It’s okay user, I know you deny it because the future is too unbearable to think about.
Once the methane under the arctic ice is released into the atmosphere it’s game over. If it goes the way it’s going then expect it to reach an irreversible self perpetuating feedback loop.
In other words your children and grandchildren are literally fucked.
>Methane from under the Arctic >Man made Or are we blaming CO2 on this even tho that was already debunked. Face the facts. The Earth is racist and is trying to kill all the brown humans. This isn't my problem
Thomas Green
Natural selection
Oliver Martinez
You're saying that kikes will be gassed even after white genocide, by an planetary scale fart no less?
Adam Johnson
Imagine the smell
Carter Hernandez
it's going to happen and it needs to happen. The world is grossly overpopulated. climate change will solve this mess that humanity made