Christianity fucking doomed us, thread 2, discuss

The parasitic mind virus introduced by Christianity has been the most devastating thing to ever happen to us

Let me expend on that

Here are the concept that were introduced by the Jewish Christians into Europe
>universal equality
>sanctity of all life
>belittlement of social order and natural hierarchy
>women and men are two opposing forces and not an harmonious synchronic whole
>opposition to racialism and tribalism
>detachment from reality, seeking fake rewards and afterlife, you will see Christians dismiss everything and every problem in their lives because they only care about the "after" they were lied about
>opposition to human discoveries, science and knowledge
>man as a falling entirety instead of as a rising beast
>humanity does not have the right to create and alter reality to its will
>making a subjective moral system unquestionable
>praising unfortunate circumstances

ALL of the problems we face in our modern societies are development of the mind poison that is Christianity, prove me wrong by finding one major and damaging ideology today that doesn't have its root in one of those principles or another Christian idea I forgot to mention

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So you are against civilization

You are the mind virus. Christianity, in its basic form, only requires people to stop lying. That forces integrity which forces morality which allows for unprecedented freedom. To think otherwise is ignorant.

>jewish christians
mutually exclusive. opinion immediately discarded

The one Christians destroyed? I don't see how
They destroyed civilization in Europe, of course I love civilization

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christianity was a vehicle for the roman empire to continue it's influence after it lost the eastern provinces and africa. if you are wondering about people, then yes, the plan is to kill about 8.5 billion people when the population hits 9 billion. 500 million will be kept alive, with proportions similar to the ancient world, and technology will be regressed, with the wealthy acting as a new pantheon of gods. should start happening around the 2050s (a century of disasters and insecurity) with dynasties are already being set up across the various regions which will remain populated (north america, europe, middle east, asia).

africa will be abandoned and likely the people there will suffer the worst, since their vector is disease. the chinese should be under 1 billion by 2050 and under 500 million by 2100.

if you could live forever, wouldn't it be more fun to do is as a living god over primitive and superstitious humans? yes, of course.

Christianity got infiltrated hundreds of years ago. Logos is our salvation, Christianity is just an empty word now.

you only know about norse mythology because christians wrote about those literal barbarians that supposedly got to america first but were so primitive that theres not even a hut to be found.

>burrr I'm not talking about muh Odin

yes you are and btw odin also performed a crucifixion just like Christ...oh thats right we don't even know if this is correct because the fuckers didn't really wrote anything

all this viking fuckers got cucked by christianity anyways , there, I said it now fuck off.

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Care to elaborate ?
How do you know that they are waiting for the pop to hit 9 millions ? How would they kill us all ? What will happen this century ?

The final redpilled is that Western Civilization has to be destroyed to save white people, and even the world, from the Tribe.
That’s because the Tribe has rooted itself into The West via Christianity, and all Western thought and belief has become obsolete and subverted with it.
Hitler was the civilizational equivalent of a great reformer, but he failed like most do and now all that we can do is watch the West crumble and prepare for a post-Christian White civilization.

>christianity was a vehicle for the roman empire to continue it's influence after it lost the eastern provinces and africa.
That is unbelievably fucking retarded how are you not ashamed for saying things this blatantly wrong

Constantine forced Christianity on the population when the empire was whole, and after the west had fallen, the bishop of Rome who was a literal nobody forged a document claiming he had authority over the western parts, and made himself the pope, opposing himself directly to the only pope like figure before that who was the Byzantine emperor

This caused the Byzantine emperor to lose all its authority and power over half of christiand and caused the schism that created orthodoxy and Catholicism

Fuck you retards

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Bruh this nigga has really never read st augustin or aquinas if he really thinks that christians are against science and christians dont see men and women as opposing forces, literally the perfect naturally born human being was mary in our eyes. Even angels bow down to her and say "hail mary full of grace the lord is within thee, blessed are thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb jesus" and we call her the mother of god.

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>africa will be abandoned and likely the people there will suffer the worst
WTF I love this evil plan now.

Paganism isn’t the way forward either btw.
The fact that the only belief systems advocated here are a dead belief system and a dying belief system demonstrates how we are at the end of our rope.
The fact that our best shot at saving the West died 74 years ago demonstrates how we are at the end of our rope.
The new system will be an expansion of Christianity, like European christianity was an expansion of Greek philosophy and European paganism, but it will fundamentally replace Christianity and that is something everyone needs to come to terms with, unless you unironically believe in the biblical end-of-days, in which case get off Jow Forums and start praying.

Was this you?

what do we think of kopism

its an internet information sharing based religion

i'd say everyone on Jow Forums follows it but doesn't even know


Cringe>am I a random Christian French guy you talked to?

Yeah weird how Christian Europe lasted 2000 years and conquered the world and only started to experience problems as Christianity waned.

>not the jews

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t. Achmed is pissed that there are too many churches in France.

>christians are the bad guys goyim not Jews!

The problem with Christianity is the globalist zionist subversion of it.

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you faggots don't even say the name of your prophet properly

christianity is the ultimate larp.

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the West doomed itself by turning away from God just like the Isralites did in the Kings & Chronicles

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Bbc is the way forward

Your problem doesn't lie with true Christendom, it's with this new bullshit Judeo-Christian values that kikes have invented. Judeo Christians are the new cattle that will be used as tools to usher in Noahide laws. They've hidden the Noahide prophecy underneath the threat of Western Sharia.

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Can you dishonest fucks stop pretending any of this comes from a modern version of Christianity and not pure untouched original Christianity itself?

This guy lived in the 100's, gtfo of here with the "it's just modern Christianity bs"

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He says the north hemisphere will be blown out but user says it's this hemisphere where they will rule.

Holy shit, an image with a quote. Wow bro, you've just won the argument. You sound like a fucking female getting upset like a little bitch. Got anymore sick AZ Quotes?

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>one of the first Christian missionaries and martyrs who lived less than a century after Jesus and was taught directly by Jesus apostles is not an authority on real Christianity


Oh, shit. One guy?

So a kike who knew a kike who knew a kike wrote your fairytale?

You're a retard who doesnt understand history. Constantine didnt force christisnity on anyone, it was already the majority religion by then. Also the bishop in rome was always the "first among equals" not the bishop in constantinople.

>thing is society is full of jews man, you cant hold civilization like that... also EVERYBODY LIES!

The idea of man descending/degenerating from total microcosm is not peculiar to Xianity. This is explicit in quaternary time. Man as a rising beast is a modern idea.

Jesus went to Hell. Jesus conspired and perpetrated felonious hate crimes with a weapon. He slandered and physically hurt innocent people, damaged private property, and disrupted or ruined many businesses. He then evaded the authorities like an unrepentant coward. Jesus never even apologized for his chimp-out at Herod's temple. Justice caught up to the lunatic rabbi though and he was duly punished by the Romans for his sins.
When Jesus met his accussers, some had bleeding lacerations on their faces. Jesus was gleefully delighted when he realized that their severe disfigurement would last their entire lifetime. Others could not endure the financial loss to their businesses and their ruination would mean homelessness and starvation for them and their family. With a big Satanic grin, creepy Jesus just cackled and said "I am God."

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Interesting that Christain Europe had the world by the balls and then eventually decided that they had to self-flagellate themselves for ever having had the world by the balls and are now in the process of sacrificing themselves for what they perceive to be the betterment of the rest of the world at their own expense...

Now where would they have gotten the idea to do that?