Who would win the next World War?
is the US Military really that strong?
Who would win the next World War?
is the US Military really that strong?
Answer: nobody. We'd all die to fallout.
If i were to taking this completely seriously and honestly, i would say there is no way of telling. You cant predict a war with just logistics. Who is invading who? What countries are allied? Who is controlling the ocean passageway through X? How good are the generals? ect ect. I mean just look at vietnam.
This thread would be 10x better if you gave a bit more details to how the war started and so on
why do you hide france :) ?
Most sensible post right here.
>they dont include the Third Reich
wasnt on purpose : )
i know napoleon was the greatest
>US Military really that strong?
Depends how you define strong.
In manpower North Korea and China have an upper hand.
Equipment, experience and so on, the US.
>823 battles won
what do you mean, I kill a lot of mosquitoes every day, it's not the number that matters since they keep coming...
In far less time than all of the others. Kingdom of England, for example, goes back to the year 927. Kievan Rus dates back to the the year 882 (and stopped being a thing in 1240). East Francia was a thing from 843 - 962.
American Patriots? 1776.
God, whenever any zoomer mentions vietnamese is embarrassing. Practically 10% of its population was wiped out and it remains a insignificant shithope to this day. "They" (chinese backed forces) didnt win anything. Only people who won were LBJs buddies in the MIC.
No matter who fights, the jews win
>I mean just look at vietnam.
The American politicians lost Vietnam.. not the military forces.
Mein neger. Krautanon gets it
>n°1 is hidden
>Who would win the next World War?
Nein not if you target the jews.
certainly wouldnt be fucking germany
u fags havent even got a working helicopter cos they all got fucking destroyed by dust in Mali
not to mention your broomstick gun tanks :)
>battles won
What an utterly meaningless statistic. You can win every battle and lose a war (see: Vietnam).
The US military looks strong on paper but it's a joke. Our hardware is 20 years old, replacements are all overpriced contractor bullshit, and the actual man power of our armed forces is mostly minorities, women, and trannies. The only exceptions being the Marines and Special forces. Women are promoted over more qualified Men for political reasons, and the whole institution of the military is a bloated, beaurucratic mess. All the NCOs from who served in Iraq or Afghanistan were let go during the Obama administration so our military has no practical experience despite being at war the last 15 years.
Our military would collapse under the pressure of a real war.
Speaking of which, I said on here a few days ago that your nuclear missile silos were hunks of shit.
Guess what? They're hunks of shit. lel
Why did you forget to show the first one Jerry?
You know why ;)
If it were 1vs1, US and russia could nuke each other. I think it mostly depends on luck. But for some reasons US and russia always happen to be on the same side, unlike germans who like shitskins so much that ready to unite with them to kill white people.
Germany and UK aren't even competitors.
yeah america won pretty much every battle but never reached hanoi. ive read a lot on the topic. it just proves my point that you cant judge who will win a war by how many battles they win
Worth it, IMO.
as long as you boys leave us alone while we clean house
We have about 2.4 billion soldiers, with armies, guns, tanks and all those toys at our disposal.
You are a literal nothing to us, lol @ your silos blowing up though, the only ones you'll end up nuking are yourselves. You idiots.
I should add to this that fighter pilots in the airforce and Navy are still mostly white males as well because not even our military is dumb enough to put a 100 million dollar piece of hardware in the hands of a woman or a nog.
The modern American military can be defeated if you use older strategies that are independant of radio, GPS, or other forms of electrical communication and also tactics which rely on fast action and violence. There was an American general that basically annihilated the US forces via this method.
Found the commie.
The US would win. Stop pretending you'd have a chance, commie.
You've had decent military tech since your nations founding and half of your battles are against arabs with ancient aks.
I count that as victory.
The US army is a paper tiger. A couple of big norf lads could take the lot of 'em.
And how many battle did Europeans pile up butchering spear-wielding nigs in Africa?
We'd just build a McDonalds in the middle of the Atlantic and then fire nukes at all your ships. Too distracted with a Clappy Meal.
Honestly? Yeah. They’d just need to have some hooligan fuel and be riled up by a Norf loss.
I wasn't saying the US wouldn't win. I'm saying that there are ways to beat us because our military is very dependant on our technological advances.
Also this. The average norfener is built like a linebacker and raised on greggs.
Most European wars and battles were against each other for control of those spear wielders lands.
In terms of nigger death count, I think the Netherlands and Belgium have the highest kill count there?
But nigs do enjoy killing other nigs so I'd guess number one spot goes to nigs.
True, but most of our battles were against each other, far more worthy foes.
Then why hasn't China annexed Taiwan?
