Democrats fear Gabbard may run as third-party candidate

>A Gabbard presidential campaign would draw in voters from all across the political spectrum. On the left, the Democratic Party is widely despised. About one third of Democratic voters support Sanders or Warren, two candidates who present themselves as being in opposition to the Democratic establishment. If Biden, Harris, or another establishment candidate won the nomination, Gabbard would be able to peel off a not insignificant number of these voters. According to a 2018 Rasmussen poll, 44% of Democrats agree that their party is “pickled in identity politics and victimology.” She could pick off many of these voters. Many who consider themselves to be on the left have already more or less abandoned the Democratic Party and are itching for a viable alternative. This faction, led by figures such as Jimmy Dore, Chris Hedges, Glenn Greenwald and Slavoj Žižek, would likely enthusiastically support Gabbard. Many IDW-tier liberals who detest the so-called “identity politics” of the Democrats but can’t stomach Trump would get behind Tulsi as well. The figurehead of this amorphous, anti-identity politics, vaguely anti-Trump liberal centrism, Joe Rogan, has already endorsed Gabbard, and that’s important whether it ought to be or not. Finally, Gabbard would draw significant support from the alt-right and the dissident right in general. Many in the alt-right are frustrated with Trump’s near-total acquiescence to Zionists on the foreign policy front and his administration’s lack of action on immigration, tech censorship and other issues. Richard Spencer, who has been actively opposing Trump for at least the past year, has expressed admiration for Gabbard. A simple CTRL-F search for “mommy” on Jow Forums reveals that she has a lot of supporters there. She’s a regular fixture on Tucker Carlson Tonight. Ann Coulter said that she’d consider voting for her.

Attached: gabbard.png (690x450, 463K)

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That would only further cement Trump's victory in 2020

Based Tulsi splitting the Dem vote and giving Trump a second term.

yasss slay kween

She's lefty trump. She already supports a lot of Trump's positions such as the trade war against China, telling other countries to pay for military protection, getting out of Afghanistan Iraq, hates identity politics etc.

She's just cute Trump

>splitting the Dem vote
Umm sweetie dems are smart enough to not be tricked by a Russian asset unlike you rural and suburban retard

>dems are smart

Attached: index.jpg (394x291, 18K)

>Russian asset
We are not talking about Yang here

Doesn't it seem like that would hurt Trump more than Democrats? I guess it comes down to how many of them are actually batshit crazy and how much of it is the Twittersphere over representing the actual sentiments of Democrats. I couldn't care less who wins this meaningless election in this doomed country, so I say go for it Mommy.

If she was pro-gun, she would have my vote in a second. Since Trump and a bunch of Republicans have turned their back on the Second Amendment, I'm kind of fucked.
I guess I could see myself voting for her and pro-gun Republicans down ticket. We should have a pro-gun Supreme Court now.