Is being vegan "red pilled?"

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Other urls found in this thread:[Jour] AND 272[volume] AND 1335[page] AND 1994[pdat]&cmd=detailssearch

No it is death pilled.

>is X redpilled?
No, but drinking bleach is. Go do it.

I was the skinny-short kid amongst my peers during my school years, and I can safely say without a shadow of a doubt that I had a more masculine muscly looking arm than that thing by age 6. What the fuck is the current youth doing to itself....

>hurrr vegans cant be muscular

study basic human nutrition retardo

Go away Styx

I suspect this is a response to the other thread about animal cruelty. Being vegan so that you can blab about it and be a part of a trend is both gay and retarded. Doing it to improve yourself morally is respectable.


unironically this

Looks like an eight chan arm.

Every vegan that has muscles got them from eating meat. EVERY. FUCKING. ONE.

Veganism is better for the earth, better for your body, and infinitely better for animals
It is not "manly" to eat meat - it's manly to have compassion and self control, and to have courage to stand up to those who do not

spend your entire life eating beans
>thinking this is better than eating one chicken breast

Every single thing you just typed is fucking wrong.

Totally false there are many many famous vegan bodybuilders

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Due to epigenetics you will evolve your children in a direction you don't want them to go. If your progeny keeps it up they will become a slave race.

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And they all ate meat the majority of their lives, and their early bodybuilding careers were rooted on meat-eating. You're a faggot if you're vegan.

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Dat tattoo

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These guys have all eaten more meat than most people ever do in a lifetime.

why argue with vegans?
why would you want a vegan to not be a vegan?

Veganism is delusional nonsense; it's the opposite of redpilled. It is one of the ultimate bluepills.

this is a statement that illustrates the absolute retard level of ignorance your average person has in terms of human nutrition

didnt say it was better, i said that scientifically based on human nutritional requirements for maintaining and building muscle mass it i possible for a human to gain muscle with just plants

False, robert cheeke was not a bodybuilder before he was vegan, nor Delgado. You literally have no idea what you're talking about and are reacting out of insecurity from your own weakness

Said the adult man who drinks the breast milk of another species

>Dat skip leg day

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>Veganism is better for the earth, better for your body, and infinitely better for animals
>using pesticides, destroying large tracts of land to grow foreign superfruits and vegetables, and completely restructuring and destroying the local biodiversity is better for the environment than natural hunting practices and pasture-raising local ruminant animals
>eating a non-bioavailable form of inadequate nutrition full of phytotoxins is good for our carnivorous stomachs and cholesterol-derived, saturated fat-built brains
You're a cuck faggot.

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Mono-culture agriculture is what is really fucking up the planet. They are vehemently pushing the most unhealthy diet on everyone they see. Why should we not fight back against degenerates?

Got any facts to reply with or just "much chicken nuggets"?

blindly eating what industry memes tell you to eat instead of figuring out what is nutritionally required... and what is sustainable by your people for your people is bluepilled as fuck

I fucking love being white.


That is true, and why I'm not vegan.

Cool story I'm white too

So many slide threads.
Is something bigger than Epstein going on?

And I guarantee you he takes massives doses of supplements if not growth enhancers. Bodybuilding is also completely unhealthy in the ways most people do it.
Pic related is one of the most famous bodybuilders who has a better physique than 100 percent of vegan bodybuilders, and he did it all on raw eggs and steak.

Wow mongolians are so based hail genghis khan

You'll find this hilarious

Most of those bodybuilders used Test injections. Humans require meat to be healthy. Animal protein is required. Bean protein is not scientifically sufficient.

mono culture agri is not veganism, this is a different issue that is detrimental to vegans and meat eaters alike

the industry pushes veganism though

U r so mad that someone else is brave enough to live without hurting animals unnecessarily

this is

Are steroids vegan permitted?

eat basedbeans and powdered insects so we can feed another 10 billion goy cattle

>implying we can all eat pasture-raised meat or hunt
Literally the only reason meat eating is even doable is because of factory farming. And guess what? That's way fucking worse for the environment than farming ever could be.

Exactly, vegans are delusional retards. Then they argue that you can live unhealthily without meat as that somehow justifies not eating meat.

Well well... you can survive... duhhhr duuhhhrrr even if you are a sickly weak moron.

Which industry? Got Milk? The Other White Meat? Steak : It's What's for Dinner?

You delude yourself to avoid recognizing your own weakness

Unironically this. Even more unironically...body building is bad for your organs, muscles and bones. Humans are made for cardio.

No arguments. Typical vegan. Animals do not have a conscious, either. Do you remember what happened to you when you were 6 months old, 1 year old? 2 years old? Probably not. Not try to picture what an animal stupider than any human baby remembers. Nothing. They remember nothing because they do not have a conscious as a human does. Pain is a reflex. Emotions are reflexes. These are physical traits, not mental ones.

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>The opposite of being vegan is eating meat.