Honestly? I'd say no one all the military's are bloated messes in various ways. If that's via bureaucracy, lack of equipment, shitty equipment or inexperience and so on. But if one had to win I'd go with Russia or the US if simply due to size, population and a stronger will to fight a war at least when compared to us, the Krauts or Frogs.
>US demolishes every opposing force faced.
>Gets tired of playing hide and seek.
>Goes home.
>You: USA LOST!!!!!!11111ONEONEONE
>United Kingdom: 978 battles won
The British always do this shit, they fight these incredibly small and irrelevant battles that don’t contribute towards the overal war game and then celebrate them like national holidays. We can’t keep letting them get away with these bogus statistics
It already has in all but name lol.
But also, in a hypothetical WW3, what would winning mean? What would the win conditions be?
Idk about that mate. You didn't mind doing it during the vietnam war and it was a disaster. While they weren't in charge of the big toys they certainly did have a negative impact on the field. Same with low iq whites. The way the draft worked for vietnam made so you ended up with uneducated morons who were less orderly than say the ww2 common soldier/marine.
Why? Because he made a truthful statement? A non delusional and patriotard observation of the current state of your military?
Many. But the European at least had a great amount of battles against equally strong nations. You on the other hand... No reason to be so insecure tho. You do have a strong military but it is just a undeniable fact that most of your victories were against literal primitive people. You even got your ass kicked by some despite out gunning them considerably.
WW3 already started, goober. What do you think the invasion is?
>a battle isnt a battle if it doesnt win a war
Errrr naa.
So do the French, the Germans, the Americans.
Yet you fixate on the Brits because you're a kike that's been brainwashed by your kike friends in Hollywood and Mel Gibson (biggest kike cock sucker going) to hate on based England who actually helped kill more kikes than Hitler did (hence why JewJews hate us so much).
Call out the other nations you fuck faced nigger titted cunt.
Do it, fucking lost to rice farmers you fucking KFC dildo eating faggot nigger.
Winning would mean I get to see the communist fuckwits die with me. That's winning.
Just like you, how many major battles have the yanks won on their own not including fighting natives, rice farmers or hessian mercs or invading tiny Latin american countries?
The same people that won WWII
I was providing a hypothetical method for combating the US Military's modern war fighting strategy. Maybe you can't into strategy.
Certainly not anyone with virgin carrier ramps
Oh shut the fuck up, you wouldn't know what a communist was if it came and put in a gulag.
Imagine unironically thinking holy roman empire has only 408 battles won
Guys probably had 1000+ battles just against themselves where by definition they won
Their founding fathers were all anglos that would have looked down on Irish and German as niggers. The hate us because they know the mexicans weren't the first group to brown out America.
>is the US Military really that strong?
USA could fight all 3 of them at once in today's world
>I wasn't saying the US wouldn't win.
Next sentence.
>I'm saying that there are ways to beat us
Your double-speaking bullshit doesn't fool me. Hiding in a bunker until the bad man goes away doesn't keep him from taking the wallet you've left on the nightstand. You've done literally nothing except cower in the cupboard while the other person had their way. That's not fighting.
This new breed of America needs to learn respect, needs to serve the uncut dick instead of the circumcised dick it has been serving for 100 years.
There fat fucking faces need a crossbow bolt fired through them. There tits cutting off and feeding to elephants.
We shall kill them all together and rid America of the parasitic leeches.
The US is the only country capable of projecting its power overseas and around the globe without a nuclear option. So unless it comes to nuclear, the US wins.
You're a communist too. Vietnam was a success because lots of stupid communists died. The more communists that die, the more successful WW3 will be. If it happens, and everything dies, that's a win. I hate you.
If that's carriers, they wont win a war for you especially now a days I mean shit man how long before Carriers get BTFO like the battleship did?
America, we still have our guns
Erm sweetie, France and the UK have OST with military bases on them all.
So no, America isn't the only one.
It always comes down to dicks with you homos
Worked amazingly at Fort Hood.
Those aren't mutually exclusive statements you fucking idiot. Are you actually retarded? Can't into reasoning and can't into strategy or tactics. You would either be dead immediately or you would try to dodge enlistment.
>unironically being proud of being a neo con.
Get a load of this goy.
Amen, brother.
>t. floods Jow Forums with circumcision threads
Depends on conditions of war dude. If we tried to invade, we could lose. If others tried to invade we would certainly win...and then accept third world refugees within a year of war being over.
Still have your guns yet getting browner by the day. Hey atleast the brown hordes will be able to get guns and get rid of the last remnant of whites when the time comes...
Were too stubborn to give in until the last man falls. Our leaders don’t really care how much of us die either.
Not only would we fight to the bitter end but we have immense military power that dwarfs the other contenders combined.
