizing everything about it, it's not worth it anons. Seems sketchy as fuck, but I'm not going to tell you what to do I'm just going to ask you to consider the worst case scenario as being a possibility in a guilt by association way

It’s amazing how well narratives of fear work to make sure sub 70 iq burgers keep licking that boot toe to heel. Imagine actually believing there is honeypots on the Internet. They gave that shit up decades ago after realizing so much of the population is degenerate that any active online law enforcement would collapse the entire justice and prison system in a week.

only use it with full disk encryption