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I blame overpopulation. I blame the niggers and Asians who don't understand birth control. 100 years ago Americans were mostly farmers and lived peacefully, without the Jew. We were healthy and obesity and heart disease weren't major problems yet.

>can't or won't consume milk
I'm not sure about that. V*gans are niggers.

Vegans are almost always mentally ill from my experience with them, and, unfortunately, I have a lot of experience with them.

Yes, being vegan is redpilled. Don't believe the lies of big ag.

>Bean protein is not scientifically sufficient.

this is a flat out lie. there are bean varieties that easily rival beef, chicken, and pork in terms of sufficient proteins

Jews want the goyim to stop eating meat, because they know that plant protein produces low testosterone weak emotional estrogen infested men who are retarded.

It produces an unhealthy population too weak and emotional to revolt.

Vegans are supporting an unhealthy Jewish scam.

This is also why I support veganism. More retards dying off is a good thing. Let the world burn!

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You cannot digest and assimilate foods than are not bioavailable to your gut, hence beans are not sufficient protein sources for carnivorous animals like ourselves.

I unironically encourage darkies to go vegan for similar reasons.

Bean protein produces estrogen and does not sufficiently bind protein molecules. Which is why it is unhealthy.

Reducing the human population would be a whole lot better. Vegan diet won't help, with the increasing number of people or feed them. Most land used in sheep rearing isn't any good for arable use.

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no, capitalists capitalize on veganism and paint you this picture of vegans being leftist so[y chugging numales. this is controlled opposition and capitalist marketing. just because some shekel grubbers are capitalizing on an apparent market doesnt mean anything in regards to the actual ideology behind it. jews arent going to ignore an entire sector of an industry just because it is something that is inherently good.

>changing your diet to less tasty foods to not offend purely instinctual lower beings on the food chain
>denying your role as apex predator
Also plants feel stress and pain

>eats meat in his youth, looks amazing
>goes vegan, ages 20 years and looks like absolute shit.
fucking californians. cringe!

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you need to research more, youre regurgitating falsehoods

Your argument is that vegans eat non native plants. Are you going on a similar tirade every time you go to the grocery store? No. Because you're not really mad about that. You're mad because you don't have the self control to not hurt animals. It doesn't matter if they can or can't remember, or if nothing besides you has emotions. Hurting them is unnecessary and easy to avoid. Period.

Dr. Natasha Campell- McBride did a study and found that ALL the people over 100 years old she tested had REALLY high cholesterol levels. Levels that thier doctors would have freaked out about and had extremely high levels of saturated fats. She also studied extremely violent prisoners and found they ALL had very low cholesterol levels.. Makes you think. (People with HIGH cholesteral get sick less and live the absolute longest)[Goto 20m29s] (People with low cholesteral have MUCH higher incidence of Cancer)[Goto 21m39s] (More than 85% of violent offenders have low cholesteral levels)[Goto 24m20s] (Observational studies show increased violent behaviors in persons with low cholesterol levels.) (Suicides higher in people with low cholesteral) (Low cholesteral and the Alzheimers epidemic)[Goto 28m14s] (Low Immunity from low LDL cholesteral also hospital infections)[Goto 28m49s] (Learning Disabilites and Mother's Milk has an enzyme that makes cholesterol uptake 100%)[Goto 31m] (Short term memory not formed in people with low cholesteral levels)[Goto 2m29s] (Low cholesteral and infections)[Goto 3m48s] (Infertility an (Healing in the body: Inflamation, repair and cholesterals crucial role)[Goto 7m] (Your body cannot digest carbs)[Goto 12m43s] (Natural Sugars always come with 53 molecules of Magnesium + Zinc and Enzymes)[Goto 14m09s]ls you)[Goto 42m47s]

>implying that if you take a plant from somewhere and it grow it somewhere else it’s suddenly toxic.

Post body you chicken tender eating faggot (Inflamation is what ultimitely kills you)[Goto 42m47s] (You can't get proper fats from vegetables and fruits)[Goto 43m40s] (Ethical Vegetarians ALL 100% use animal products)[Goto 46m2s] (Traditional Eskimos NEVER get heart attacks or cancer)[Goto 1h2m39s] (Vegetables have acids that BLOCK phytonutrients)[Goto 19m07s] (Dr. Price tries to find a vegetarian society and fails)[Goto 33m46s] (Mono-Agriculture is destroying the planet. Not Meat farmers)[Goto 45m7s] (Industrial Agriculture kills the soil)[Goto 51m42s] (Herbivorous Animals and Humus. Grain and monoculture Agriculture is what leads to high Carbon levels)[Goto 54m48s]

you've got to be a brainlet to think that sentience does not extend to "animals." humans are fucking animals you dumb cunt

Kelly Hogan's 10 year Zero Carb Diet (Benefits & Success Story)

and some others

Joe Rogan - Carnivore Diet Fixed Mikhaila Peterson's Arthritis

Carnivore: From XL to S! (Zero Carb Carnivory)

Jordan Peterson - The Carnivore Diet Changed My Life! - Joe Rogan Podcast

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Said the apex predator who eats genetically modified tubers and plant zygotes.