The war will probably be between spec ops sabotage and agents sabotaging.
We’d have an advantage being mutts as we can infiltrate any country. The CIA has a program that takes native born immigrant descended Americans from the respective countries we want to infiltrate and trains to return to their ancestral homeland to spy.
The actual war would go like World War I except it’s sabotaging the nukes, artillery, etc, then air dominance is established and ground forces roll in en masse to fully secure the territory.
Would be slow, chaotic, but low death count overall.
In such a grind America would win, perhaps because we excel in certain espionage tactics or perhaps because we can field the most men to fly, spy, and deny land via ground occupation.
That's right, because it's a sign that you're a cursed, marked, defiled slave and you're too stupid or just in plain denial about it.
I don't know, I don't really care but you will burn, that's for sure.
Russia is a global power. India quite possibly is too. China is working on it.
Why are you defending the commies? They're the ones who destroyed everything with their stupid Frankfurt school feminist cultural Marxism social justice bullshit.
>Cowering in the cupboard is fighting.
This will never be true. No matter how hard you wish for it to be.
>I dont know about that
That's why I specified fighter pilots; bombers and transport is a different story. Also there was a higher draft for WWII than Vietnam, the difference was that WWII draftees were generally okay with it. During Vietnam they also put draftees overwhelmingly in the rear in non-combat roles because no one is stupid enough to put a draftee in a combat unit. Combat arms in Vietnam was like 90%+ volunteers and the idea that Vietnam was all draftees is a Hollywood myth.
Oh real communists get flayed alive in the next war, but you don't know what a communist is, so stop spouting the word like you think you know anything.
You don't. So be silent.
Please get your house in order.
I'd like to visit, but too many monkeys shitting up the place.
>Who would win the next World War?
China they have more than enough people
World war 3 would not be feasible whenever countries could just be firing nuclear warheads everywhere within a few commands.
But what if nuclear weaponry doesn't exist? Where would the war even breakout?
Let's just pretend that all hell break loose within the upcoming decades because big countries start to run out of resources (mainly natural gas) and all forms of treaties doesn't exist anymore.
In term of resources alone the US is currently strongest at sea and will most likely observe what is going down in Europe, they would be on the same side with the EU.
Russia is geographically crippled so they would have to ally themselves with China and possibly Iran, their first target would probably be the EU. Imagine the gas bombs and all the banned weapons being use.
While that shit show is going down. India would take the opportunity to invade Pakistan. A lot of poo will be lost but India will eventually grind through and mobilize all the way up to China.
Meanwhile China and other countries in the SEA region trying to gather whatever form of natural resources are left. If China win this resource war. Their next target would be Japan and South Korea and it would be a reverse version of Nanking Massacre due to the US not having the resources backing both fronts.
South America and Canada would most likely back up the US.
Africa would still be shitholes which would become highly contested for natural resources.
Australia and New Zealand would be the only safe zones left.
It would be a shit show on a massive scale. IF we live in world where nuclear weaponry doesn't exist.
How the hell did I even allude to that? How is cowering in a cupboard even loosely analogous to fighting a war without relying on GPS or Radio? Are you retarded?
Hans is right. Nukes ended the thought of victory over any nation that has them because of MAD. Now they all play proxy checkers with each other via espionage and 3rd world countries.
>all soldiers in the Readiness Processing Center are armed
Holy fuck don’t blurt out retarded shit that you clearly haven’t read into. He walked into the equivalent of a hospital/clinic and started shooting patients; none of them were armed, retarded example
how did burgerland get such a high score?
does shooting injuns count as victorious battle?
Maybe because they have an actual military, unlike nearly everyone else.
There won't be a world war 3. The West is far too hedonistic, we would be wiped in any kind of conflict past shooting nukes at each others so there just won't be one. America is going to fall back into isolationism and us in Western Europe are beyond fucked. Civilization is going to move East so in the coming years you're gonna wish you learned an east asian language rather than English.
Hopefully the nukes here will detonate before being launched.
And preferably somewhere next to London, too.
Fuck do I hate Moscow and London. And New York. And Paris. And Jerusalem. And Mecca.
Wait there are so many things I hate I could go on for much longer.
Probably killing the British and ourselves, we were in the Barbary wars at whatnot as well. People seem to forget that we had ships and political allegiances
>Doesn't ACTUALLY understand guerilla warfare.
I'm shocked.
Ok joachim son forget retourne a ton travail
That's pretty much it, and why the UK go so many wins as well. A great deal of their won battles were against some kind of spear throwing natives in the age of muskets and cannons.
They would still be using English for the most part. It has become an international language and a lot easier to learn than Mandarin/Tradition or simplified Chinese.