>argues fallaciously
I support your deranged flaunting of the superiority of veganism. go ahead and be vegan. more meat for the rest of us.

Plant Food Toxins in an Evolutionary Context — George Diggs, Ph.D. (AHS14)

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Vegans need:
B12 only found in animals in sufficient quantities. It does not come from the shit of animals like vegans say.
Here is the peer review
"Ruminants acquire vitamin B12, which is considered an essential nutrient, through a symbiotic relationship with the bacteria present in their stomachs."
"Substantial amounts of vitamin B12 are secreted into the duodenum and reabsorbed in the ileum, a process that is presumably subject to regulation based on the vitamin B12status of the animal. Absorption of vitamin B12 requires the presence of the intrinsic factor, a glycoprotein synthesized by the parietal cells of the gastric mucosa (McDowell, 2000)"

Vitamin D found in sufficient quantities in Salmon, Cod Liver, Tuna, Oysters,Shrimp, Egg Yolks and Mushrooms.
Iodine in suffcient quantaties are in kelp and Milk. Vegans who do not want to consume iodized salt or fail to eat seaweed several times per week should consider taking an iodine supplement.
Long-Chain Omega-3s which vegans say they get EPA and DHA from ALA conversion from Flax, Chia and basedbeans.
However, studies report that the conversion of ALA to EPA may be as low as 5%, whereas conversion to DHA may be near 0%
Achieving optimal essential fatty acid status in vegetarians: current knowledge and practical implications:
DHA status of vegetarians.
Blood tests will show that the majority of Vegans have low levels of Calcium, Iron and Zinc as well even though you CAN get those from certain plants but their absorption rates are much lower than animal based alternatives

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There is a delicate balance to the local fauna and surrounding ecosystems that humans have disturbed through similar practices of bringing in non-native plants. Ever hear of invasive-species? It applies to plants as well.

Someone who's like a hundred years old doesn't look young anymore? Shocker. As far as I know he isn't even vegan, only against the "meat is necessary" myth.

Hitler was only vegetarian. Nazis would have won if Hitler took the vegan pill instead.

>atheist detected
animals don't use the internet.

Dr. Barry Groves PHD / Homo Carnivorus: What We Are Designed to Eat / Carnivore Diet / Ketogenic Diet

Dr. Barry Groves PHD in Nutritional Science of Oxfordshire was a pure Carnivore from 1962 until 2013 (51 years).
In 1982 at 46 years old, Barry took up archery. He was a British Champion every year from 1987 to 2008 taking over 20 British Records in Target, Clout and Flight archery. He is also a six times World Champion with five World Records.
At 71 years old he fired an arrow 857 yeards (a half a mile)

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> Vegan body builders
> Juiced up
Pick two and only two.

He may not be entirely vegan but he definitely eats a shit ton of toxic leafy greens. Probably drinks green smoothies and shit.
>the cope

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the cattle you eat has b12 because they are given b12 supplements or they eat their own shit

b12 is produced too low in the gut to be absorbed within the body that it is produced

Abnormalities of Cholesterol Metabolism in Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism: The role of Cholesteral in Treatement.
International Review of Psychiatry,
April 2008

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>mfw vegans are spamming Jow Forums today
gas yourselves weaklings
>in all fields

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I know what an invasive species is. Ever heard of the Russian boars? That’s one from the meat industry. Name one invasive plant species that’s being farmed.

Hitler would have won if he wasn't a vegetarian incel, he needed to eat raw rabbit and horse meat like a real viking so odin would bless him with victory


One of the healthiest things ANYONE can do is eat a plate of Liver every week.
Anyone eating mostly meat NEEDS to eat organ meat as well. The argument that vegetarians give about lack of vitamins in meat is killed when you add in organ meat. I am eating liver and Onions once a week now religiously. Also did you know that the less sugar you eat the less Vitamin C your body needs ? There is a direct correlation. A Carnivore Diet will NOT give you scurvy. [Goto 7m 38s]

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Still no argument

>B12 only found in animals in sufficient quantities. It does not come from the shit of animals like vegans say.
You literally just got
you are fucking retarded.
>vegan reading comprehension

He wasn't even vegetarian. He ate meat as has been mentioned here thousands of times referencing Hitlers chef's account of Hitlers life.

Consider for instance the finding by Dr.Harlan Krumholz of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Yale University, who reported that old people with low cholesterol died twice as often from a heart attack as did old people with high cholesterol.[Jour] AND 272[volume] AND 1335[page] AND 1994[pdat]&cmd=detailssearch

Higher Cholesterol Is Associated With Longer Life

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You must be a fucking nigger animal to support eating like these chinks. Do you also support eating cats, dogs, snakes and squirrels?

>Shifting the goalposts

Meat eaters are deficient in b12 in the modern era

>implying a vegan, like a leftist, actually has an argument
>implying they're not all just emotional children
Come on, you're being too generous.